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HOME > PHP Manual > imagepstext - Draws a text over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imagepstextDraws a text over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts


array imagepstext ( resource $image , string $text , resource $font_index , int $size , int $foreground , int $background , int $x , int $y [, int $space [, int $tightness [, float $angle [, int $antialias_steps ]]]] )

Draws a text on an image using PostScript Type1 fonts.

Refer to PostScript documentation about fonts and their measuring system if you have trouble understanding how this works.



An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as imagecreatetruecolor().


The text to be written.


A font resource, returned by imagepsloadfont().


size is expressed in pixels.


The color in which the text will be painted.


The color to which the text will try to fade in with antialiasing. No pixels with the color background are actually painted, so the background image does not need to be of solid color.


x-coordinate for the lower-left corner of the first character.


y-coordinate for the lower-left corner of the first character.


Allows you to change the default value of a space in a font. This amount is added to the normal value and can also be negative. Expressed in character space units, where 1 unit is 1/1000th of an em-square.


tightness allows you to control the amount of white space between characters. This amount is added to the normal character width and can also be negative. Expressed in character space units, where 1 unit is 1/1000th of an em-square.


angle is in degrees.


Allows you to control the number of colours used for antialiasing text. Allowed values are 4 and 16. The higher value is recommended for text sizes lower than 20, where the effect in text quality is quite visible. With bigger sizes, use 4. It's less computationally intensive.

Return Values

This function returns an array containing the following elements:
0 lower left x-coordinate
1 lower left y-coordinate
2 upper right x-coordinate
3 upper right y-coordinate


Note: This function is only available if PHP is compiled using --with-t1lib[=DIR].

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