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HOME > PHP Manual > ActiveScript




This section contains notes specific to the ActiveScript installation.

ActiveScript is a Windows only SAPI that enables you to use PHP script in any ActiveScript compliant host, like Windows Script Host, ASP/ASP.NET, Windows Script Components or Microsoft Scriptlet control.

As of PHP 5.0.1, ActiveScript has been moved to the » PECL repository. The DLL for this PECL extension may be downloaded from either the » PHP Downloads page or from »

Note: You should read the manual installation steps first!

After installing PHP, you should download the ActiveScript DLL (php5activescript.dll) and place it in the main PHP folder (e.g. C:\php).

After having all the files needed, you must register the DLL on your system. To achieve this, open a Command Prompt window (located in the Start Menu). Then go to your PHP directory by typing something like cd C:\php. To register the DLL just type regsvr32 php5activescript.dll.

To test if ActiveScript is working, create a new file, named test.wsf (the extension is very important) and type:

<job id="test">
 <script language="PHPScript">
  $WScript->Echo("Hello World!");
Save and double-click on the file. If you receive a little window saying "Hello World!" you're done.

Note: In PHP 4, the engine was named 'ActivePHP', so if you are using PHP 4, you should replace 'PHPScript' with 'ActivePHP' in the above example.

Note: ActiveScript doesn't use the default php.ini file. Instead, it will look only in the same directory as the .exe that caused it to load. You should create php-activescript.ini and place it in that folder, if you wish to load extensions, etc.

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