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HOME > PHP Manual > mb_convert_case - Perform case folding on a string




(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)

mb_convert_casePerform case folding on a string


string mb_convert_case ( string $str , int $mode [, string $encoding ] )

Performs case folding on a string, converted in the way specified by mode .



The string being converted.


The mode of the conversion. It can be one of MB_CASE_UPPER, MB_CASE_LOWER, or MB_CASE_TITLE.


The encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used.

Return Values

A case folded version of string converted in the way specified by mode .


By contrast to the standard case folding functions such as strtolower() and strtoupper(), case folding is performed on the basis of the Unicode character properties. Thus the behaviour of this function is not affected by locale settings and it can convert any characters that have 'alphabetic' property, such as A-umlaut (Ä).

For more information about the Unicode properties, please see »


Example #1 mb_convert_case() example

"mary had a Little lamb and she loved it so";
$str mb_convert_case($strMB_CASE_UPPER"UTF-8");
$str mb_convert_case($strMB_CASE_TITLE"UTF-8");
$str// Prints Mary Had A Little Lamb And She Loved It So

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