สร้าง Report สร้าง Report ใน php โดยสร้าง Doc/Excel ผ่านTemplate ทำอย่างไรเหรอครับ ช่วยอธิบายหน่อย |
Code (PHP)
<title>ThaiCreate.Com PHP(COM) Excel.Application Tutorial</title>
$objConnect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","root") or die("Error Connect to Database");
$objDB = mysql_select_db("mydatabase");
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM customer";
$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL);
//*** Get Document Path ***//
$strPath = realpath(basename(getenv($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]))); // C:/AppServ/www/myphp
//*** Excel Document Root ***//
$strFileName = "MyXls/MyExcel.xls";
//*** Connect to Excel.Application ***//
$xlApp = new COM("Excel.Application");
$xlBook = $xlApp->Workbooks->Add();
//*** Create Sheet 1 ***//
$xlBook->Worksheets(1)->Name = "My Customer";
//*** Header ***//
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,1)->Value = "CustomerID";
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,2)->Value = "Name";
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,3)->Value = "Email";
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,4)->Value = "CountryCode";
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,5)->Value = "Budget";
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,6)->Value = "Used";
$intRows = 2;
while($objResult = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery))
//*** Detail ***//
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells($intRows,1)->Value = $objResult["CustomerID"];
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells($intRows,2)->Value = $objResult["Name"];
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells($intRows,3)->Value = $objResult["Email"];
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells($intRows,4)->Value = $objResult["CountryCode"];
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells($intRows,5)->Value = $objResult["Budget"];
$xlApp->ActiveSheet->Cells($intRows,6)->Value = $objResult["Used"];
@unlink($strFileName); //*** Delete old files ***//
$xlBook->SaveAs($strPath."/".$strFileName); //*** Save to Path ***//
//$xlBook->SaveAs(realpath($strFileName)); //*** Save to Path ***//
//*** Close & Quit ***//
$xlApp = null;
$xlBook = null;
$xlSheet1 = null;
Excel Created <a href="<?=$strFileName?>">Click here</a> to Download.
Go to : PHP Export Database to Excel (Excel.Application)
Date :
2011-05-28 08:29:40 |
By :
webmaster |
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