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HOME > PHP Manual > Predefined Constants - Predefined Constants



Predefined Constants

The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.

The following two tables lists all constants defined by the paradox extension.
Contants for field types
Name Meaning
PX_FIELD_ALPHA Character data with fixed length
PX_FIELD_DATE Date, number of days since 1.1.0000
PX_FIELD_SHORT Short integer (2 Bytes)
PX_FIELD_LONG Long integer (4 Bytes)
PX_FIELD_MEMOBLOB Binary large object
PX_FIELD_BLOB Binary large object (not supported)
PX_FIELD_FMTMEMOBLOB Binary large object
PX_FIELD_OLE OLE object (basically a blob, not supported)
PX_FIELD_GRAPHIC Graphic (basically a blob, not supported)
PX_FIELD_TIME time, number of milli seconds since midnight
PX_FIELD_TIMESTAMP timestamp, number of milli seconds since 1.1.0000
PX_FIELD_AUTOINC Auto incrementing interger (like PX_FIELD_LONG)
PX_FIELD_BCD Decimal number stored in bcd format (not supported)
PX_FIELD_BYTES Array of Bytes with not more than 255 bytes (not supported)
PX_KEYTOLOWER Turn all field names into lower case
PX_KEYTOUPPER Turn all field names into upper case
Contants for file types
Name Meaning
PX_FILE_INDEX_DB Indexed database
PX_FILE_PRIM_INDEX Primary index
PX_FILE_NON_INDEX_DB None indexed database
PX_FILE_NON_INC_SEC_INDEX None incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_SEC_INDEX Secondary index
PX_FILE_INC_SEC_INDEX Incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_NON_INC_SEC_INDEX_G Non incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_SEC_INDEX_G Secondary index
PX_FILE_INC_SEC_INDEX_G Non incremental secondary index

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