// This is the FULL path to the directory where the program files
// are located.
// NOTE: If you put it in your "web root" directory, the $ROOT and
// $PATH settings will then be the same. DO NOT add a trailing slash.
$PATH = "/usr/local/etc/....";
ผมต้องเขียน Path ยังไง
// This is the FULL path to the directory where your website files are
// located on your server (Your web root). DO NOT add a trailing slash.
$ROOT = "/usr/local/etc/....";
ผมต้องเขียน Path ยังไง
// Set to the full url to access the value you set for $ROOT
$PREVIEW = "http://....";
// Set to the full url to access the value you set for $PATH.
$URL = "http://....";
// Specify a list of folders to ignore when browsing
$IGNORE = array("temp","tmp");
// What kind of file types should be visible to the users when browsing for
// images using the WYSIWYG editor? (The extensions you specify MUST be
// for an image filetype or you will get javascript errors.)
$VALID_IMAGE_FILE_TYPES = array("gif","jpg","jpeg","png","png");
// What kind of file types should be visible to the users when browsing for
// links using the WYSIWYG editor?
$VALID_LINK_FILE_TYPES = array("html","htm","doc","pdf","xls","ppt","txt","jpg","gif","png","phtml","php");
// Set to 1 to use authentication, otherwise set to 0.
// NOTE: If you don't need password protection, set AUTH to 0.
$AUTH = 0;
$USER = "";
$PASS = "";
// To turn off errors from appearing in your email inbox,
// set to 0.
$REPORT = 0;
// Set to 1 to enabling printing of WYSIWYG debug messages, otherwise
// set to 0
$DEBUG = 1;
// You can specify an unlimited number of upload locations for your users. To
// add more locations, just follow the variable pattern. (Be sure to increment
// the array number for each new location.)
// PATH - The _full_ path to the destination directory. (DO NOT add a trailing
// slash.) This directory MUST already exist and have permissions of 777.
// NAME - The text users will see in the Upload window for this location.
// OVERWRITE - For this location, allow files that already exist to be
// overwritten? For yes, set to 1; for no, set to 0.
$absolute_path = "/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/test/htmlarea/gallery/uploaded"; //Absolute path to where files are uploaded
$size_limit = "yes"; //do you want a size limit yes or no.
$limit_size = "150000"; //How big do you want size limit to be in bytes
$limit_ext = "yes"; //do you want to limit the extensions of files uploaded
$ext_count = "4"; //total number of extensions in array below
$extensions = array(".gif", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"); //List extensions you want files uploaded to be
// Do you want to limit the acceptable extensions of uploaded file types?
// To enable set to 1; to disable change to 0.
// If enabled, specify a list of acceptable file types for the upload function.
$VALID_UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES = array("gif","jpg","jpeg","png");
// Do you want to set a size limit for uploaded files?
// To enable set to 1; to disable change to 0.
// If enabled, specify the size limit (in bytes) for uploaded files.
define("MAXSIZE", $MAXSIZE);
/* What is the root of the site? THE LAST "/" IS REQUIRED */
define("ROOTFOLDER", "$ROOT/");
define("SITEROOT", "$PREVIEW/");
/* Set to 1 to enable the printing of debug messages, otherwise set to 0 */
define("DEBUG", $DEBUG);