* Encryption Method is now compatible with wxSQLite3 (AES-128 bits) and SQLite3 ADO.NET Provider (RSA-MS Crypt)
* Syntax Highlight
* Hex Viewer
* Dump database to SQL file format
* Unicode Support
* Blob/Image viewer
* Built-in FTS3 Extention
* Built-in LUA Programming Language
* Encrypted database support
* Export recordset into excel, csv, xml and html format
* Import data from Ms Access / MS SQL server
* Includes SQLite2009 Pro ODBC Driver
* Includes Additional sqlite3 function (compress, decompress, crc32, md5, lua_exec, etc)
* Transactions supported
* Visual Query Builder
* Includes the user-contributed extension-functions from homepage
The new functions are: acos, asin, atan, atn2, atan2, acosh, asinh, atanh, difference, degrees, radians, cos, sin, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth, exp, log, log10, power, sign, sqrt, square, ceil, floor, pi, replicate, charindex, leftstr, rightstr, reverse, proper, padl, padr, padc, strfilter, and aggregates stdev, variance, mode, median, lower_quartile, upper_quartile.