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HOME > ASP.NET > ASP.NET PowerPoint (PowerPoint.Application) > ASP.NET & PowerPoint - Font Style

ASP.NET & PowerPoint - Font Style

ASP.NET & PowerPoint - Font Style การกำหนดรูปแบบของ Font,Size,Color ใน Presentations

ASP.NET Config PowerPoint.Application




Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint
Public Class AspNetPowerPointFontStyle
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

        '*** Constant ***'
        Const ppLayoutBlank = 12
        Const ppLayoutChart = 8
        Const ppLayoutChartAndText = 6
        Const ppLayoutClipartAndText = 10
        Const ppLayoutClipArtAndVerticalText = 26
        Const ppLayoutFourObjects = 24
        Const ppLayoutLargeObject = 15
        Const ppLayoutMediaClipAndText = 18
        Const ppLayoutMixed = -2
        Const ppLayoutObject = 16
        Const ppLayoutObjectAndText = 14
        Const ppLayoutObjectAndTwoObjects = 30
        Const ppLayoutObjectOverText = 19
        Const ppLayoutOrgchart = 7
        Const ppLayoutTable = 4
        Const ppLayoutText = 2
        Const ppLayoutTextAndChart = 5
        Const ppLayoutTextAndClipart = 9
        Const ppLayoutTextAndMediaClip = 17
        Const ppLayoutTextAndObject = 13
        Const ppLayoutTextAndTwoObjects = 21
        Const ppLayoutTextOverObject = 20
        Const ppLayoutTitle = 1
        Const ppLayoutTitleOnly = 11
        Const ppLayoutTwoColumnText = 3
        Const ppLayoutTwoObjects = 29
        Const ppLayoutTwoObjectsAndObject = 31
        Const ppLayoutTwoObjectsAndText = 22
        Const ppLayoutTwoObjectsOverText = 23
        Const ppLayoutVerticalText = 25
        Const ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndText = 27
        Const ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndTextOverChart = 28

        '*** Font Color ***'
        Const wdColorLightGreen = &HCCFFCC
        Const wdColorBlue = &HFF0000

        Dim ppApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Application
        Dim ppPres As Presentation
        Dim ppSlide1 As Slide
        Dim ppName As String = "MyPP/MyPPt.ppt"

        ppPres = ppApp.Presentations.Add(1)

        ppSlide1 = ppPres.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutTitleOnly)
        '*** AddTextbox, objControl.Left,objControl.Top,objControl.Width,objControl.Height ***'
        ppSlide1.Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 50, 100, 700, 100) '***4
        ppSlide1.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "I Love ThaiCreate.Com 1"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        ppSlide1.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = wdColorLightGreen

        ppSlide1.Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 50, 150, 700, 100)
        ppSlide1.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "I Love ThaiCreate.Com 2"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20

        ppSlide1.Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 50, 200, 700, 100)
        ppSlide1.Shapes(3).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "I Love ThaiCreate.Com 3"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(3).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(3).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 30

        ppSlide1.Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 50, 250, 700, 100)
        ppSlide1.Shapes(4).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "I Love ThaiCreate.Com 4"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(4).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(4).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 40

        ppSlide1.Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 50, 300, 700, 100)
        ppSlide1.Shapes(5).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "I Love ThaiCreate.Com 5"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(5).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
        ppSlide1.Shapes(5).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 50
        ppSlide1.Shapes(5).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = wdColorBlue

        ppApp = Nothing

        Me.lblText.Text = "PowerPoint Created <a href=" & ppName & ">Click here</a> to Download."

        '*** Font Color ***'
        'Const wdColorAqua = &HCCCC33
        'Const wdColorAutomatic = &HFF000000
        'Const wdColorBlack = &H0
        'Const wdColorBlue = &HFF0000
        'Const wdColorBlueGray = &H996666
        'Const wdColorBrightGreen = &HFF00
        'Const wdColorBrown = &H3399
        'Const wdColorDarkBlue = &H800000
        'Const wdColorDarkGreen = &H3300
        'Const wdColorDarkRed = &H80
        'Const wdColorDarkTeal = &H663300
        'Const wdColorDarkYellow = &H8080
        'Const wdColorGold = &HCCFF
        'Const wdColorGray05 = &HF3F3F3
        'Const wdColorGray10 = &HE6E6E6
        'Const wdColorGray125 = &HE0E0E0
        'Const wdColorGray15 = &HD9D9D9
        'Const wdColorGray20 = &HCCCCCC
        'Const wdColorGray25 = &HC0C0C0
        'Const wdColorGray30 = &HB3B3B3
        'Const wdColorGray35 = &HA6A6A6
        'Const wdColorGray375 = &HA0A0A0
        'Const wdColorGray40 = &H999999
        'Const wdColorGray45 = &H8C8C8C
        'Const wdColorGray50 = &H808080
        'Const wdColorGray55 = &H737373
        'Const wdColorGray60 = &H666666
        'Const wdColorGray625 = &H606060
        'Const wdColorGray65 = &H595959
        'Const wdColorGray70 = &H4C4C4C
        'Const wdColorGray75 = &H404040
        'Const wdColorGray80 = &H333333
        'Const wdColorGray85 = &H262626
        'Const wdColorGray875 = &H202020
        'Const wdColorGray90 = &H191919
        'Const wdColorGray95 = &HC0C0C
        'Const wdColorGreen = &H8000
        'Const wdColorIndigo = &H993333
        'Const wdColorLavender = &HFF99CC
        'Const wdColorLightBlue = &HFF6633
        'Const wdColorLightGreen = &HCCFFCC
        'Const wdColorLightOrange = &H99FF
        'Const wdColorLightTurquoise = &HFFFFCC
        'Const wdColorLightYellow = &H99FFFF
        'Const wdColorLime = &HCC99
        'Const wdColorOliveGreen = &H3333
        'Const wdColorOrange = &H66FF
        'Const wdColorPaleBlue = &HFFCC99
        'Const wdColorPink = &HFF00FF
        'Const wdColorPlum = &H663399
        'Const wdColorRed = &HFF
        'Const wdColorRose = &HCC99FF
        'Const wdColorSeaGreen = &H669933
        'Const wdColorSkyBlue = &HFFCC00
        'Const wdColorTan = &H99CCFF
        'Const wdColorTeal = &H808000
        'Const wdColorTurquoise = &HFFFF00
        'Const wdColorViolet = &H800080
        'Const wdColorWhite = &HFFFFFF
        'Const wdColorYellow = &HFFFF

    End Sub
End Class


ASP.NET & PowerPoint

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  By : ThaiCreate.Com Team (บทความเป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของเว็บไทยครีเอทห้ามนำเผยแพร่ ณ เว็บไซต์อื่น ๆ)
  Score Rating :  
  Create/Update Date : 2008-10-26 21:08:16 / 2017-03-29 11:51:50
  Download : Download  ASP.NET & PowerPoint - Font Style
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