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HOME > PHP Manual > Predefined Constants - Predefined Constants



Predefined Constants

The constants below are always available as part of the PHP core.

Pre-defined phpcredits() constants
Constant Value Description
CREDITS_GROUP 1 A list of the core developers
CREDITS_GENERAL 2 General credits: Language design and concept, PHP authors and SAPI module.
CREDITS_SAPI 4 A list of the server API modules for PHP, and their authors.
CREDITS_MODULES 8 A list of the extension modules for PHP, and their authors.
CREDITS_DOCS 16 The credits for the documentation team.
CREDITS_FULLPAGE 32 Usually used in combination with the other flags. Indicates that a complete stand-alone HTML page needs to be printed including the information indicated by the other flags.
CREDITS_QA 64 The credits for the quality assurance team.
CREDITS_ALL -1 All the credits, equivalent to using: CREDITS_DOCS + CREDITS_GENERAL + CREDITS_GROUP + CREDITS_MODULES + CREDITS_QA CREDITS_FULLPAGE. It generates a complete stand-alone HTML page with the appropriate tags. This is the default value.
phpinfo() constants
Constant Value Description
INFO_GENERAL 1 The configuration line, php.ini location, build date, Web Server, System and more.
INFO_CREDITS 2 PHP Credits. See also phpcredits().
INFO_CONFIGURATION 4 Current Local and Master values for PHP directives. See also ini_get().
INFO_MODULES 8 Loaded modules and their respective settings.
INFO_ENVIRONMENT 16 Environment Variable information that's also available in $_ENV.
INFO_VARIABLES 32 Shows all predefined variables from EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server).
INFO_LICENSE 64 PHP License information. See also the » license faq.
INFO_ALL -1 Shows all of the above. This is the default value.
ASSERT_BAIL (integer)

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