<SCRIPT Language ="VBScript">
Sub KeyCheck1
Wdatatype = window.form1.Sdatatype.Value
Wplandate = window.form1.Splandate.Value
window.form1.Serror2.Value = "0"
Wcheck1 = "0"
If Window.Event.KeyCode = 13 Then
if Wdatatype = "" then
document.getElementById("Serror1").innerHTML="Please input data type"
window.form1.Serror2.Value = "1"
Wcheck1 = "1"
end if
if (Wdatatype <> "001" and Wdatatype <> "002" and Wdatatype <> "003") and Wcheck1 = "0" then
document.getElementById("Serror1").innerHTML="Data type not correct"
window.form1.Serror2.Value = "1"
Wcheck1 = "1"
end if
if Wplandate = "" and Wcheck1 = "0" then
document.getElementById("Serror1").innerHTML="Please input plan date"
window.form1.Serror2.Value = "1"
Wcheck1 = "1"
end if
if Wdatatype = "001" then
window.form1.Sheading1.value = "Base-Plan-Seq"
window.form1.Sheading2.value = "Product Code"
call WSHSC010()
call CheckStatus()
end if
if Wdatatype = "002" then
window.form1.Sheading1.value = "Machine-Plan"
window.form1.Sheading2.value = "Final item no"
call WSHSC011()
call CheckStatus()
end if
if Wdatatype = "003" then
window.form1.Sheading1.value = "Delivery due"
window.form1.Sheading2.value = "Item no"
call WSHSC012()
call CheckStatus()
end if
msgbox window.parent.document.getElementById("retDeletePageValue1").value
end if
End If
End Sub
<script language="vbscript">
function call1(Sdatatype)
msgbox Splandate
if Sdatatype = "001" then
call WSHSC010()
call CheckStatus()
end if
if Sdatatype = "002" then
call WSHSC011()
call CheckStatus()
end if
if Sdatatype = "003" then
call WSHSC012()
call CheckStatus()
end if
end function
<script language="vbscript">
sub WSHSC010()
msgbox "WSHSC010"
set ooldFrame = document.getElementById("fraDelete")
if Not (ooldFrame Is nothing) then
End If
sFrame="<iframe id='fraDelete' frameborder='0' width='400px' height='300px' style='Display:None' src='WSHSC010.asp?"
sFrame=sFrame & "Fuser=" & window.form1.Suser.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Frunning=" & window.form1.Srunning.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Fplandate=" & window.form1.Splandate1.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Fdatatype=" & window.form1.Sdatatype.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "'></iframe>"
Set oFrame = document.createElement(sFrame)
end sub
sub WSHSC011()
msgbox "WSHSC011"
msgbox window.form1.sdatatype.value
msgbox window.form1.splandate1.value
set ooldFrame = document.getElementById("fraDelete")
if Not (ooldFrame Is nothing) then
End If
sFrame="<iframe id='fraDelete' frameborder='0' width='400px' height='300px' style='Display:None' src='WSHSC010_MEAW.asp?"
sFrame=sFrame & "Fuser=" & window.form1.Suser.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Frunning=" & window.form1.Srunning.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Fplandate=" & window.form1.Splandate1.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Fdatatype=" & window.form1.Sdatatype.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "'></iframe>"
Set oFrame = document.createElement(sFrame)
end sub
sub WSHSC012()
msgbox "WSHSC012"
set ooldFrame = document.getElementById("fraDelete")
if Not (ooldFrame Is nothing) then
End If
sFrame="<iframe id='fraDelete' frameborder='0' width='400px' height='300px' style='Display:None' src='WSHSC012.asp?"
sFrame=sFrame & "Fuser=" & window.form1.Suser.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Frunning=" & window.form1.Srunning.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Fplandate=" & window.form1.Splandate1.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Fdatatype=" & window.form1.Sdatatype.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "'></iframe>"
Set oFrame = document.createElement(sFrame)
end sub
sub CheckStatus()
msgbox "bbb"
set ooldFrame = document.getElementById("fraStatus")
if Not (ooldFrame Is nothing) then
End If
sFrame="<iframe id='fraStatus' frameborder='0' width='400px' height='300px' style='Display:None' src='CheckStatusPage.asp?"
'sFrame=sFrame & "uid=" & window.form1.txtUserID.Value
' sFrame=sFrame & "&cname=" & window.form1.txtCompanyName.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "Fuser=" & window.form1.Suser.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "&Frunning=" & window.form1.Srunning.Value
sFrame=sFrame & "'></iframe>"
Set oFrame = document.createElement(sFrame)
end sub
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