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HOME > PHP Manual > highlight_file - Syntax highlighting of a file




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

highlight_fileSyntax highlighting of a file


mixed highlight_file ( string $filename [, bool $return ] )

Prints out or returns a syntax highlighted version of the code contained in filename using the colors defined in the built-in syntax highlighter for PHP.

Many servers are configured to automatically highlight files with a phps extension. For example, example.phps when viewed will show the syntax highlighted source of the file. To enable this, add this line to the httpd.conf:

AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps



Path to the PHP file to be highlighted.


Set this parameter to TRUE to make this function return the highlighted code.

Return Values

If return is set to TRUE, returns the highlighted code as a string instead of printing it out. Otherwise, it will return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


Version Description
4.2.1 This function is now also affected by safe_mode and open_basedir.
4.2.0 The return parameter was added.



Care should be taken when using the highlight_file() function to make sure that you do not inadvertently reveal sensitive information such as passwords or any other type of information that might create a potential security risk.

Note: This function uses internal output buffering with this parameter so it can not be used inside an ob_start() callback function.

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