อยากทราบว่าจะทำยังไงให้ปฎิทิน default ย้อนหลัง 1 วันค่ะ
Code calendar1.js
// Title: Tigra Calendar
// URL: http://www.softcomplex.com/products/tigra_calendar/
// Version: 3.4 (European date format)
// Date: 07/12/2007
// Note: Permission given to use this script in ANY kind of applications if
// header lines are left unchanged.
// Note: Script consists of two files: calendar?.js and calendar.html
// if two digit year input dates after this year considered 20 century.
var NUM_CENTYEAR = 30;
// is time input control required by default
// are year scrolling buttons required by default
var BUL_YEARSCROLL = true;
// validate input parameters
if (!obj_target)
return cal_error("Error calling the calendar: no target control specified");
if (obj_target.value == null)
return cal_error("Error calling the calendar: parameter specified is not valid target control");
this.target = obj_target;
this.time_comp = BUL_TIMECOMPONENT;
this.year_scroll = BUL_YEARSCROLL;
// register in global collections
this.id = calendars.length;
calendars[this.id] = this;
function cal_popup1 (str_datetime) {
if (str_datetime)
this.dt_current = this.prs_tsmp(str_datetime);
this.dt_selected = this.dt_current = this.prs_tsmp(this.target.value);
// timestamp parsing function
function cal_prs_tsmp1 (str_datetime) {
// if no parameter specified return current timestamp
if (!str_datetime)
return (new Date());
// if positive integer treat as milliseconds from epoch
if (RE_NUM.exec(str_datetime))
return new Date(str_datetime);
// else treat as date in string format
var arr_datetime = str_datetime.split(' ');
return this.prs_time(arr_datetime[1], this.prs_date(arr_datetime[0]));
// date parsing function
function cal_prs_date1 (str_date) {
var arr_date = str_date.split('-');
if (arr_date.length != 3) return cal_error ("Invalid date format: '" + str_date + "'.\nFormat accepted is dd-mm-yyyy.");
if (!arr_date[0]) return cal_error ("Invalid date format: '" + str_date + "'.\nNo day of month value can be found.");
if (!RE_NUM.exec(arr_date[0])) return cal_error ("Invalid day of month value: '" + arr_date[0] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
if (!arr_date[1]) return cal_error ("Invalid date format: '" + str_date + "'.\nNo month value can be found.");
if (!RE_NUM.exec(arr_date[1])) return cal_error ("Invalid month value: '" + arr_date[1] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
if (!arr_date[2]) return cal_error ("Invalid date format: '" + str_date + "'.\nNo year value can be found.");
if (!RE_NUM.exec(arr_date[2])) return cal_error ("Invalid year value: '" + arr_date[2] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
var dt_date = new Date();
if (arr_date[1] < 1 || arr_date[1] > 12) return cal_error ("Invalid month value: '" + arr_date[1] + "'.\nAllowed range is 01-12.");
var dt_numdays = new Date(arr_date[2], arr_date[1], 0);
if (dt_date.getMonth() != (arr_date[1]-1)) return cal_error ("Invalid day of month value: '" + arr_date[0] + "'.\nAllowed range is 01-"+dt_numdays.getDate()+".");
return (dt_date)
// time parsing function
function cal_prs_time1 (str_time, dt_date) {
if (!dt_date) return null;
var arr_time = String(str_time ? str_time : '').split(':');
if (!arr_time[0]) dt_date.setHours(0);
else if (RE_NUM.exec(arr_time[0]))
if (arr_time[0] < 24) dt_date.setHours(arr_time[0]);
else return cal_error ("Invalid hours value: '" + arr_time[0] + "'.\nAllowed range is 00-23.");
else return cal_error ("Invalid hours value: '" + arr_time[0] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
if (!arr_time[1]) dt_date.setMinutes(0);
else if (RE_NUM.exec(arr_time[1]))
if (arr_time[1] < 60) dt_date.setMinutes(arr_time[1]);
else return cal_error ("Invalid minutes value: '" + arr_time[1] + "'.\nAllowed range is 00-59.");
else return cal_error ("Invalid minutes value: '" + arr_time[1] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
if (!arr_time[2]) dt_date.setSeconds(0);
else if (RE_NUM.exec(arr_time[2]))
if (arr_time[2] < 60) dt_date.setSeconds(arr_time[2]);
else return cal_error ("Invalid seconds value: '" + arr_time[2] + "'.\nAllowed range is 00-59.");
else return cal_error ("Invalid seconds value: '" + arr_time[2] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
return dt_date;
function cal_error (str_message) {
alert (str_message);
return null;