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HOME > Community Zone > Forum > (PHP) line 230 ขึ้น syntax error, unexpected ครับ ลองหาเปลี่ยนเวอร์ชั่น appserv / phpmyadminแล้ว


(PHP) line 230 ขึ้น syntax error, unexpected ครับ ลองหาเปลี่ยนเวอร์ชั่น appserv / phpmyadminแล้ว


Topic : 133710

โพสกระทู้ ( 1 )
บทความ ( 0 )


class mysql_config {

var $dbconfig = array(
'hostname' => NULL,
'username' => NULL,
'password' => NULL,
'database' => NULL,
'collation_connection' => NULL,
'character_set' => NULL );

function mysql_config(){
$GLOBALS['global_mysql_querydb_timer'] = 0;
$GLOBALS['global_mysql_querydb_counter'] = 0;

function get_querydb_timer(){
global $static_query_timer;
return $static_query_timer;
return $GLOBALS['global_mysql_querydb_timer'];

function get_querydb_counter(){
global $static_querydb_count;
if(isset($static_querydb_count)) return $static_querydb_count;
else return $GLOBALS['global_mysql_querydb_counter'];

function set_querydb_timer($value){
global $static_query_timer;

if (isset($static_query_timer)) $static_query_timer = $value;
else $GLOBALS['go=global_mysql_querydb_timer'] = $value;

function set_querydb_counter($value){
global $static_query_count;

if (isset($static_query_count)) $static_query_count = $value;
else $GLOBALS['go=global_mysql_querydb_counter'] = $value;

function set_hostname($value){
$this->dbconfig['hostname'] = $value;

function set_username($value){
$this->dbconfig['username'] = $value;

function set_password($value){
$this->dbconfig['password'] = $value;

function set_database($value){
$this->dbconfig['database'] = $value;

function set_collation_connection($value){
$this->dbconfig['collation_connection'] = $value;

function set_character_set($value){
$this->dbconfig['character_set'] = $value;


function get_configdb(){

return $this->dbconfig;

class mysql_operator extends mysql_config {
var $link = NULL;
var $result = NULL;
var $mysql_version = NULL;
var $string_error = array();
function set_configdb(&$array_dbconfig){

function set_error_msg($string){
array_push($this->string_error, $string);

function get_error_smg(){
while (count($this->string_error) -1)
$string_output = '<b>MySQL Error : </b>'.
array_pop($this->string_error).'<br />';
return $string_output;
function mysql_operator(&$dbconfig) {
function set_mysql_version($value){
$this->mysql_version = $value;
function get_mysql_version(){
return $this->mysql_version;
function opendb($newlink = FALSE) {
$this->link = mysql_connect($this->dbconfig['hostname'],$this->dbconfig['username'],$this->dbconfig['password'],$newlink);
if (!$this->link)

$this->querydb("SET CHARACTER SET".$this->dbconfig['character_set'].";");

if (empty($this->dbconfig['collation_connection'])){
$this->querydb("SET collation_connection".$this->dbconfig['collation_connection'].";");
function closedb(){
if (!mysql_close($this->link))
function querydb($string_query) {
$start_time = array_sum(explode(chr(32), microtime()));
$this->result = mysql_query ($string_query);
$end_time = array_sum(explode(chr(32), microtime()));

if (!$this->result)
function list_fields($table){
$fields = mysql_list_fields($this->dbconfig['database'], $table, $this->link);
$colums = mysql_num_fields($fields);
for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++)
$array_fields_in_table[$i] = mysql_field_name($fields, $i);

return $array_fields_in_table;
function querydb_counter_increment(){

function querydb_counter_decrement(){

function querydb_transac_begin(){
if($this->get_mysql_version( ) >3)
$this->set_querydb("START TRANSACTION;");
function querydb_transac_rollback(){
if($this->get_mysql_version( ) >3)

function querydb_transac_set_autocommit_zero(){
if($this->get_mysql_version( ) >3)
$this->set_querydb("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;");
function querydb_transac_check_for_rollback_or_commit(){
else $this->querydb_transac_commit();
function num_rows_in_table($table, $condition = NULL){
$num_rows = new mysql_operator($this->get_configdb());
$num_rows->querydb("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table $condition;");
return mysql_result($num_rows->get_resultdb(), 0);
function has_data_in_table($table, $field, $value) {
$value = trim($value);

if(empty($field) or empty($value)) $sql_condtion = NULL;
else $sql_condtion = "WHERE ".$field."='".$value."'";

if($this->num_rows_in_table($table, $sql_condtion) > 0)return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
function reset_querydb() {
function set_resultdb($resource) {
$this->result = $resource;
function get_resultdb() {
return $this->result;
function get_resultdb_fetch_data() {
return mysql_fetch_array($this->get_resultdb());///
function get_resultdb_num_rows() {
return mysql_num_rows($this->get_resultdb()); ////
function get_resultdb_num_fieds() {
return mysql_num_fieds($this->get_resultdb());
function get_last_insert_id() {
return mysql_insert_id();
function get_resultdb_atrow($row = 0){
return mysql_result($this->get_resultdb(), $row);
$obj_dbconfig = new mysql_config();

$obj_db = new mysql_operator($obj_dbconfig->get_configdb());
$obj_db->querydb("SELECT * FROM member");
echo $obj_db->get_resultdb_num_rows();
// while ($row = $obj_db->get_resultdb_fetch_data()) {
//echo $row[0]. "<br />";


Tag : MySQL, JAVA, Appserv, Windows

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Date : 2019-06-07 13:48:33 By : 740234103037388 View : 835 Reply : 1


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โพสกระทู้ ( 9,590 )
บทความ ( 2 )


ใช้ parserตัวไหน เขียนโปรแกรม มันควรจะมีแจ้ง error ช่วงเขียนโปรแกรมแล้ว

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แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2019-06-08 08:19:39 By : Chaidhanan




Re : (PHP) line 230 ขึ้น syntax error, unexpected ครับ ลองหาเปลี่ยนเวอร์ชั่น appserv / phpmyadminแล้ว
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