var NS4 = (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 5);
function addOption(theSel, theText, theValue)
var newOpt = new Option(theText, theValue);
var selLength = theSel.length;
theSel.options[selLength] = newOpt;
function deleteOption(theSel, theIndex)
var selLength = theSel.length;
theSel.options[theIndex] = null;
function moveOptions(theSelFrom, theSelTo)
var selLength = theSelFrom.length;
var selectedText = new Array();
var selectedValues = new Array();
var selectedCount = 0;
var i;
// Find the selected Options in reverse order
// and delete them from the 'from' Select.
for(i=selLength-1; i>=0; i--)
selectedText[selectedCount] = theSelFrom.options.text;
selectedValues[selectedCount] = theSelFrom.options.value;
deleteOption(theSelFrom, i);
// Add the selected text/values in reverse order.
// This will add the Options to the 'to' Select
// in the same order as they were in the 'from' Select.
for(i=selectedCount-1; i>=0; i--)
addOption(theSelTo, selectedText, selectedValues);
if(NS4) history.go(0);
function getSelected(opt) {
var selected = new Array();
var index = 0;
for (var intLoop=0; intLoop < opt.length; intLoop++) {
if (opt[intLoop].selected) {
index = selected.length;
selected[index] = new Object;
selected[index].value = opt[intLoop].value;
selected[index].index = intLoop;
return selected;
function outputSelected(opt) {
var sel = getSelected(opt);
var strSel = "";
for (var item in sel)
strSel += sel[item].value + "\n";
alert("Selected Items:\n" + strSel);