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HOME > PHP Manual > com_load_typelib - Loads a Typelib




(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5)

com_load_typelibLoads a Typelib


bool com_load_typelib ( string $typelib_name [, bool $case_insensitive ] )

Loads a type-library and registers its constants in the engine, as though they were defined using define().

Note that it is much more efficient to use the Runtime Configuration configuration setting to pre-load and register the constants, although not so flexible.

If you have turned on Runtime Configuration, then PHP will attempt to automatically register the constants associated with a COM object when you instantiate it. This depends on the interfaces provided by the COM object itself, and may not always be possible.



typelib_name can be one of the following:

  • The filename of a .tlb file or the executable module that contains the type library.

  • The type library GUID, followed by its version number, for example {00000200-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4},2,0.

  • The type library name, e.g. Microsoft OLE DB ActiveX Data Objects 1.0 Library.

PHP will attempt to resolve the type library in this order, as the process gets more and more expensive as you progress down the list; searching for the type library by name is handled by physically enumerating the registry until we find a match.


The case_insensitive behaves in the same way as the parameter with the same name in the define() function.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

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