function pop(url,w,h,scroll){
if(scroll==1) bars='yes';
else bars='no';
popwindow= open(url, "popwin","width=" + w + "px,height==" + h + "px,top=0,left=0;fullscreen=no,scrollbars==" + bars + ",location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes");
include "config.php";
<title>Email to <?=$my_email;?></title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin-left: 0px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
.style8 {font-family: Tahoma, "Microsoft Sans Serif", Arial; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; }
.style12 {
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: bold;
.style13 {
font-family: Tahoma, "Microsoft Sans Serif", Arial;
font-size: 13px;
body,td,th {
font-family: Tahoma, Microsoft Sans Serif, Arial;
font-size: 13px;
<div align=center>
<p class=title><strong>Send Mail for Application</strong></p>
<form action="mail_module.php" method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
<p><table border=0 width=80% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=8 bgcolor=gray>
<tr><td width=316 height="35" valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><div align="right"><span class="style8">YOUR EMAIL</span></div></td>
<td width=634 valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><input class=fi type=text size=40 name=email_from value=<? if($mail_mode==0) echo " ";?>>
<br><i>Please type your real email address</i></td>
<tr><td height="35" valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><div align="right"><span class="style8">TO EMAIL</span></div></td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><input class=fi type=text size=40 name=email_to_anonymous value=<? if($mail_mode==1) echo "$my_email";?>></td>
<tr><td height="35" valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><div align="right" class="style8">SUBJECT</div></td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><input class=fi type=text size=40 name=email_subject value="<? if($mail_mode==1) echo "Send File Picture and Transcript";?>"></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0"></td><td bgcolor="#F0F0F0"></tr></table>
<table border=0 width=80% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=8 bgcolor="#AED0F2">
<tr><td bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<p><span class="style12">MESSAGE</span><br>
<script>putButton("Bold", " B ", "<b>", "", "</b>");</script>
<script>putButton("Italic", " I ", "<i>", "", "</i>");</script>
<script>putButton("Underline", " U ", "<u>", "", "</u>");</script>
<script>putButton("Font color to RED", " Red ", "<font color=red>", "", "</font>");</script>
<script>putButton("Font color to GREEN", " Green ", "<font color=green>", "", "</font>");</script>
<script>putButton("Font color to BLUE", " Blue ", "<font color=blue>", "", "</font>");</script>
<script>putButton("Heading 2", " H2 ", "<h2>", "", "</h2>");</script>
<script>putButton("Heading 4", " H4 ", "<h4>", "", "</h4>");</script>
<br><div class="style13" id=tooltip>Layer for tooltips</div><br>
<textarea class=fi name=real_email_message cols=86 rows=14 onclick=createCaret(this); onselect=createCaret(this);>
<? if($mail_mode==1) echo "<Text English only>
Name :
Tel :
<p><b>ATTACHMENT FILE</b> <input class=fi type=\"file\" size=40 name=\"upfile\"><br>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"$max_size\">
<br><u>NOTE</u> We DO NOT accept these files' type: ");
print(". And the attachment file size must lower than <b>$max_size</b> KB");
<p><input class=fb type="submit" value=">> Send email"> <input class=fb type=reset>
<font size=1 color=gray>[MODE :
if($mail_mode==0) echo "Anonymous HTML form mail with attachment file";
else if($mail_mode==1) echo "HTML form mail with attachment file";
<? include 'footer.php'; ?>
2.ไฟล์ mail_module.php (อันนี้น่าจะมีปัญหาค่ะ)
include "config.php";
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-874">
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
font-family: Tahoma, Microsoft Sans Serif, Arial;
font-size: 13px;
a {
font-family: Tahoma, Microsoft Sans Serif, Arial;
font-size: 13px;
</style><p align=center class=title><strong>Send Mail for Application</strong></p>
function checkfileatt($fname,$fsize){
global $max_size;
global $banned_ext;
$err="No file attached";
//Checking file type in or out of banned file extensions list
if($ftype==$blist[$i]) $err="ERROR: Your file extension (<b>*.$ftype</b>) is not be accepted.";
//Check file size
if(round($fsize/1024)>$max_size) $err="ERROR: Your file size (<b>" .round($fsize/1024) ."</b> KB) is too large. We only accept <b>$max_size</b> KB.";
//Return the value
return $err;
function formathtml($text){
return $text;
if($kt==1) print("<p>ERROR: Email address (From email or To email) is not correct</p>");
else if($kt==2) print("<p>ERROR: Your email Subject is blank</p>");
//END mode 3 and 0//----------------------------------------------
//Print the email result
print("<title>Sending successful to $email_to</title><div align=center><p><b>Email sending successful<b></p>");
else print("<title>Sending failed to $email_to</title><div align=center><p><b>ERROR in mail server</b> Your email could not been sent</p>");
<p><table border=0 width=80% cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#AED0F2><tr><td bgcolor=#F0F0F0>
<p><u><b>Sent to email</b></u><br>
<p><u><b>From email</b></u><br>
<p><u><b>Email subject</b></u><br>
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=1 style=\"border: 1 dotted #AED0F2;\"><tr><td>");
<p align=center><a href=$my_url title=\"Come back to my site\">Thank you, back to my site</a> or <a href=application.php title=\"Application For Employment site\">Send me another email</a></p>
<p><b>Attachment status</b>
<p><table border=0 width=80% cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#AED0F2><tr><td bgcolor=#CAE4FF>");
if($mail_mode==0 || $mail_mode==1) {
if($chked==0) print("<p><b>$upfile_name</b><br>Filesize : " .round($upfile_size/1024) ." KB | Filetype : $upfile_type");
else print("<p>" .checkfileatt($upfile_name,$upfile_size) ."</p>");
3.ไฟล์ config.php (อันนี้ไว้ติดต่อ)
$mail_mode = 1;
//------------------Max file size: Maximum size of attchment file, in (KB)
$max_size = 50;
//------------------My email: Your own email address