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HOME > บทความจากสมาชิก > PHP Image Effect Class - php ย่อรูปตามความกว้างเป็นหลัก , ย่อตามความสูงเป็นหลัก

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PHP Image Effect Class - php ย่อรูปตามความกว้างเป็นหลัก , ย่อตามความสูงเป็นหลัก

PHP Upload images resize-effect class php ย่อรูปตามความกว้างเป็นหลัก , ย่อตามความสูงเป็นหลัก , ย่อตามความสูงเป็นหลักโดยไม่เกินความกว้างที่กำหนด , ครอปรูป เอฟเฟครูป (การหมุนรูป , การใส่ลายน้ำ , การใส่เอฟเฟคเหมือน photoshop เช่น GRAYSCALE,NEGATE, EDGEDETECT,EMBOSS,GAUSSIAN,SELECTIVE, MEAN_REMOVAL, BRIGHTNESS ,CONTRAST, PENCIL, CRAYON)

ตัว class นี้สามารถเอาไปประยุกต์ใช้ได้ฟรีๆครับ เอาไปปรับแต่ง ได้ตามสบาย อาจจะยังไม่ดีที่สุด แต่ก็สามารถใช้งานได้ดีในระดับนึง หาก ไม่ถึกใจรูปแบบการส่งค่าตัวแปร หรือฟังก์ ชั่นยังไม่ถูกใจก็แก้ได้ตามสบายครับ เอาไปพัฒนาเพิ่มเติมได้เลย

คลาสนี้รองรับรูป .jpg ,.gif ,.png เท่านั้นครับ


   if( $_POST['upload']=='Upload' ) {
      $image = new ImageAffect($_FILES['phhoto']['tmp_name']);
		echo "<img src=' $my_image' >";
   } else {
   <form action="" name="frm-photo" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <input type="file" name="phhoto" id="phhoto" />
      <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload" />

ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
set_time_limit ( 45 );
class ImageAffect {
	private $image;
	private $new_height;
	private $new_width;
	private $new_image;
	private $image_height;
	private $image_width;
	private $image_type;
	private $cropX=0;
	private $cropY=0;
 	private $arrIsImg=array(".jpg",".jpeg",".gif",".png");
	private $load_error=false;
	private $error_status="";
	private $phpVersion=5;
	private $rotateAngle=0;
	private $imAffect=array(
	//Auto load for php >= 5
	function __construct($filename) {
	//Auto load for php <5
	function ImageAffect($filename){
	Load image
	parram: (string)filename
	return : boolean
	public function load($filename="") {
			$image_info = getimagesize($filename);
			#$this->image_type = ".".strtolower(end(explode(".",$filename)));
				if( $this->image_type == ".jpg" || $this->image_type==".jpeg") {
					$this->image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
				}elseif( $this->image_type == ".gif" ) {
					$this->image = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
				}elseif( $this->image_type == ".png") {
					$this->image = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
				}elseif( $this->image_type == ".bmp") {
					$this->image = @imagecreatefromwbmp($filename);
					$this->image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
				$this->error_status = "File: $filename is not image jpg | gif | png | bmp";
				return false;
				return true;
				$this->error_status="File: $filename is create failed";
				return false;
			$this->error_status = "File: $filename is not found";
			return false;
	* Save image
	* param : 
		(string)filename =save image name
		(string)image_type = save image type (.jpg or .gif or .png or .bmp)
		(int)$permissions = permission directory  (null or 775)
	  return error text or file name
	public function save($filename="", $image_type="", $compression=75, $permissions=null) {
		if($this->load_error!=false){return $this->error_status; exit;}
		if( $image_type == ".jpg" || $this->image_type==".jpeg") {
		}elseif( $image_type == ".gif" ) { 
		}elseif( $image_type == ".png") {
		}elseif( $image_type == ".bmp") {
		if( $permissions != null) {
		return $filename;
	public function output($image_type="") {
		if($this->load_error!=false){return $this->error_status; exit;}
		if( $image_type == ".jpg" || $this->image_type==".jpeg") {
		} elseif( $image_type == ".gif" ) {
		} elseif( $image_type == ".png") {
		}elseif( $image_type == ".bmp") {
	private function getImgType($img_info=array()){
			$this->image_type =".gif";
			$this->image_type =".jpg";
			$this->image_type =".png";
			$this->image_type =".swf";
			$this->image_type =".psd";
			$this->image_type =".bmp";
			$this->image_type =".bmp";
			$this->image_type ="";
	function getWidth() {
		return imagesx($this->image);
	function getHeight() {
		return imagesy($this->image);
	public function resizeToHeight($height=100) {
		if($this->load_error!=false){return $this->error_status; exit;}
		$ratio = $height / $this->getHeight();
		$width = $this->getWidth() * $ratio;
	public function resizeToWidth($width=100) {
		if($this->load_error!=false){return $this->error_status; exit;}
		$ratio = (float)$width / $this->getWidth();
		$height = $this->getheight() * $ratio;
	public function resizeCrop($width=100,$height=100){
		if($this->load_error!=false){return $this->error_status; exit;}

			$thumb_w =$thumb_w + $tmp_h;
			$thumb_h=$thumb_h + $tmp_h;
			#echo "save1 ($thumb_w x $thumb_h) resze (".($thumb_w + $tmp_h )." x ".($thumb_h + $tmp_h).") crop ($cropX x $cropY)";
			#echo "save2 ($thumb_w x $thumb_h) crop ($cropX x $cropY)";
			#echo "save3 ($thumb_w x $thumb_h) => (".($thumb_w + $tmp_h )." x ".($thumb_h + $tmp_h).")";
		$this->new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
		if($this->image_type==".png" or $this->image_type==".gif"){
			imagealphablending($this->new_image, false);
			$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->new_image, 255, 255, 255, 127);
			imagefilledrectangle($this->new_image, 0, 0,  $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $transparent);
		imagecopyresampled($this->new_image, $this->image, 0, 0, $this->cropX, $this->cropY, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight());
		$this->image = $this->new_image;
	param: scale = %
	public function scale($scale=50) {
		if($this->load_error!=false){return $this->error_status; exit;}
		$width = $this->getWidth() * $scale/100;
		$height = $this->getheight() * $scale/100;
	function resize($width=100,$height=100) {
		if($this->load_error!=false){return $this->error_status; exit;}
		$this->new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
		if($this->image_type==".png" or $this->image_type==".gif"){
			imagealphablending($this->new_image, false);
			$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->new_image, 255, 255, 255, 127);
			imagefilledrectangle($this->new_image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent);
		imagecopyresampled($this->new_image, $this->image, 0, 0, $this->cropX, $this->cropY, $width, $height, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight());
		$this->image = $this->new_image;
	private function array_flatten($array) {
		(array)$tempArray = array();		
		foreach ( $array as $value ) {
			if ( is_array($value) ) {
				$tempArray = array_merge($tempArray, $this->array_flatten($value));
			} else {
				$tempArray[] = $value;
		return $tempArray;

	// Creates the divisor value dynamically, and passes offset
	private function makeFilter($resource, $matrix, $offset=1) {
		global $$resource;
		(float)$divisor = array_sum($this->array_flatten($matrix));
		return imageconvolution($resource, $matrix, $divisor, $offset) ? true : false;
	public function rotateImage($rotateAngle=0){
		if((int)$rotateAngle>=-360 && (int)$rotateAngle<=360){
			$this->image = imagerotate($this->image, (int)$rotateAngle, -1);
			imagealphablending($this->image, true); 
			imagesavealpha($this->image, true); 
	public function setEffect($imAffect=array()){
				imagefilter($this->image, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
				imagefilter($this->image, IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, $imAffect["color"]["r"], $imAffect["color"]["g"], $imAffect["color"]["b"]);
				 imagefilter($this->image, IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, 20);// ระบุเปอร์เซ็นต์การลดความเข้มของรูป
				imagefilter($this->image,IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST,30); // ระบุเปอร์เซ็นต์การลดความสว่างของรูป
				$matrix = array(array(-4.4, -1, -3.7), array(-2,22,-2), array(-2.9, -0.6, -2.9));
				imageconvolution($this->image, $matrix, 1, 10);  //imageconvolution($src, $filter, $filter_div, $offset);
				$matrix = array(array(-4.4, -4, -3.7), array(-2,22,-2), array(-2.9, -0.4, -2.9));
				imageconvolution($this->image, $matrix, 1, 10);
				$matrix = array(array(-3.4, 20, -2.9), array(-2,17,-2.9), array(-1.9, -20, -3.2));
				imageconvolution($image, $matrix, 10, 50);
				$matrix = array( array(-1,-1,-1),
				array(-1,-1,-1) );
				$this->makeFilter($this->image, $matrix);
				$matrix = array( array(-10,-1,-10),
				array(-10,-1,-10) );
				$this->makeFilter($this->image, $matrix);
				$matrix = array( array(0,-10,0),
				array(0,70,0) );
				$this->makeFilter($this->image, $matrix);
				$imgw = imagesx($this->image);
				$imgh = imagesy($this->image);
				for ($i=0; $i<$imgw; $i++){
					for ($j=0; $j<$imgh; $j++){
						// get the rgb value for current pixel		
						$rgb = imagecolorat($this->image, $i, $j); 		
						// extract each value for r, g, b			
						$rr = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
						$gg = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
						$bb = $rgb & 0xFF;
						// get the Value from the RGB value
						$g = round(($rr + $gg + $bb) / 3);
						// grayscale values have r=g=b=g
						$val = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $g, $g, $g);
						// set the gray value
						imagesetpixel ($this->image, $i, $j, $val);
	public function watermark($watermarkfile, $posx="0", $posy="0") {
		if (file_exists($watermarkfile)) {
			$wmsize = getimagesize($watermarkfile);
			if ($wmsize != false) {
				$width = $wmsize[0];
				$height = $wmsize[1];
				$imgtype_xxx = $wmsize[2];// convert from number(xxx) to ext by image_type_to_extension($imgtype_xxx)
				// value of xxx 1=gif/2=jpeg/3=png/4=swf/5=psd/6=bmp/7=tiff /8=tiff?/9=jpc/10=jp2/11=jpx/12=jb2/13=swf/14=iff/15=bmp/16=xbm/
				$mime = $wmsize['mime'];// eg. image/gif, image/jpeg
			if ("1" == $imgtype_xxx) {
				// gif
				$watermark_read = imagecreatefromgif($watermarkfile);
				imagecopy($this->image, $watermark_read, $posx, $posy, 0, 0, $width, $height);
				//imagesavealpha($this->new_image, true);
			} elseif ($imgtype_xxx == "2") {
				// jpeg
				$watermark_read = imagecreatefromjpeg($watermarkfile);
				imagecopy($this->image, $watermark_read, $posx, $posy, 0, 0, $width, $height);
			} elseif ($imgtype_xxx == "3") {
				// png
				$watermark_read = imagecreatefrompng($watermarkfile);
				imagealphablending($this->image, true);// add this for transparent watermark thru image. if not add transparent from watermark can see thru background under image.
				imagecopy($this->image, $watermark_read, $posx, $posy, 0, 0, $width, $height);
			} elseif ($imgtype_xxx == "15") {
				// bmp
				$watermark_read = imagecreatefromwbmp($watermarkfile);
				imagecopy($this->image, $watermark_read, $posx, $posy, 0, 0, $width, $height);
			} else {
				return false;
		} else {
			return false;
		return $this->image;
	}// watermark
	public function setWatermark($watermarkfile, $position="center") {
		if (file_exists($watermarkfile)) {
			//Image size
			// find watermark size
			$wmsize = getimagesize($watermarkfile);
			if ($wmsize != false) {
				$width = $wmsize[0];
				$height = $wmsize[1];
			// end find watermark size
			if ($position == "topleft") {
				if (($this->image_width+5) > $width && ($this->image_height+5) > $height) {
					$posx = "5";
					$posy = "5";
				} else {
					$posx = "0";
					$posy = "0";
			} elseif ($position == "top") {
				$center_of_image = round($this->image_width/2);// width
				$center_of_watermark = round($width/2);// width
				$posx = ($center_of_image-$center_of_watermark);
				if(($this->image_height) > ($height+5)) {
					$posy = "5";
				} else {
					$posy = "0";
			} elseif ($position == "topright") {
				if ($this->image_width > ($width+5)) {
					$posx = $this->image_width-($width+5);
				} else {
					$posx = $this->image_width-$width;
				if ($this->image_height > ($height+5)) {
					$posy = "5";
				} else {
					$posy = "0";
			} elseif ($position == "left") {
				if ($this->image_width-($width+5) > "0") {
					$posx = "5";
				} else {
					$posx = "0";
				$middle_of_image = round($this->image_height/2);// height
				$middle_of_watermark = round($height/2);// height
				$posy = ($middle_of_image-$middle_of_watermark);
			} elseif ($position == "center") {
				$center_of_image = round($this->image_width/2);// width
				$center_of_watermark = round($width/2);// width
				$posx = ($center_of_image-$center_of_watermark);
				$middle_of_image = round($this->image_height/2);// height
				$middle_of_watermark = round($height/2);// height
				$posy = ($middle_of_image-$middle_of_watermark);
			} elseif ($position == "right") {
				if ($this->image_width > ($width+5)) {
					$posx = $this->image_width-($width+5);
				} else {
					$posx = $this->image_width-$width;
				$middle_of_image = round($this->image_height/2);// height
				$middle_of_watermark = round($height/2);// height
				$posy = ($middle_of_image-$middle_of_watermark);
			} elseif ($position == "bottomleft") {
				if ($this->image_width-($width+5) > "0") {
					$posx = "5";
				} else {
					$posx = "0";
				if ($this->image_height-($height+5) > "0") {
					$posy = $this->image_height-($height+5);
				} else {
					$posy = $this->image_height-($height);
			} elseif ($position == "bottom") {
				$center_of_image = round($this->image_width/2);// width
				$center_of_watermark = round($width/2);// width
				$posx = ($center_of_image-$center_of_watermark);
				if ($this->image_height-($height+5) > "0") {
					$posy = $this->image_height-($height+5);
				} else {
					$posy = $this->image_height-($height);
			} elseif ($position == "bottomright") {
				if ($this->image_width > ($width+5)) {
					$posx = $this->image_width-($width+5);
				} else {
					$posx = $this->image_width-$width;
				if ($this->image_height-($height+5) > "0") {
					$posy = $this->image_height-($height+5);
				} else {
					$posy = $this->image_height-($height);
			} else {
				return false;
		} else {
			return false;
		return $this->watermark($watermarkfile, $posx, $posy);


echo "<br><br>#################### Old image ####################<br><br>";
echo "<img src='images/010.jpg'>";
echo "<br><br>#################### New image ####################<br><br>";
//Resize only ย่อรูปอย่างเดียวเป็นขนาด กว้าง 250px ความสูงอัตโนมัติ 
$image = new ImageAffect("images/".$img[4]);
echo "<img src='$dd'>";

//Resize && set green color // ย่อรูปยึดขนาดความกว้างเป็นหลัก ที่ขนาด 250px ความสูงปรับอัตโนมัติ และปรับรูปใหม่เป็นสีเขียว
$image = new ImageAffect("images/".$img[4]);
echo "<img src='$dd' >";

//Resize 50% && set effect pencel && rotate image -90 degree && set watermark // ย่อรูป ใส่เอฟเฟคเหมือนภาพวาดการ์ตูน หมุน -90 องศา และใส่ลายน้ำ
$image = new ImageAffect("images/".$img[4]);
echo "<img src='resize/picture3.jpg'>";

//ย่อและขยายรูป ให้มีขนาด กว้าง 200px สูง 300px 
$image = new ImageAffect("images/".$img[4]);
echo "<img src='$ddsd' >";
echo  "  w: $width h:  $height t: $type a: $attr";*/




  By : chineji
  Article : บทความเป็นการเขียนโดยสมาชิก หากมีปัญหาเรื่องลิขสิทธิ์ กรุณาแจ้งให้ทาง webmaster ทราบด้วยครับ
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  Create Date : 2011-12-18
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