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HOME > PHP Manual > ifx_query - Send Informix query




(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

ifx_querySend Informix query


resource ifx_query ( string $query , resource $link_identifier [, int $cursor_type [, mixed $blobidarray ]] )

Sends a query to the currently active database on the server that's associated with the specified link identifier.

For "select-type" queries a cursor is declared and opened. Non-select queries are "execute immediate".

For either query type the number of (estimated or real) affected rows is saved for retrieval by ifx_affected_rows().

If the contents of the TEXT (or BYTE) column allow it, you can also use ifx_textasvarchar(1) and ifx_byteasvarchar(1). This allows you to treat TEXT (or BYTE) columns just as if they were ordinary (but long) VARCHAR columns for select queries, and you don't need to bother with blob id's.

With ifx_textasvarchar(0) or ifx_byteasvarchar(0) (the default situation), select queries will return BLOB columns as blob id's (integer value). You can get the value of the blob as a string or file with the blob functions (see below).



The query string.


The link identifier.


This optional parameter allows you to make this a scroll and/or hold cursor. It's a bitmask and can be either IFX_SCROLL, IFX_HOLD, or both or'ed together. I you omit this parameter the cursor is a normal sequential cursor.


If you have BLOB (BYTE or TEXT) columns in the query, you can add a blobidarray parameter containing the corresponding "blob ids", and you should replace those columns with a "?" in the query text.

Return Values

Returns valid Informix result identifier on success, or FALSE on errors.


Example #1 Show all rows of the "orders" table as a HTML table

(1);      // use "text mode" for blobs
$res_id ifx_query("select * from orders"$conn_id);
if (! 
$res_id) {
printf("Can't select orders : %s\n<br />%s<br />\n"ifx_error(), ifx_errormsg());

Example #2 Insert some values into the "catalog" table


// create blob id's for a byte and text column
$textid ifx_create_blob(00"Text column in memory");
$byteid ifx_create_blob(10"Byte column in memory");

// store blob id's in a blobid array
$blobidarray[] = $textid;
$blobidarray[] = $byteid;

// launch query
$query "insert into catalog (stock_num, manu_code, " .
"cat_descr,cat_picture) values(1,'HRO',?,?)";
$res_id ifx_query($query$conn_id$blobidarray);
if (! 
$res_id) {
/* ... error ... */

// free result id

See Also

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