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ไฟล์ counter.asp
'Dimension variables
Dim fsoObject 'File System Object
Dim tsObject 'Text Stream Object
Dim filObject 'File Object
Dim lngVisitorNumber 'Holds the visitor number
Dim intWriteDigitLoopCount 'Loop counter to display the graphical hit count
'Create a File System Object variable
Set fsoObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Initialise a File Object with the path and name of text file to open
Set filObject = fsoObject.GetFile(Server.MapPath("hit_count.txt"))
'Open the visitor counter text file
Set tsObject = filObject.OpenAsTextStream
'Read in the visitor number from the visitor counter file
lngVisitorNumber = CLng(tsObject.ReadAll)
'If the session variable is null or does not exsist then increment the counter number
If isEmpty(Session("blnCounterSet")) = True Then
'Increment the visitor counter number by 1
lngVisitorNumber = lngVisitorNumber + 1
'Set the session variable to true
Session("blnCounterSet") = True
End if
'Create a new visitor counter text file over writing the previous one
Set tsObject = fsoObject.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath("hit_count.txt")) '*****บรรทัดที่ 32 ******
'Write the new visitor number to the text file
tsObject.Write CStr(lngVisitorNumber)
'Reset server objects
Set fsoObject = Nothing
Set tsObject = Nothing
Set filObject = Nothing
'HTML output to display the visitor number
Response.Write("<font size=2><img src='images/number.jpg'></font><BR>")
'Display the hit count as text
'Loop to display graphical digits
For intWriteDigitLoopCount = 1 to Len(lngVisitorNumber)
'Display the graphical hit count
Response.Write("<img src=""images/counter_images/")
Response.Write(Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & ".gif""")
Response.Write("alt=""" & Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & """>")