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HOME > PHP Manual > printer_set_option - Configure the printer connection




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printer_set_optionConfigure the printer connection


bool printer_set_option ( resource $printer_handle , int $option , mixed $value )

The function sets options for the current connection.



printer_handle must be a valid printer handle.


Option can be one of the following constants:

  • PRINTER_COPIES: sets how many copies should be printed, value must be an integer.
  • PRINTER_MODE: specifies the type of data (text, raw or emf), value must be a string.
  • PRINTER_TITLE: specifies the name of the document, value must be a string.
  • PRINTER_ORIENTATION: specifies the orientation of the paper, value can be either PRINTER_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT or PRINTER_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
  • PRINTER_RESOLUTION_Y: specifies the y-resolution in DPI, value must be an integer.
  • PRINTER_RESOLUTION_X: specifies the x-resolution in DPI, value must be an integer.
  • PRINTER_PAPER_FORMAT: specifies a predefined paper format, set value to PRINTER_FORMAT_CUSTOM if you want to specify a custom format with PRINTER_PAPER_WIDTH and PRINTER_PAPER_LENGTH. value can be one of the following constants.
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_CUSTOM: let's you specify a custom paper format.
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_LETTER: specifies standard letter format (8 1/2- by 11-inches).
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_LEGAL: specifies standard legal format (8 1/2- by 14-inches).
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_A3: specifies standard A3 format (297- by 420-millimeters).
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_A4: specifies standard A4 format (210- by 297-millimeters).
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_A5: specifies standard A5 format (148- by 210-millimeters).
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_B4: specifies standard B4 format (250- by 354-millimeters).
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_B5: specifies standard B5 format (182- by 257-millimeter).
    • PRINTER_FORMAT_FOLIO: specifies standard FOLIO format (8 1/2- by 13-inch).
  • PRINTER_PAPER_LENGTH: if PRINTER_PAPER_FORMAT is set to PRINTER_FORMAT_CUSTOM, PRINTER_PAPER_LENGTH specifies a custom paper length in mm, value must be an integer.
  • PRINTER_PAPER_WIDTH: if PRINTER_PAPER_FORMAT is set to PRINTER_FORMAT_CUSTOM, PRINTER_PAPER_WIDTH specifies a custom paper width in mm, value must be an integer.
  • PRINTER_SCALE: specifies the factor by which the printed output is to be scaled. the page size is scaled from the physical page size by a factor of scale/100. for example if you set the scale to 50, the output would be half of its original size. value must be an integer.
  • PRINTER_BACKGROUND_COLOR: specifies the background color for the actual device context, value must be a string containing the rgb information in hex format i.e. "005533".
  • PRINTER_TEXT_COLOR: specifies the text color for the actual device context, value must be a string containing the rgb information in hex format i.e. "005533".
  • PRINTER_TEXT_ALIGN: specifies the text alignment for the actual device context, value can be combined through OR'ing the following constants:
    • PRINTER_TA_BASELINE: text will be aligned at the base line.
    • PRINTER_TA_BOTTOM: text will be aligned at the bottom.
    • PRINTER_TA_TOP: text will be aligned at the top.
    • PRINTER_TA_CENTER: text will be aligned at the center.
    • PRINTER_TA_LEFT: text will be aligned at the left.
    • PRINTER_TA_RIGHT: text will be aligned at the right.


The option value.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


Example #1 printer_set_option() example


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