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HOME > PHP Manual > Installing for Apache on MacOS X Client



Installing for Apache on MacOS X Client

The following instructions will help you install a PHP module for the Apache web server included in MacOS X using the MacOS GUI. This version includes MySQL, PostgreSQL, and iODBC database support, cURL, GD, PDFLib, LDAP, and more. These instructions are graciously provided by » Marc Liyanage.


Be sure you know what you're doing before advancing beyond this point! You can cause irreparable harm to your Apache installation otherwise.

Note: These instructions will only work with the original Apache web server as shipped by Apple. If you re-built or upgraded your Apache, you will have to build your own PHP module.

To install:

  1. For Apache 1.3, download:
  2. For Apache 2, download: wget
  3. Unpack the compressed .tar.gz file, but DO NOT USE StuffIt Expander. Instead, use Apple's BOMArchiveHelper or the command line.
  4. Double-click the installer package and follow the directions of the installer application.

That's all! PHP should now be up and running. You can test it by dropping a file named test.php into your Sites folder in your home directory. Into that file, write this line: <?php phpinfo() ?>.

Now open up in your web browser. You should see a status table with information about the PHP module.

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