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Note: Earlier versions of the SDO extension required a separate shared library for the XML DAS. This is now obsolete and any references to php_sdo_das_xml.dll or should be removed from your php.ini.

Unix systems
  1. The three SDO components - the SDO core, the XML DAS and the Relational DAS - are packaged together with Service Component Architecture (SCA) into one PECL project, SCA_SDO, so you can download SCA and all three parts of SDO with the command:

    pecl install SCA_SDO

    This command will build the SDO shared library as well as installing the PHP files that make up SCA and the SDO Relational DAS.

    If you want to use the latest beta version, then instead run:

    pecl install SCA_SDO-beta

  2. The pecl command automatically installs the SDO module into your PHP extensions directory. To enable the SDO extension you must add the following line to php.ini:

    For more information about building PECL packages, consult the PECL installation section of the manual.

  1. The latest SDO DLL can be downloaded from » php_sdo.dll .

    Note that currently the » pecl4win site does not provide this binary at the current release level; you can only download the latest level.

  2. The pecl command automatically installs the SDO module into your PHP extensions directory. To enable the SDO extension you must add the following line to php.ini:


  3. The Relational DAS can be downloaded and installed with the command:

    pecl install -B sdo

    The Relational DAS is written in PHP. You may need to update your include_path in php.ini to point to the directory that contains sdo/DAS/Relational.

Building SDO on Linux

This section describes how to build the SDO core and XML DAS on Linux. You would only need to know how to do this if you wish to build a recent version that you have checked out of CVS.

  1. Change to the main extension directory: cd < wherever your sdo code is >

  2. Run phpize , which will set up the environment to compile SDO.

  3. Next, run ./configure; make; make install . Please note, you may need to login as root to install the extension.

  4. Make sure that the module is loaded by PHP, by adding to your php.ini file.

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