รบกวนขอโค๊ด calendar ที่เป็นไทยหน่อยครับ รบกวนขอโค๊ด calendar ที่เป็นไทยหน่อยครับ
รบกวนขอโค๊ด calendar ที่เป็นไทยหน่อยครับพอดีจะแก้จากภาษาอังกฤษเป็นภาษาไทยครับ
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
Event.onContentReady("datefields", function () {
var oCalendarMenu;
var onButtonClick = function () {
// Create a Calendar instance and render it into the body
// element of the Overlay.
var oCalendar = new YAHOO.widget.Calendar("buttoncalendar", oCalendarMenu.body.id);
// Subscribe to the Calendar instance's "select" event to
// update the Button instance's label when the user
// selects a date.
oCalendar.selectEvent.subscribe(function (p_sType, p_aArgs) {
var aDate,
if (p_aArgs) {
aDate = p_aArgs[0][0];
nMonth = aDate[1];
nDay = aDate[2];
nYear = aDate[0];
oButton.set("label", (nMonth + "/" + nDay + "/" + nYear));
// Sync the Calendar instance's selected date with the date form fields
Dom.get("month").selectedIndex = (nMonth - 1);
Dom.get("day").selectedIndex = (nDay - 1);
Dom.get("year").value = nYear;
// Pressing the Esc key will hide the Calendar Menu and send focus back to
// its parent Button
Event.on(oCalendarMenu.element, "keydown", function (p_oEvent) {
if (Event.getCharCode(p_oEvent) === 27) {
}, null, this);
var focusDay = function () {
var oCalendarTBody = Dom.get("buttoncalendar").tBodies[0],
aElements = oCalendarTBody.getElementsByTagName("a"),
if (aElements.length > 0) {
Dom.batch(aElements, function (element) {
if (Dom.hasClass(element.parentNode, "today")) {
oAnchor = element;
if (!oAnchor) {
oAnchor = aElements[0];
// Focus the anchor element using a timer since Calendar will try
// to set focus to its next button by default
YAHOO.lang.later(0, oAnchor, function () {
try {
catch(e) {}
// Set focus to either the current day, or first day of the month in
// the Calendar when it is made visible or the month changes
oCalendarMenu.subscribe("show", focusDay);
oCalendar.renderEvent.subscribe(focusDay, oCalendar, true);
// Give the Calendar an initial focus
// Re-align the CalendarMenu to the Button to ensure that it is in the correct
// position when it is initial made visible
// Unsubscribe from the "click" event so that this code is
// only executed once
this.unsubscribe("click", onButtonClick);
var oDateFields = Dom.get("datefields");
oMonthField = Dom.get("month"),
oDayField = Dom.get("day"),
oYearField = Dom.get("year");
// Hide the form fields used for the date so that they can be replaced by the
// calendar button.
oMonthField.style.display = "none";
oDayField.style.display = "none";
oYearField.style.display = "none";
// Create a Overlay instance to house the Calendar instance
oCalendarMenu = new YAHOO.widget.Overlay("calendarmenu", { visible: false });
// Create a Button instance of type "menu"
var oButton = new YAHOO.widget.Button({
type: "menu",
id: "calendarpicker",
label: "กรุณาเลือกวันที่",
menu: oCalendarMenu,
container: "datefields" });
oButton.on("appendTo", function () {
// Create an empty body element for the Overlay instance in order
// to reserve space to render the Calendar instance into.
oCalendarMenu.setBody(" ");
oCalendarMenu.body.id = "calendarcontainer";
// Add a listener for the "click" event. This listener will be
// used to defer the creation the Calendar instance until the
// first time the Button's Overlay instance is requested to be displayed
// by the user.
oButton.on("click", onButtonClick);
ใครพอจะรู้จักโค๊ตนี้บ้างครับTag : - - - -
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2010-03-17 11:52:39
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