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HOME > PHP Manual > id3_get_tag - Get all information stored in an ID3 tag




(PECL id3:0.1-0.2)

id3_get_tagGet all information stored in an ID3 tag


array id3_get_tag ( string $filename [, int $version ] )

id3_get_tag() is used to get all information stored in the id3 tag of the specified file.



The path to the MP3 file

Instead of a filename you may also pass a valid stream resource


Allows you to specify the version of the tag as MP3 files may contain both, version 1.x and version 2.x tags

Since version 0.2 id3_get_tag() also supports ID3 tags of version 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. To extract information from these tags, pass one of the constants ID3_V2_2, ID3_V2_3 or ID3_V2_4 as the second parameter. ID3 v2.x tags can contain a lot more information about the MP3 file than ID3 v1.x tags.

Return Values

Returns an associative array with various keys like: title, artist, ..

The key genre will contain an integer between 0 and 147. You may use id3_get_genre_name() to convert it to a human readable string.


Example #1 id3_get_tag() example

id3_get_tag"path/to/example.mp3" );

The above example will output something similar to:

    [title] => DN-38416
    [artist] => Re:\Legion
    [album] => Reflections
    [year] => 2004
    [genre] => 19

Example #2 id3_get_tag() example

id3_get_tag"path/to/example2.mp3"ID3_V2_3 );

The above example will output something similar to:

    [copyright] => Dirty Mac
    [originalArtist] => Dirty Mac
    [composer] => Marcus Götze
    [artist] => Dirty Mac
    [title] => Little Big Man
    [album] => Demo-Tape
    [track] => 5/12
    [genre] => (17)Rock
    [year] => 2001

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