1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document
2. Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag
3. Put the last coding into the BODY of your HTML document -->
<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document -->
<!-- Begin
//Define function to manipulate the form total per item selected/deselected:
function CheckChoice(whichbox) {
with (whichbox.form) {
//Handle differently, depending on type of input box.
if (whichbox.type == "radio") {
//First, back out the prior radio selection's price from the total:
hiddentotal.value = eval(hiddentotal.value) - eval(hiddenpriorradio.value);
//Then, save the current radio selection's price:
hiddenpriorradio.value = eval(whichbox.price);
//Now, apply the current radio selection's price to the total:
hiddentotal.value = eval(hiddentotal.value) + eval(whichbox.price);
else {
//If box was checked, accumulate the checkbox value as the form total,
//Otherwise, reduce the form total by the checkbox value:
if (whichbox.checked == false) {
hiddentotal.value = eval(hiddentotal.value) - eval(whichbox.value);
else {
hiddentotal.value = eval(hiddentotal.value) + eval(whichbox.value);
//Ensure the total never goes negative (some browsers allow radiobutton to be deselected):
if (hiddentotal.value < 0) {
//Now, return with formatted total:
//Define function to format a value as currency:
function formatCurrency(num) {
<!-- Function courtesy of: Cyanide_7 ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www7.ewebcity.com/cyanide7 -->
num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g,'');
if(isNaN(num)) num = "0";
cents = Math.floor((num*100+0.5)%100);
num = Math.floor((num*100+0.5)/100).toString();
if(cents < 10) cents = "0" + cents;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++)
num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3))+','+num.substring(num.length-(4*i+3));
return ("$" + num + "." + cents);
//Define function to init the form on reload:
function InitForm() {
//Reset the displayed total on form:
//Set all checkboxes and radio buttons on form-1 to unchecked:
for (xx=0; xx < document.myform.elements.length; xx++) {
if (document.myform.elements[xx].type == 'checkbox' | document.myform.elements[xx].type == 'radio') {
document.myform.elements[xx].checked = false;
//Set all checkboxes and radio buttons on form-2 to unchecked:
for (xx=0; xx < document.myform2.elements.length; xx++) {
if (document.myform2.elements[xx].type == 'checkbox' | document.myform2.elements[xx].type == 'radio') {
document.myform2.elements[xx].checked = false;
// End -->
<!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag -->
<BODY onLoad="InitForm();" onreset="InitForm();">
<!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->
<form method=POST name=myform>
Steak $15.25
<input type=checkbox name=Steak value=15.25 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Chicken $12.39
<input type=checkbox name=Chicken value=12.39 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Sushi $18.75
<input type=checkbox name=Sushi value=18.75 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
<b>Prepare with this special sauce (extra charge -- only one selection allowed):</b>
None, thanks
<input type=radio name=Sauce value=none price=0.00 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Duck Sauce $10.99
<input type=radio name=Sauce value=duck price=10.99 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Ginger Sauce $5.00
<input type=radio name=Sauce value=ginger price=5.00 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Hot Sauce $1.50
<input type=radio name=Sauce value=hot price=1.50 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
<input type=hidden name=hiddentotal value=0>
<input type=hidden name=hiddenpriorradio value=0>
Your total is: <input type=text name=total readonly>
(Note: Total can not be changed by the visitor.)
<hr width=100% noshade>
<form method=POST name=myform2>
Roasted Pig $10.00
<input type=checkbox name=Pig value=10.00 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Roasted Rat $17.49
<input type=checkbox name=Rat value=17.49 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Roasted Cat $3.50
<input type=checkbox name=Cat value=3.50 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
<b>Prepare with this special seasoning (extra charge -- only one selection allowed):</b>
None, thanks
<input type=radio name=Season value=none price=0.00 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Liquid Nitrogen $17.50
<input type=radio name=Season value=nitrogen price=17.50 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Gun Powder $8.50
<input type=radio name=Season value=gunpowder price=8.50 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
Vodka $4.00
<input type=radio name=Season value=vodka price=4.00 onClick="this.form.total.value=CheckChoice(this);">
<input type=hidden name=hiddentotal value=0>
<input type=hidden name=hiddenpriorradio value=0>
Your total is: <input type=text name=total readonly>
(Note: Total can not be changed by the visitor.)