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HOME > PHP Manual > posix_getrlimit - Return info about system resource limits




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

posix_getrlimitReturn info about system resource limits


array posix_getrlimit ( void )

posix_getrlimit() returns an array of information about the current resource's soft and hard limits.

Each resource has an associated soft and hard limit. The soft limit is the value that the kernel enforces for the corresponding resource. The hard limit acts as a ceiling for the soft limit. An unprivileged process may only set its soft limit to a value from 0 to the hard limit, and irreversibly lower its hard limit.

Return Values

Returns an associative array of elements for each limit that is defined. Each limit has a soft and a hard limit.
List of possible limits returned
Limit name Limit description
core The maximum size of the core file. When 0, not core files are created. When core files are larger than this size, they will be truncated at this size.
totalmem The maximum size of the memory of the process, in bytes.
virtualmem The maximum size of the virtual memory for the process, in bytes.
data The maximum size of the data segment for the process, in bytes.
stack The maximum size of the process stack, in bytes.
rss The maximum number of virtual pages resident in RAM
maxproc The maximum number of processes that can be created for the real user ID of the calling process.
memlock The maximum number of bytes of memory that may be locked into RAM.
cpu The amount of time the process is allowed to use the CPU.
filesize The maximum size of the data segment for the process, in bytes.
openfiles One more than the maximum number of open file descriptors.


Example #1 Example use of posix_getrlimit()




The above example will output something similar to:

    [soft core] => 0
    [hard core] => unlimited
    [soft data] => unlimited
    [hard data] => unlimited
    [soft stack] => 8388608
    [hard stack] => unlimited
    [soft totalmem] => unlimited
    [hard totalmem] => unlimited
    [soft rss] => unlimited
    [hard rss] => unlimited
    [soft maxproc] => unlimited
    [hard maxproc] => unlimited
    [soft memlock] => unlimited
    [hard memlock] => unlimited
    [soft cpu] => unlimited
    [hard cpu] => unlimited
    [soft filesize] => unlimited
    [hard filesize] => unlimited
    [soft openfiles] => 1024
    [hard openfiles] => 1024


Note: This is a not POSIX function, but is common on BSD and System V systems. If the system does not support this function, then it will not be included at compile time. This may be checked with function_exists().

See Also

  • man page GETRLIMIT(2)

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