A fresh install of Ubuntu Dapper + all the updates
A Windows box with a functional install of Dreamweaver 8
- Fire up a terminal session and type the next commands;
TIP: Instead of using apt-get, you can install them with the Synaptic Package Manager located in the System/Administration menu
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install wine and then type “yes”
$ wine /*To create the wine file structure*/
$ apt-get install recode and then type “yes”
- Then you need to copy all the necessary files from the Windows box;
Copy the whole Macromedia folder from “c:\Program Files\” to “/home/YOURNAME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/”
Copy the whole Macromedia folder from “c:\Documents and settings\All users\Application Data” to “/home/YOURNAME/.wine/drive_c/window/profile/all users/”
Copy the whole Macromed (No mistake with the “ai”) from “c:\Windows\system32\” to “/home/YOURNAME/.wine/drive_c/window/system32/”
Finally, copy the whole Macromedia folder from “c:\Program Files\Common Files” to “/home/YOURNAME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/”
- Now you need to export the registry keys of the Dreamweaver;
In your Windowx box, type “regedit” in the command-line and export the whole “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Macromedia/” to “macromedia.reg”, then copy it to your your Ubuntu, convert it to ascii with “$ recode ucs-2..ascii macromedia.reg”. Afterwards, type “$ wine regedit macromedia.reg” to run it with wine.
That’s it! Type “$ wine dreamweaver.exe” or create a launcher and enjoy Dreamweaver in Ubuntu