Code (ASP)
<%Option Explicit%>
<title>ThaiCreate.Com ASP & Upload and Import CSV To Access</title>
Dim objFSO,oInStream,sRows,arrRows
Dim Conn,strSQL,objExec
Dim sFileName
Dim mySmartUpload
'*** Upload By aspSmartUpload ***'
'*** Create Object ***'
Set mySmartUpload = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload")
'*** Upload Files ***'
'** Getfile Name ***'
sFileName = mySmartUpload.Files("file1").FileName
If sFileName <> "" Then
'*** Upload **'
'*** Create Object ***'
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'*** Check Exist Files ***'
If Not objFSO.FileExists(Server.MapPath(sFileName)) Then
Response.write("File not found.")
'*** Open Files ***'
Set oInStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(sFileName),1,False)
'*** open Connect to Access Database ***'
Set Conn = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("mydatabase.mdb"),"" , ""
Do Until oInStream.AtEndOfStream
sRows = oInStream.readLine
arrRows = Split(sRows,",")
'*** Insert to table customer2 ***'
strSQL = ""
strSQL = strSQL &"INSERT INTO customer2 "
strSQL = strSQL &"(CustomerID,Name,Email,CountryCode,Budget,Used) "
strSQL = strSQL &"VALUES "
strSQL = strSQL &"('"&arrRows(0)&"','"&arrRows(1)&"','"&arrRows(2)&"' "
strSQL = strSQL &",'"&arrRows(3)&"','"&arrRows(4)&"','"&arrRows(5)&"') "
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
Set objExec = Nothing
Set oInStream = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
End If
Response.write ("CSV Import to Access Done.")
End IF
Date :
2010-10-29 15:39:25 |
By :
webmaster |