จะทำการ Replace Code แบบนี้ด้วย ASP ได้ไหมครับ |
Code (ASP)
' Common Regular Expression Function
Function ReplaceRegExp(strString, strPattern, strReplace)
Dim RE: Set RE = New RegExp
With RE
.Pattern = strPattern
.Global = True
ReplaceRegExp = .Replace(strString, strReplace)
End With
End Function
' Turn BBcode into HTML
Function BBCodeToHTML(strString)
strString = ReplaceRegExp(strString, "(http|ftp|https)(:\/\/[\w\-_]+)((\.[\w\-_]+)+)([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?", "<a href=""$1$2$3$5"" target=""_blank"">$1$2$3$5</a>")
strString = ReplaceRegExp(strString, "\[color=([^\]]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/color\]", "<span style=""color: $1;"">$2</span>")
strString = ReplaceRegExp(strString, "\[size=([^\]]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/size\]", "<font size=""$1"">$2</font>")
strString = ReplaceRegExp(strString, "\[font=([^\]]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/font\]", "<span style=""font-family: $1, Sans-Serif, Serif;"">$2</span>")
strString = ReplaceRegExp(strString, "\[quote=([^\]]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/quote\]", "<div class=""quote""><span style=""font-weight: bold; font-size: 8pt;"">$1 said:</span><pre class=""quote1"">$2</pre></div>")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "<span style=""font-weight: bold;"">")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "<span style=""font-weight: bold;"">")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "<span style=""text-decoration: underline;"">")
strString = Replace(strString, "[U]", "<span style=""text-decoration: underline;"">")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "<span style="" font-style: italic;"">")
strString = Replace(strString, "[I]", "<span style="" font-style: italic;"">")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "</span>")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "</span>")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "</span>")
strString = Replace(strString, "[/U]", "</span>")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "</span>")
strString = Replace(strString, "[/I]", "</span>")
strString = Replace(strString, "[/i]", "<ul><li>")
strString = Replace(strString, " ", "<ul><li>")
strString = Replace(strString, "[Li]", "<ul><li>")
strString = Replace(strString, "[lI]", "<ul><li>")
strString = Replace(strString, "", "</li></ul>")
strString = Replace(strString, "[/LI]", "</li></ul>")
strString = Replace(strString, "[/Li]", "</li></ul>")
strString = Replace(strString, "[/lI]", "</li></ul>")
BBCodeToHTML = strString
End Function
Date :
2011-07-30 17:25:00 |
By :
jjetr |
Load balance : Server 05