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HOME > บทความจากสมาชิก > PHP Database Class โดยใช้ adodb And pdo singleton pattern

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PHP Database Class โดยใช้ adodb And pdo singleton pattern

PHP Database Class โดยใช้ adodb And pdo singleton pattern คลาสสำหรับใช้งาน database โดยใช้ concept แบบ singleton ทำให้ได้ให้เกิน Instance db เดียว หรือ คอนเน็กครั้งเดียวนั่นเอง สามารถเลือกใช้งาน แบบ adodb หรือ pdo ได้ เพียงแก้คอนฟิก ทำให้ง่ายต่อการเปลี่ยนดาต้าเบสเป็นชนิดอื่นๆ


การใช้ฟังก์ชั่น mysql ทั่วไป
   $con = mysql_connect($myServer,$myUser,$myPass);  //รีเฟรชหน้าจอแต่ละครั้งจะได้การเชื่อมต่อฐานข้อมูลใหม่ทุกครั้ง
   mysql_select_db("my_db", $con);
   $con = mssql_connect($myServer, $myUser, $myPass); //เปลี่ยนชนิดฐานข้อมูลต้องแก้โค๊ดใหม่
   mssql_select_db("my_db", $con);

   DB::setDBConfig("adodb","mysql",$myServer,$myUser, $myPass, $myDatabaseName,"utf8");
   DB::setDBConfig("adodb","mssql",$myServer,$myUser, $myPass, $myDatabaseName,"utf8");


  • มี Instance ในการเชื่อมต่อดาต้าเบสแค่ตัวเดียว คือไม่ว่าจะรีเฟรชใหม่หากเชื่อต่อดาต้าเบสแล้วจะไม่เชื่อมต่อใหม่ทุกครั้ง

  • การเปลี่ยนชนิดของฐานข้อมูลจะง่ายกว่าการใช้ฟังชั่น mysql ทั่วไปที่ใช้กันใน php คือไม่ต้องแก้โค๊ดใหม่

  • คลาสอื่นสามารถเรียกใช้งานภายในได้ง่าย

  • คลาสรองรับการแบ่งหน้าทั้งแบบธรรมดาและแบบ Ajax และรองรับการทำ seo ของ url

  • รองรับการเชื่อมต่อแบบ pdo ซื่งมีอยู่ใน php เลยไม่ต้องใช้ไลบารี่เสริม

  • รองรับการเชื่อมต่อแบบ adodb ต้องโหลดไลบารี่มาเสริม

  • ไม่ต้องจดจำรูปแบบการใช้งาน ของ pdo หรือ adodb ว่าใช้อย่างไร


  • ความสามารถของ pdo กับ adodb มีไม่เท่าเท่ากันหากอยากใช้คุณสมบัติที่ครบถ้วนมากควรเลือกเป็นแบบ adodb จะดีกว่า

  • อาจต้องจดจำชื่อฟังก์ชั่นต่างๆใหม่ว่ามีฟังก์ชั่นอะไรให้ใช้งานบ้าง

  • อาจต้องตรวจสอบโฮสต์ก่อนว่าเปิดให้ใช้งาน pdo หรือเปล่า ส่วนใหญ่จะเปิดไว้ให้ใช้งานอยู่แล้ว

  • อาจต้องนำไปแก้ไขดัดแปลงใหม่เพื่อให้ง่ายต่อการใช้งานของตัวเอง เช่น เช่น method getInstance() อาจะเปลียนเป็นชื่ออื่นสั้นแล้วแต่เรา จะได้เรียกใช้งานสั้นๆ หรืออาจพัฒนาฟังก์ชั่นอื่นๆเพิ่มเข้าไปตามต้องการ

interface DatabaseModel{
	function openConnect();
	function closeConnect();
	function query($sql);
	/*For insert, update, delete return true/false*/
	function queryData($sql);
	/*For select return array*/
	function executeData($sql);
	/*For select one record return array*/
	function fetchOne($sql);
	function numRow($sql);
	function insertData($dbTable="",$fields=array());
	function updateData($dbTable="",$fields=array(),$where="");	
	function getInsertId();
	/*Not support pdo*/
	function selectLimit($sql, $perpage, $startrow);

class ADO_Model implements DatabaseModel{
	private $db;
	public $sql;
	public $rec_num=20;
	public $pageUrl='';
	public $read_table='';
	public $start_rec=0;
	public $end_rec =1;
	public $order_by='';
	public $page_limit=30;
	protected $driver="mysql";
	public function __construct($driver, $host, $user, $password, $dbname,$charset){
		$this->db = ADONewConnection($driver); 
		$this->db->Connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname) or die('No Select Database');
		$this->db->Execute('SET NAMES utf8');
	public function openConnect(){
		return $this->db;		
	public function closeConnect($conn=""){
	public function cleanText($txt=""){
		return addslashes(trim($txt));
	public function convertText($txt=""){
		return iconv("windows-874", "UTF-8", $txt); 
	public function query($sql){
		return  $this->db->Execute($sql);
	public function fetchOne($sql){
		if($rs=$this->db->Execute($sql)){return $rs->fetchRow();}else {return false;}
	public function queryData($sql){
		return $this->db->Execute($sql);
	public function executeData($sql){
		return $this->db->Execute($sql);
	public function numrowData($select_table=""){
		$rec=$this->db->Execute("select count(*) as total from $select_table");
		return (int)$rec->fields["total"];
	public function numRow($sql){
		return (int)$rs->RecordCount();
	public function getInsertId(){
		return $this->db->Insert_ID();	
	public function insertData($dbTable="",$fields=array()){
		foreach($fields as $field_name=>$field_value){
		if(count($arrFieldsName)>0 && (count($arrFieldsName)==count($arrFieldsValue)) && $dbTable!=""){
			$sql="INSERT INTO $dbTable ( $txtFieldsName ) values( $txtFieldsValue )";
			return $this->queryData($sql);
			return false;
	public function updateData($dbTable="",$fields=array(),$where="1=1"){
		foreach($fields as $field_name=>$field_value){
		if(count($arrUpdate)>0 && $dbTable!=""){
			$sql="UPDATE $dbTable SET $txtUpdate WHERE $where";
			return $this->queryData($sql);
			return false;
	public function getRows($sql){
		$res = $this->query($sql);
			$rows = $res->GetRows();
			return $rows;
			return false;
	public function fetchRow($sql){
		$res = $this->query($sql);
			$row = $res->FetchRow();
			return $row;
			return false;

	public function selectLimit($sql, $perpage, $startrow){
		return $this->db->SelectLimit($sql, $perpage, $startrow);
	public function startTrans(){
	public function failedTrans(){
		return $this->db->FailTrans();
		#return $this->db->HasFailedTrans();
	public function stopTrans(){
	protected function getJsPage($newPage=1,$txtJs=""){
		//Set javascript
			$js= str_replace("newPageX",$newPage,$txtJs);
			return $js;
			return $js;
		}else{return $txtJs;}

	public function listPage( $total=1, $limit=20, $current_page=1, $baseurl='',$seoPage='' ,$jsClickFuncIncValue='',$jsClickFuncNameUpdateValue='',$jsParam='' ,$jsSentReturn=true,$arrCss=array()){
		#js onclick included param
			$js=" onclick=\"".$jsClickFuncIncValue."\"";
		#js onclick update new param
			#split more param Ex for other => int:0|string:xx|string:xx
			#split more param Ex for listPage => page:0|string:xx|string:xx   (page:0 => updateNewPage, page:1 or 2 or 3 ...=> use this page)
				#loop param => split param type,param value
				foreach($arrJsParam as $key=>$v){
					if( $paramType=="page"){
					}elseif($paramType=="int" or $paramType=="float"){
				$js=" onclick=\"".$jsClickFuncNameUpdateValue."(".$jsAllValue."); return ".$jsReturn."\"";
			#one param => split param type,param value
				if($paramType=="page" && (int)$paramValue==0){
				}elseif($paramType=="page" &&  (int)$paramValue>0){
				$js=" onclick=\"".$jsClickFuncNameUpdateValue."(".$jsAllValue.");return ".$jsReturn."\"";
		// how many page numbers to show in list at a time
		$showpages = "10"; // 1,3,5,7,9...
		// set up icons to be used
		$icon_path = 'icons/';
		$icon_param = 'align="middle" style="border:0px;" ';
		$icon_first= '[First page]';
		$icon_last= '[Lastpage]';
		$icon_previous= '<< Previous';
		$icon_next= 'Next >>';

		// do calculations
		$pages = ceil($total / $limit);
		$offset = ($current_page * $limit) - $limit;
		$end = $offset + $limit;

		$html .= "<a class='".$arrCss["first"]."' href='".$baseurl."1".$seoPage."'".$jsClick.">".$icon_first."</a> ";
		$previous = ( $current_page>1)? $current_page - 1:1;
		if($js!=""){$jsClick=$this->getJsPage($previous,$js);}//get js onclick
		$html .= "<a class='".$arrCss["prev"]."' href='".$baseurl.$previous.$seoPage."'".$jsClick.">".$icon_previous."</a> | ";
		// print page numbers
		if ($pages>=1) { 
			#$html .= "| Page: ";
			$pages_before =( $current_page>1)? $current_page - 1:1;
			$pages_after = $pages - $current_page;
			$show_before = floor($showpages / 2);
			$show_after = floor($showpages / 2);
			if ($pages_before < $show_before){
				$dif = $show_before - $pages_before;
				$show_after = $show_after + $dif;
			if ($pages_after < $show_after){
				$dif = $show_after - $pages_after;
				$show_before = $show_before + $dif;
			$minpage = $current_page - ($show_before+1);
			$maxpage = $current_page + ($show_after+1);

			if ($current_page > ($show_before+1) && $showpages > 0) {$html .= " ... ";}
			while ($p <= $pages) {
				if ($p > $minpage && $p < $maxpage) {
					//Set javascript
					if($js!=""){$jsClick=$this->getJsPage($p,$js);}//get js onclick
					if ($current_page == $p) {$html .= ' <a  class="'.$arrCss["active"].'" href="javascript:viod(0);">'.$p.'</a>';} else {$html .= ' <a  class="'.$arrCss["normal"].'" href="'.$baseurl.$p.$seoPage.'"'.$jsClick.'>'.$p.'</a>';}
			if ($maxpage-1 < $pages && $showpages > 0) {$html .= " ... ";}
		// next
		$next = ($current_page== $pages)?$current_page:$current_page +1;
		#echo "next $next : p-1 =".($p-1);
		if($js!=""){$jsClick=$this->getJsPage($next,$js);}//get js onclick
		$html .= ' | <a class="'.$arrCss["next"].'" href="'.$baseurl.$next.$seoPage.'"'.$jsClick.'>'.$icon_next.'</a>';
		//  last
		$last = $p -1;
		if($js!=""){$jsClick=$this->getJsPage($last,$js);} //get js onclick
		$html .= ' <a class="'.$arrCss["last"].'" href="'.$baseurl.$last.$seoPage.'"'.$jsClick.'>'.$icon_last.'</a>';
		#$html .= '</div>';
		return $html;// return paging links

class PDO_Model implements DatabaseModel{
	private $db;
	public $sql;
	public $rec_num=20;
	public $pageUrl='';
	public $read_table='';
	public $start_rec=0;
	public $end_rec =1;
	public $order_by='';
	public $page_limit=30;
	public $debug_query=false;
	protected $driver="mysql";
	public function __construct($driver, $host, $user, $password, $dbname,$charset){
		try {
				$dsn = $driver.":host=".$host.";dbname=".$dbname.";charset=".$charset;
				$this->db =  new PDO($dsn,$user,$password);
				$this->db->query("SET NAMES '".$charset."'");
				$this->db->query("SET character_set_results=".$charset);
				$this->db->query("SET character_set_client=".$charset);
				$this->db->query("SET character_set_connection=".$charset);
				return  $this->db;
    	} catch (PDOException $e) {
     		 print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage();
	public function openConnect(){
		return $this->db;		
	public function closeConnect($conn=""){
	public  function cleanText($txt=""){
		return addslashes(trim($txt));
	public  function convertText($txt=""){
		return iconv("windows-874", "UTF-8", $txt); 
	public function query($sql){
		$rs =$this->db->prepare($sql); 
  		return $rs->execute(); 
	public function queryData($sql){
		try {
			if($rs>0){unset($rs,$sql);return true;}else{unset($rs,$sql);return false;}
		}catch (PDOException $e) {echo $e->getMessage(); return false;}
	public function fetchOne($sql){
		try {
			$rs =$this->db->prepare($sql); 
			return $rs->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
		}catch (PDOException $e) {echo $e->getMessage(); return false;}
	public function executeData($sql){
		try {
			$rs =$this->db->prepare($sql); 
			return $rs->fetchAll();
		}catch (PDOException $e) {echo $e->getMessage(); return false;}
	public function numrowData($select_table=""){
		try {
			$rs =$this->db->prepare("select count(*) as total from $select_table"); 
			return (int)$rec["total"];
		}catch (PDOException $e) {echo $e->getMessage(); return 0;}
	public  function numRow($sql){
		try {
			$rs = $this->db->prepare($sql); 
			return (int)$rs->rowCount();
		}catch (PDOException $e) {echo $e->getMessage(); return false;}
	public function getInsertId(){
		return $this->db->lastInsertId();
	public function insertData($dbTable="",$fields=array()){
		foreach($fields as $field_name=>$field_value){
		if(count($arrFieldsName)>0 && (count($arrFieldsName)==count($arrFieldsValue)) && $dbTable!=""){
			$sql="INSERT INTO $dbTable ( $txtFieldsName ) values( $txtFieldsValue )";
			return $this->queryData($sql);
			return false;
	public function updateData($dbTable="",$fields=array(),$where="1=1"){
		foreach($fields as $field_name=>$field_value){
		if(count($arrUpdate)>0 && $dbTable!=""){
			$sql="UPDATE $dbTable SET $txtUpdate WHERE $where";
			return $this->queryData($sql);
			return false;
	public function getRows($sql){
		$res = $this->query($sql);
			$rows = $res->GetRows();
			return $rows;
			return false;
	public function fetchRow($sql){
		try {
			$rs =$this->db->prepare($sql); 
			return $rs->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
		}catch (PDOException $e) {echo $e->getMessage(); return false;}

	public function selectLimit($sql, $perpage, $startrow){
	public function startTrans(){
	public function stopTrans(){
	public function failedTrans(){
		return $this->db->rollBack();
	protected function getJsPage($newPage=1,$txtJs=""){
		//Set javascript
			$js= str_replace("newPageX",$newPage,$txtJs);
			return $js;
			return $js;
		}else{return $txtJs;}

	js function 
	function listAdmin(page,focusId,perpage,mode){
		alert("Page:"+page+" select ID:"+focusId+" select perpage:"+perpage)
	function test(){
	php use javascript onClick
	$arrCss=array("first"=>"css_class","prev"=>"css_class","normal"=>"css_class", "active"=>"css_class","next"=>"css_class","last"=>"css_class");
	#$pageHtml -> <a href="" onclick="listAdmin(1,0,10,'search');">1</a>
	public function listPage( $total=1, $limit=20, $current_page=1, $baseurl='',$seoPage='' ,$jsClickFuncIncValue='',$jsClickFuncNameUpdateValue='',$jsParam='' ,$jsSentReturn=true,$arrCss=array()){
		#js onclick included param
			$js=" onclick=\"".$jsClickFuncIncValue."\"";
		#js onclick update new param
			#split more param Ex for other => int:0|string:xx|string:xx
			#split more param Ex for listPage => page:0|string:xx|string:xx   (page:0 => updateNewPage, page:1 or 2 or 3 ...=> use this page)
				#loop param => split param type,param value
				foreach($arrJsParam as $key=>$v){
					if( $paramType=="page"){
					}elseif($paramType=="int" or $paramType=="float"){
				$js=" onclick=\"".$jsClickFuncNameUpdateValue."(".$jsAllValue."); return ".$jsReturn."\"";
			#one param => split param type,param value
				if($paramType=="page" && (int)$paramValue==0){
				}elseif($paramType=="page" &&  (int)$paramValue>0){
				$js=" onclick=\"".$jsClickFuncNameUpdateValue."(".$jsAllValue.");return ".$jsReturn."\"";
		// how many page numbers to show in list at a time
		$showpages = "10"; // 1,3,5,7,9...
		// set up icons to be used
		$icon_path = 'icons/';
		$icon_param = 'align="middle" style="border:0px;" ';
		$icon_first= '[First page]';
		$icon_last= '[Lastpage]';
		$icon_previous= '<< Previous';
		$icon_next= 'Next >>';

		// do calculations
		$pages = ceil($total / $limit);
		$offset = ($current_page * $limit) - $limit;
		$end = $offset + $limit;

		$html .= "<a class='".$arrCss["first"]."' href='".$baseurl."1".$seoPage."'".$jsClick.">".$icon_first."</a> ";
		$previous = ( $current_page>1)? $current_page - 1:1;
		if($js!=""){$jsClick=$this->getJsPage($previous,$js);}//get js onclick
		$html .= "<a class='".$arrCss["prev"]."' href='".$baseurl.$previous.$seoPage."'".$jsClick.">".$icon_previous."</a> | ";
		// print page numbers
		if ($pages>=1) { 
			#$html .= "| Page: ";
			$pages_before =( $current_page>1)? $current_page - 1:1;
			$pages_after = $pages - $current_page;
			$show_before = floor($showpages / 2);
			$show_after = floor($showpages / 2);
			if ($pages_before < $show_before){
				$dif = $show_before - $pages_before;
				$show_after = $show_after + $dif;
			if ($pages_after < $show_after){
				$dif = $show_after - $pages_after;
				$show_before = $show_before + $dif;
			$minpage = $current_page - ($show_before+1);
			$maxpage = $current_page + ($show_after+1);

			if ($current_page > ($show_before+1) && $showpages > 0) {$html .= " ... ";}
			while ($p <= $pages) {
			if ($p > $minpage && $p < $maxpage) {
				//Set javascript
				if ($current_page == $p) {$html .= ' <a  class="'.$arrCss["active"].'" href="javascript:void(0);">'.$p.'</a>';} else {$html .= ' <a  class="'.$arrCss["normal"].'" href="'.$baseurl.$p.$seoPage.'"'.$jsClick.'>'.$p.'</a>';}
			if ($maxpage-1 < $pages && $showpages > 0) {$html .= " ... ";}
		// next
		$next = ($current_page< $pages)?$current_page +1:$current_page;
		#echo "next $next : p-1 =".($p-1);
		$html .= ' | <a class="'.$arrCss["next"].'" href="'.$baseurl.$next.$seoPage.'"'.$jsClick.'>'.$icon_next.'</a>';
		//  last
		$last = $p -1;
		$html .= ' <a class="'.$arrCss["last"].'" href="'.$baseurl.$last.$seoPage.'"'.$jsClick.'>'.$icon_last.'</a>';
		return $html;// return paging links

class DB{
	protected static $_instance = NULL;
	protected static $_db_type;
	protected static $_db_driver;
	protected static $_db_host;
	protected static $_db_user;
	protected static $_db_password;
	protected static $_db_name;
	protected static $_db_charset;
	private function __construct(){}
	private function __clone(){}
	private function __wakeup(){}

	 * Set DB Configuration
	 * @params [$db_type, $db_driver, $db_host, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name]
	 * @return Void
	public static function setDBConfig($db_type, $db_driver, $db_host, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name,$db_charset){
		self::$_db_type = $db_type;
		self::$_db_driver = $db_driver;
		self::$_db_host = $db_host;
		self::$_db_user = $db_user;
		self::$_db_password = $db_password;
		self::$_db_name = $db_name;
		self::$_db_charset = $db_charset;

	 * A Factory method to provide DB instance.
	 * @return DB Object
	public static function getInstance(){ 
		if (self::$_instance == NULL){ 
			if(self::$_db_type == 'adodb'){
				self::$_instance = new ADO_Model(self::$_db_driver, self::$_db_host, self::$_db_user, self::$_db_password, self::$_db_name,self::$_db_charset);
			if(self::$_db_type == 'pdo'){
				self::$_instance = new PDO_Model(self::$_db_driver, self::$_db_host, self::$_db_user, self::$_db_password, self::$_db_name,self::$_db_charset);
		return self::$_instance;

header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8");

CREATE TABLE `products` (
  `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `product_name_en` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `product_name_th` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `product_price` float NOT NULL,
  `product_update` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`product_id`),
  KEY `product_name` (`product_name_en`)

-- Dumping data for table `products`

INSERT INTO `products` (`product_id`, `product_name_en`, `product_name_th`, `product_price`, `product_update`) VALUES
(2, 'Hyper  Shelves', 'Hyper  Shelves', 0, '2012-01-26 15:04:34'),
(1, 'Store Fixtures & Accessories', 'Store Fixtures & Accessories', 0, '2012-01-30 10:38:41'),
(3, 'POP & POS', 'POP & POS', 0, '2012-01-26 15:27:21'),
(4, 'Gondola & Display System', 'Gondola & Display System', 0, '2012-01-26 15:19:02'),
(5, 'Super Market Shelves', 'Super Market Shelves', 0, '2012-01-26 15:06:22'),
(6, 'Euro Cart Series', 'Euro Cart Series', 0, '2012-01-27 12:21:11'),
(7, 'Cyber Cart Series', 'Cyber Cart Series', 0, '2012-01-27 13:17:58'),
(8, 'Junior Cart Series', 'Junior Cart Series', 0, '2012-01-27 13:35:43'),
(9, 'Basket Cart', 'Basket Cart', 0, '2012-01-27 13:45:56'),
(10, 'Escalator Cart', 'Escalator Cart', 0, '2012-01-27 13:53:08'),
(11, 'Warehouse Trolley', 'Warehouse Trolley', 0, '2012-01-27 15:25:26'),
(12, 'Mezzanine Racking Systems', 'Mezzanine Racking Systems', 0, '2012-01-27 16:24:27'),
(13, 'Selective Racking Systems', 'Selective Racking Systems', 0, '2012-01-27 17:30:58'),
(14, 'Economy Shelves', 'Economy Shelves', 0, '2012-01-30 10:27:20'),
(15, 'test product 2', 'ทดสอบสินค้า2', 200, '2012-06-07 15:10:50'),
(16, 'Drive-in Racking Systems', 'Drive-in Racking Systems', 0, '2012-01-30 10:48:25'),
(17, 'Double Deep Racking System', 'Double Deep Racking System', 0, '2012-01-30 10:54:48'),
(18, 'Mobile Pallet racking System', 'Mobile Pallet racking System', 0, '2012-01-30 10:58:47'),
(19, 'Longspan Racking Systems', 'Longspan Racking Systems', 0, '2012-01-30 11:02:38'),
(20, 'Boltless Shelving Systems', 'Boltless Shelving Systems', 0, '2012-01-30 11:08:43'),
(21, '2-in-1 Boltless Shelving Systems', '2-in-1 Boltless Shelving Systems', 0, '2012-01-30 11:14:36');

DB::setDBConfig("adodb","mysql","localhost","root","12345","test","utf8"); //เช็ตตัวแปรเชื่อมต่อฐานข้อมูล
$sql="select * from products";
#select all
echo "Select all<br>";
foreach($objRs as $k=>$rs){
	echo "No $no ) ID:".$rs["product_id"] ." | Name:".$rs["product_name_en"]."<br>";

#select one
$sql="select * from products where product_id=10";
echo "<br><br>Select one<br>ID:".$rs["product_id"] ." | Name:".$rs["product_name_en"]."<br>";

#insert by sql
$sql="INSERT INTO products(product_id, product_name_en, product_name_th, product_price , product_update) values('', 'test product','ทดสอบสินค้า',100,now())";
#insert by array
	"product_name_en"=>"'test product 2'",


#$sql="delete from product where product_id=23";



insert & update

ตัวอย่าง 2

final class Product{
	private $read_table="products";
	public function listProduct($page_no=1,$perpage=20,$id=0,$keyword=""){
		$page_no= ($page_no>0)?$page_no:1;
			$where.=" and (product_id=".(int)$keyword." or product_name_en like'%".addslashes($keyword)."%' or product_name_th='%".addslashes($keyword)."%' ";
		$sql="SELECT product_id from ".$this->read_table."  where 1=1 $where ";
		$order_by="order by product_id asc";
		#list data for pdo
		$sql="SELECT * from ".$this->read_table." $where ".$order_by." limit ".$start_rec.",".$perpage;
		#list data for adodb
		#$sql="SELECT * from ".$this->read_table." $where ".$order_by;
		foreach($objRs as $k=>$rs){
		$pageUrl=DB::getInstance()->listPage($all_rec, $perpage, $page_no, "index.php?p=","","","","".$perpage, false,$pageCss);
		return array("datas"=>$arrRs,"pages"=>$pageUrl,"totalpage"=>$totalpage);
		method name addProduct
		param array $myArr=array(fieldName=>fieldValue)
		return boolean
	public function addProduct($myArr=array()){
		return DB::getInstance()->insertData($this->read_table,$myArr);
		method name editProduct
		param array $myArr=array(fieldName=>fieldValue)
		param int $id
		return boolean
	public function editProduct($myArr=array(),$id=0){
		return DB::getInstance()->updateData($this->read_table,$myArr,"product_id=$id");

		method name getProduct
		param int $id
		return array
	public function getProduct($id=0){
                $sql="select * from ".$this->read_table." where product_id=".(int)$id;
		return DB::getInstance()->fetchOne( $sql);
		method name deleteProduct
		param int $id
		return boolean
	public function deleteProduct($id=0){
		$sql="delete from ".$this->read_table." where product_id=$id";
		return DB::getInstance()->queryData($sql);
$product = new Product;  // สร้าง object สินค้า

if($_GET["mode"]=="edit" && $_GET["id"]>0){
}else if($_GET["mode"]=="delete" && $_GET["id"]>0){
   //ลิสรายการสินค้า 10 รายการต่อหน้า
<style type="text/css">
body{ font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:14px;}
a{ color:#000;}
table.table{ border:solid 1px; font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:14px;}
table.table thead tr td{ text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background:#000000; color:#fff; padding:6px;}
table.table td a{ text-decoration:none;}
table.table tbody tr td { padding:4px;}
table.table tbody tr.css1 td{ background:#EBEBEB;}
table.table tbody tr:hover td{ background:#C9C9C9;}
<br /><br />
<table width="810" border="0" class="table">
    <th colspan="6" align="left"><h3>List all product</h3></th>
    <td width="63">No</td>
    <td width="195">Product name (TH)</td>
    <td width="192">Product name (EN)</td>
    <td width="213">Update date</td>
    <td width="123">Action</td>
  foreach($appPro["datas"] as $k=>$rs){
  <tr class="<?php echo $rs["css"];?>">
    <td align="center"><?php echo $rs["no"];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $rs["product_name_th"];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $rs["product_name_en"];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $rs["product_update"];?></td>
    <td align="center">
    <a href="index.php?p=<?php echo $p;?>&mode=edit&id=<?php echo $rs["product_id"];?>">Edit</a> | 
    <a href="index.php?p=<?php echo $p;?>&mode=delete&id=<?php echo $rs["product_id"];?>">Delete</a>
    <td align="center">page</td>
    <td colspan="5" align="right"><?php echo $appPro["pages"]?></td>



ตัวอย่างที่ 3 Ajax page + css

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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body{ font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:14px;}
a{ color:#000;}
/*Grid table*/
table.table{ border:solid 1px; font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:14px;}
table.table thead tr td{ text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background:#000000; color:#fff; padding:6px;}
table.table td a{ text-decoration:none;}
table.table tbody tr td { padding:4px;}
table.table tbody tr.css1 td{ background:#EBEBEB;}
table.table tbody tr:hover td{ background:#C9C9C9;}

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<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//บันทึกข้อมูลสินค้า p= หน้า , id =รหัสสินค้าที่ต้องการบันทึก
function saveProduct(p,id){
			type: "GET",
			url: 'ajax_data.php',
			cache: false,
			dataType: "text/html",
			beforeSend:function(){$('#showContect').html("<img src='icons/loadings.gif'>");},
			success: function(data) {
					alert("บันทึกไม่สำเร็จ id: "+id);
	return false;

//ลิสข้อมูลสินค้า p= หน้า , perpage=จำนวนรายการต่อหน้า , id= หรัสสินค้าที่่ต้องการแก้ไข
//* ถ้า id ไม่เท่ากับค่าว่างให้เป็นโหมดแก้ไขรายการสินค้า รหัสดังกล่าว แต่ถ้า id เป็นค่าว่าง ให้เป็นโหมดลิสรายการสินค้าปกติ
function listProduct(p,perpage,id){
		type: "GET",
	  	url: 'ajax_data.php',
		cache: false,
		dataType: "text/html",
		beforeSend:function(){$('#showContect').html("<img src='icons/loadings.gif'>");},
	  	success: function(data) {
	return false;

//ลบรายการสินค้า p=หน้า , id=รหัสสินค้าที่ต้องการลบ
function deleteProduct(p,id){
		type: "GET",
	  	url: 'ajax_data.php',
		cache: false,async:false,
		dataType: "text/html",
		beforeSend:function(){$('#showContect').html("<img src='icons/loadings.gif'>");},
	  	success: function(data) {
				alert("Delete failed id: "+id);
	return false;

<title>test ajax</title>
<div id="showContect"></div>

ajax_data.php (ปรับปรุงมาจาก class product ในหน้า index.php)
header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8");
$pageCss=array("first"=>"firstPage","prev"=>"prevPage", "normal"=>"normalPage","active"=>"activePage","next"=>"nextPage","last"=>"lastPage");
final class Product{
	private $read_table="products";
		method name listProduct
		@param int $page_no 
		@param int $perpage
		@param int $id
		@param mixed $keyword
		return array
	public function listProduct($page_no=1,$perpage=20,$id=0,$keyword=""){
		global $pageCss;
		$page_no= ($page_no>0)?$page_no:1;
			$where.=" and (product_id=".(int)$keyword." or product_name_en like'%".addslashes($keyword)."%' or product_name_th='%".addslashes($keyword)."%' ";
		$sql="SELECT product_id from ".$this->read_table."  where 1=1 $where ";
		$order_by="order by product_id asc";
		#list data for pdo
		$sql="SELECT * from ".$this->read_table." $where ".$order_by." limit ".$start_rec.",".$perpage;
		#list data for adodb
		#$sql="SELECT * from ".$this->read_table." $where ".$order_by;
		foreach($objRs as $k=>$rs){
		$pageUrl=DB::getInstance()->listPage($all_rec, $perpage, $page_no, "index.php?p=","","","listProduct","page:0|int:".$perpage."|int:0", false,$pageCss);
		return array("datas"=>$arrRs,"pages"=>$pageUrl,"totalpage"=>$totalpage);
		method name addProduct
		@param array $myArr=array(fieldName=>fieldValue)
		return boolean
	public function addProduct($myArr=array()){
		return DB::getInstance()->insertData($this->read_table,$myArr);
		method name editProduct
		@param array $myArr=array(fieldName=>fieldValue)
		@param int $id
		return boolean
	public function editProduct($myArr=array(),$id=0){
		return DB::getInstance()->updateData($this->read_table,$myArr,"product_id=$id");
		method name deleteProduct
		@param int $id
		return boolean
	public function deleteProduct($id=0){
		$sql="delete from ".$this->read_table." where product_id=$id";
		return DB::getInstance()->queryData($sql);
$product=new Product;
    <form name="frm-product" id="frm-product">
    <table width="810" border="0" class="table">
    <th colspan="6" align="left"><h3>List all product</h3></th>
    <td width="63">No</td>
    <td width="195">Product name (TH)</td>
    <td width="192">Product name (EN)</td>
    <td width="213">Update date</td>
    <td width="123">Action</td>
  foreach($appPro["datas"] as $rs){
    <tr class="<?php echo $rs["css"];?>">
    <td align="center"><?php echo $rs["no"];?></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="product_name_th" id="product_name_th" value="<?php echo $rs["product_name_th"];?>"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="product_name_en" id="product_name_en" value="<?php echo $rs["product_name_en"];?>"></td>
    <td><?php echo $rs["product_update"];?></td>
    <td align="center">
    <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="saveProduct('<?php echo $p;?>','<?php echo $rs["product_id"];?>')">Save</a> | 
    <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="listProduct('<?php echo $p;?>','','');">Cancle</a>
  <tr class="<?php echo $rs["css"];?>">
    <td align="center"><?php echo $rs["no"];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $rs["product_name_th"];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $rs["product_name_en"];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $rs["product_update"];?></td>
    <td align="center">
    <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="listProduct('<?php echo $p;?>',10,'<?php echo $rs["product_id"];?>');">Edit</a> | 
    <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="deleteProduct('<?php echo $p;?>','<?php echo $rs["product_id"];?>');">Delete</a>
    <td align="center">page</td>
    <td colspan="5" align="right"><?php echo $appPro["pages"]?></td>
}elseif($_GET["action"]=="save-product" && $_GET["id"]>0){
	if($ss){echo"true";}else{echo "false";}
}elseif($_GET["action"]=="delete-product" && $_GET["id"]>0){
	if($ss){echo"true";}else{echo "false";}
	echo "55";


ลิสรายการสินค้าด้วย ajax











  By : chineji
  Article : บทความเป็นการเขียนโดยสมาชิก หากมีปัญหาเรื่องลิขสิทธิ์ กรุณาแจ้งให้ทาง webmaster ทราบด้วยครับ
  Score Rating :
  Create Date : 2012-06-08
  Download : Download  PHP Database Class โดยใช้ adodb And pdo singleton pattern (0.2491 MB)
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