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ASP Request.ClientCertificate() - Request Object

Request.ClientCertificate() เป็น Collections เป็นการรับข้อมูลจาก Client โดยจะทำการอ่านค่า Field ที่มีการ Certificate จาก Browser เพื่อยืนยันความถูกต้องของข้อมูล ซึ่งเป็นความสามารถที่นอกเหนือจากการเข้ารหัสด้วยข้อกำหนดของ SSL




Value Meaning


A string containing the binary stream of the entire certificate content in ASN.1 format. This is useful to discover if special SubFields are present that are not listed below.


A set of flags that provides additional client certificate information. If Flags is set to 1, a client certificate is present. If Flags is set to 2, the last certificate in this chain is from an unknown issuer.


A string that contains a list of subfield values containing information about the issuer of the certificate. If this value is specified without a SubField , the ClientCertificate collection returns a comma-separated list of subfields. For example, C=US, O=Verisign, and so on.


A string that contains the certification serial number as an ASCII representation of hexadecimal bytes separated by hyphens (-). For example, 04-67-F3-02.


A string that contains a list of subfield values. The subfield values contain information about the subject of the certificate. If this value is specified without a SubField , the ClientCertificate collection returns a comma-separated list of subfields. For example, C=US, O=Msft, and so on.


A date specifying when the certificate becomes valid. This date follows VBScript format and varies with international settings. For example, in the United States, 9/26/96 11:59:59 P.M.. The year value is displayed as a four-digit number.


A date specifying when the certificate expires. The year value is displayed as a four-digit number.


Value Meaning


Specifies the name of the country/region of origin.


Specifies the common name of the user. (This subfield is only used with the Subject key.)


Specifies a given name.


Specifies a set of initials.


Specifies a locality.


Specifies the company or organization name.


Specifies the name of the organizational unit.


Specifies a state or province.


Specifies the title of the person or organization.


<% Option Explicit %>
<title>ThaiCreate.Com ASP Request Object</title>
 Dim strKey
 For Each strKey in Request.ClientCertificate
    Response.Write strkey & " = " & Request.ClientCertificate(strkey) & "<BR>" 

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  Create/Update Date : 2008-09-28 17:42:16 / 2009-05-10 20:11:49
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