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HOME > PHP Manual > Predefined Constants - Predefined Constants



Predefined Constants

The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.

DB2_BINARY (integer)
Specifies that binary data shall be returned as is. This is the default mode.
DB2_CONVERT (integer)
Specifies that binary data shall be converted to a hexadecimal encoding and returned as an ASCII string.
DB2_PASSTHRU (integer)
Specifies that binary data shall be converted to a NULL value.
DB2_SCROLLABLE (integer)
Specifies a scrollable cursor for a statement resource. This mode enables random access to rows in a result set, but currently is supported only by IBM DB2 Universal Database.
DB2_FORWARD_ONLY (integer)
Specifies a forward-only cursor for a statement resource. This is the default cursor type and is supported on all database servers.
DB2_PARAM_IN (integer)
Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an IN parameter for a stored procedure.
DB2_PARAM_OUT (integer)
Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an OUT parameter for a stored procedure.
DB2_PARAM_INOUT (integer)
Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an INOUT parameter for a stored procedure.
DB2_PARAM_FILE (integer)
Specifies that the column should be bound directly to a file for input.
Specifies that autocommit should be turned on.
Specifies that autocommit should be turned off.
DB2_DOUBLE (integer)
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a DOUBLE, FLOAT, or REAL data type.
DB2_LONG (integer)
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a SMALLINT, INTEGER, or BIGINT data type.
DB2_CHAR (integer)
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a CHAR or VARCHAR data type.
DB2_CASE_NATURAL (integer)
Specifies that column names will be returned in their natural case.
DB2_CASE_LOWER (integer)
Specifies that column names will be returned in lower case.
DB2_CASE_UPPER (integer)
Specifies that column names will be returned in upper case.
Specifies that deferred prepare should be turned on for the specified statement resource.
Specifies that deferred prepare should be turned off for the specified statement resource.

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