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HOME > PHP Manual > sqlite_exec - Executes a result-less query against a given database





(PHP 5, PECL sqlite:1.0.3)

sqlite_exec -- SQLiteDatabase->execExecutes a result-less query against a given database


bool sqlite_exec ( resource $dbhandle , string $query [, string &$error_msg ] )
bool sqlite_exec ( string $query , resource $dbhandle )

Object oriented style (method):

bool queryExec ( string $query [, string &$error_msg ] )

Executes an SQL statement given by the query against a given database handle (specified by the dbhandle parameter).


SQLite will execute multiple queries separated by semicolons, so you can use it to execute a batch of SQL that you have loaded from a file or have embedded in a script.



The SQLite Database resource; returned from sqlite_open() when used procedurally. This parameter is not required when using the object-oriented method.


The query to be executed.


The specified variable will be filled if an error occurs. This is specially important because SQL syntax errors can't be fetched using the sqlite_last_error() function.

Note: Two alternative syntaxes are supported for compatibility with other database extensions (such as MySQL). The preferred form is the first, where the dbhandle parameter is the first parameter to the function.

Return Values

This function will return a boolean result; TRUE for success or FALSE for failure. If you need to run a query that returns rows, see sqlite_query().

The column names returned by SQLITE_ASSOC and SQLITE_BOTH will be case-folded according to the value of the sqlite.assoc_case configuration option.


Version Description
5.1.0 Added the error_msg parameter


Example #1 Procedural example

$query sqlite_exec($dbhandle"UPDATE users SET email='[email protected]' WHERE username='jDoe'"$error);
if (!
$query) {
"Error in query: '$error'");
} else {
'Number of rows modified: 'sqlite_changes($dbhandle);

Example #2 Object-oriented example

= new SQLiteDatabase('mysqlitedb');
$query $dbhandle->queryExec("UPDATE users SET email='[email protected]' WHERE username='jDoe'"$error);
if (!
$query) {
"Error in query: '$error'");
} else {
'Number of rows modified: '$dbhandle->changes();

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