ASP.NET Upload file & BLOB Image Binary |
ASP.NET Upload file & BLOB Binary บทความ ASP.NET Framework การใช้ ASP.NET ทำการ Upload ไฟล์รูปภาพ ลงในฐานข้อมูล Column หรือ Fields ของ Database โดยเก็บข้อมูลไฟล์ ในรูปแบบของ Binary Data ผ่าน Data Type Image ,Binary หรือ BLOB
Language Code : VB.NET || C#
Framework : 2,3,4
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
Protected Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click
Me.pnlForm.Visible = False
If Me.fUpload.HasFile = False Or Me.txtName.Text = "" Then
Me.lblStatus.Text = "Please input Name and Chooes File."
'*** Read Binary Data ***'
Dim imbByte(fUpload.PostedFile.InputStream.Length) As Byte
fUpload.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(imbByte, 0, imbByte.Length)
'*** MimeType ***'
Dim ExtType As String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fUpload.PostedFile.FileName).ToLower()
Dim strMIME As String = Nothing
Select Case ExtType
Case ".gif"
strMIME = "image/gif"
Case ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".jpe"
strMIME = "image/jpeg"
Case ".png"
strMIME = "image/png"
Case Else
Me.lblStatus.Text = "Invalid file type."
Exit Sub
End Select
'*** Insert to Database ***'
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection
Dim strConnString, strSQL As String
strConnString = "Server=localhost;UID=sa;PASSWORD=;database=mydatabase;Max Pool Size=400;Connect Timeout=600;"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO files (Name,FilesName,FilesType) " & _
" VALUES " & _
" (@sName,@sFilesName,@sFilesType)"
objConn.ConnectionString = strConnString
Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, objConn)
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sName", Me.txtName.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sFilesName", imbByte)
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sFilesType", strMIME)
objConn = Nothing
Me.lblStatus.Text = "File Upload Successfully. Click <a href='ListPicture.aspx'>here</a> to view."
End If
End Sub
End Class
Go to : ASP.NET Upload file BLOB and Binary Data การอัพโหลดไฟล์ไบนารี่ด้วย ASP.NET
บทความอื่น ๆ เกี่ยวกับการ Upload โดยใช้ BLOB Binary
Go to : ASP.NET Access BLOB Binary Data and Parameterized Query
Go to : ASP.NET MySQL BLOB Binary Data and Parameterized Query
Go to : ASP.NET SQL Server BLOB Binary Data and Parameterized Query
Go to : ASP.NET Oracle BLOB Binary Data and Parameterized Query
