Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xd38 Thread 0x8b0 DBC 0x1099894 Jet'.
/web_project/show_ct_user.asp, line 31
โค้ดมัน erorr ตรงนี้ครับช่วยดูให้หน่อย
Set Obj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&server.MapPath("datacom.mdb")
set rsQuery=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
SQLQuery="SELECT * FROM Qry_ct_user Where computersn like '%" &computersn& "%' and recipient like '%" &recipient& "%'and computermodel like '%" &computermodel& "%' andwarantyno like '%"& warantyno& "%' and startwaranty like '%" &startwaranty& "%' and endwaranty like '%" &endwaranry& "%' and price like '%" &price& "%'and department like '%" &department& "%'"
'SQLQuery="SELECT * FROM Qry_ct_user "
Set rsQuery=obj.Execute(SQLQuery)