include ("../include/connect.php")
include ("../include/jpgraph.php");
include ("../include/jpgraph_bar.php");
include ("../include/jpgraph_line.php");
$datay= array();
$queryPlan1 = "select * from booking where Agent_ID=$Agent_ID";
$rsPlan1= mysql_query($queryPlan1);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($rsPlan1);
while($row_Plan1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPlan1)){
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(990,500,"auto");
// Setup X-axis labels
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// This is how you make the bar graph start from something other than 0
// Setup color for gradient fill style
// Set up the title for the graph
// Setup color for axis and labels
// Setup font for axis
$fmtStr = "javascript:window.open('barcsim_details.php?id=%d','_new','width=500,height=300');void(0)";
$n = count($datay);
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$targ[$i] = sprintf($fmtStr,$i+1);
$alts[$i] = 'val=%d';
// Note: The format placeholder val=%d will be replaced by the actual value in the ouput HTML by the
// library so that when the user hoovers the mouse over the bar the actual numerical value of the bar
// will be d?splayed
// Add plot to graph
// Setup the title, also wih a CSIM area
$graph->title->Set("CSIM with popup windows");
// Assume we can give more details on the graph
$graph->title->SetCSIMTarget(sprintf($fmtStr,-1),'Title for Bar');
// Send back the HTML page which will call this script again to retrieve the image.