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To enable MCVE (Monetra) Support in PHP, first verify your LibMonetra (formerly libmcve) installation directory. If you are compiling MCVE/Monetra support directly into PHP, you will then need to configure PHP with the --with-mcve option. If you use this option without specifying the path to your libmonetra installation, PHP will attempt to look in the default LibMonetra Install location (/usr/local). If Monetra (MCVE) is in a non-standard location, run configure with: --with-mcve=$mcve_path, where $mcve_path is the path to your MCVE/Monetra installation. Please note that MCVE/Monetra support requires that $mcve_path/lib and $mcve_path/include exist, and include mcve.h or monetra.h under the include directory and and/or libmcve.a and/or and/or libmonetra.a under the lib directory.

If you want to install MCVE/Monetra support as a module, you can do so by using the PECL repository, and issuing the 'pecl install mcve' command if you are running a PEAR version of at least 1.4.0.

Since MCVE/Monetra has true server/client separation, there are no additional requirements for running PHP with MCVE support. To test your MCVE/Monetra extension in PHP, you may connect to on port 8333 for IP, or port 8444 for SSL using the MCVE/Monetra PHP API. Use 'vitale' for your username, and 'test' for your password. Additional information about test facilities are available at »

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