// default settins
var A_TCALDEF = {
'months' : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
'weekdays' : ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'],
'yearscroll': true, // show year scroller
'weekstart': 0, // first day of week: 0-Su or 1-Mo
'centyear' : 70, // 2 digit years less than 'centyear' are in 20xx, othewise in 19xx.
'imgpath' : 'img/' // directory with calendar images
// date parsing function
function f_tcalParseDate (s_date) {
var re_date = /^\s*(\d{2,4})\-(\d{1,2})\-(\d{1,2})\s*$/;
if (!re_date.exec(s_date))
return alert ("Invalid date: '" + s_date + "'.\nAccepted format is yyyy-mm-dd.")
var n_day = Number(RegExp.$3),
n_month = Number(RegExp.$2),
n_year = Number(RegExp.$1);
if (n_year < 100)
n_year += (n_year < this.a_tpl.centyear ? 2000 : 1900);
if (n_month < 1 || n_month > 12)
return alert ("Invalid month value: '" + n_month + "'.\nAllowed range is 01-12.");
var d_numdays = new Date(n_year, n_month, 0);
if (n_day > d_numdays.getDate())
return alert("Invalid day of month value: '" + n_day + "'.\nAllowed range for selected month is 01 - " + d_numdays.getDate() + ".");
return new Date (n_year, n_month - 1, n_day);
// date generating function
function f_tcalGenerDate (d_date) {
return (
d_date.getFullYear() + "-"
+ (d_date.getMonth() < 9 ? '0' : '') + (d_date.getMonth() + 1) + "-"
+ (d_date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d_date.getDate()
// implementation
function tcal (a_cfg, a_tpl) {
// apply default template if not specified
if (!a_tpl)
a_tpl = A_TCALDEF;
// register in global collections
if (!window.A_TCALS)
window.A_TCALS = [];
if (!window.A_TCALSIDX)
window.A_TCALSIDX = [];
// find input field
if (!this.a_cfg.controlname)
throw("TC: control name is not specified");
if (this.a_cfg.formname) {
var e_form = document.forms[this.a_cfg.formname];
if (!e_form)
throw("TC: form '" + this.a_cfg.formname + "' can not be found");
this.e_input = e_form.elements[this.a_cfg.controlname];
this.e_input = f_getElement(this.a_cfg.controlname);
if (!this.e_input || !this.e_input.tagName || this.e_input.tagName != 'INPUT')
throw("TC: element '" + this.a_cfg.controlname + "' does not exist in "
+ (this.a_cfg.formname ? "form '" + this.a_cfg.controlname + "'" : 'this document'));
// dynamically create HTML elements if needed
this.e_div = f_getElement('tcal');
if (!this.e_div) {
this.e_div = document.createElement("DIV");
this.e_div.id = 'tcal';
this.e_shade = f_getElement('tcalShade');
if (!this.e_shade) {
this.e_shade = document.createElement("DIV");
this.e_shade.id = 'tcalShade';
this.e_iframe = f_getElement('tcalIF')
if (b_ieFix && !this.e_iframe) {
this.e_iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");
this.e_iframe.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=0)';
this.e_iframe.id = 'tcalIF';
this.e_iframe.src = this.a_tpl.imgpath + 'pixel.gif';
// hide all calendars
// generate HTML and show calendar
this.e_icon = f_getElement(this.s_iconId);
if (!this.f_update())
// figure out date to display
if (!d_date)
// selected by default
d_date = d_selected;
else if (typeof(d_date) == 'number')
// get from number
d_date = f_tcalResetTime(new Date(d_date));
else if (typeof(d_date) == 'string')
// parse from string
if (!d_date) return false;
// first date to display
var d_firstday = new Date(d_date);
d_firstday.setDate(1 - (7 + d_firstday.getDay() - this.a_tpl.weekstart) % 7);
f_getElement = document.all ?
function (s_id) { return document.all[s_id] } :
function (s_id) { return document.getElementById(s_id) };
if (document.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener('scroll', f_tcalHideAll, false);
if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent('onscroll', f_tcalHideAll);