Put the following code inside the formula. Remamber to change the "viewEmployeeList.Dept_Name" to your required database field. Offcourse it will be a group name.
global stringvar strTOC1;
global stringvar strTOC2;
local stringvar strTemp;
if not InRepeatedGroupHeader then
( strTemp := {viewEmployeeList.Dept_Name} + chr(10) ;
if len(strTemp) + len(strToc1) <= 254 then
( strToc1 := StrToc1 + strTemp;
strToc2 := StrToc2 +
totext(PageNumber,0) + chr(10) ))
Place the Formula Field Named "collect_TOC" in your Group Header Section and supress the Formula field.
Step :3
Create a Formula Field Named "s_TOC" and place the following code
global stringvar strTOC1;
Step :4
Create a Formula Field Named "n_TOC" and place the following code
global stringvar strTOC2;
Step :5
Place both "n_TOC" & "s_TOC" the formula fiel side by side at the page Footer Section.
Rune the report you got the TOC
1. The Table of Contants will be display at the bottom of your report
2. Its for a Small Table of Contants up to 256 char