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HOME > PHP Manual > Constants for Options



Constants for Options

The functions kadm5_create_principal(), kadm5_modify_principal(), and kadm5_get_principal() allow to specify or return principal's options as an associative array. The keys for the associative array are defined as string constants below:
Options for creating/modifying/retrieving principals
constant funcdef description
KADM5_PRINCIPAL long The expire time of the princial as a Kerberos timestamp.
KADM5_PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME long The expire time of the princial as a Kerberos timestamp.
KADM5_LAST_PW_CHANGE long The time this principal's password was last changed.
KADM5_PW_EXPIRATION long The expire time of the principal's current password, as a Kerberos timestamp.
KADM5_MAX_LIFE long The maximum lifetime of any Kerberos ticket issued to this principal.
KADM5_MAX_RLIFE long The maximum renewable lifetime of any Kerberos ticket issued to or for this principal.
KADM5_MOD_NAME string The name of the Kerberos principal that most recently modified this principal.
KADM5_MOD_TIME long The time this principal was last modified, as a Kerberos timestamp.
KADM5_KVNO long The version of the principal's current key.
KADM5_POLICY string The name of the policy controlling this principal.
KADM5_CLEARPOLICY long Standard procedure is to assign the 'default' policy to new principals. KADM5_CLEARPOLICY suppresses this behaviour.
KADM5_LAST_SUCCESS long The KDC time of the last successfull AS_REQ.
KADM5_LAST_FAILED long The KDC time of the last failed AS_REQ.
KADM5_FAIL_AUTH_COUNT long The number of consecutive failed AS_REQs.
KADM5_RANDKEY long Generates a random password for the principal. The parameter password will be ignored.
KADM5_ATTRIBUTES long A bitfield of attributes for use by the KDC.

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