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HOME > PHP > PHP Forum > รบกวนหน่อยนะคะ คือว่า เวลาส่งเมล์แล้วเมล์ไปอยู่ใน junk ไม่อยู่ใน inbox อ่ะค่ะ ต้องทำยังไงดี มือใหม่ วาน พี่ๆ ช่วยด้วยนะคะ ^^


รบกวนหน่อยนะคะ คือว่า เวลาส่งเมล์แล้วเมล์ไปอยู่ใน junk ไม่อยู่ใน inbox อ่ะค่ะ ต้องทำยังไงดี มือใหม่ วาน พี่ๆ ช่วยด้วยนะคะ ^^


Topic : 044217

โพสกระทู้ ( 44 )
บทความ ( 0 )


Code (PHP)
<?php /* CLASSES $Id: libmail.class.php,v 2007/11/14 00:03:26 ajdonnison Exp $ */
 *    @package dotproject
 *    @subpackage utilites

if (!defined('DP_BASE_DIR')){
    die('You should not access this file directly.');

 *    This class encapsulates the PHP mail() function.
 *    implements CC, Bcc, Priority headers
 *    @version    1.3
 *    <ul>
 *    <li>added ReplyTo( $address ) method
 *    <li>added Receipt() method - to add a mail receipt
 *    <li>added optionnal charset parameter to Body() method. this should fix charset problem on some mail clients
 *    </ul>
 *    Example
 *    <code>
 *    include "libmail.php";
 *    $m= new Mail; // create the mail
 *    $m->From( "[email protected]" );
 *    $m->To( "[email protected]" );
 *    $m->Subject( "the subject of the mail" );
 *    $message= "Hello world!\nthis is a test of the Mail class\nplease ignore\nThanks.";
 *    $m->Body( $message);    // set the body
 *    $m->Cc( "[email protected]");
 *    $m->Bcc( "[email protected]");
 *    $m->Priority(4) ;    // set the priority to Low
 *    $m->Attach( "/home/leo/toto.gif", "image/gif" ) ;    // attach a file of type image/gif
 *    $m->Send();    // send the mail
 *    echo "the mail below has been sent:<br><pre>", $m->Get(), "</pre>";
 *    </code>

    Fri Aug 03 17:03:25 UTC 2007

 *    @author    Leo West - [email protected]
 *    @author    Emiliano Gabrielli - [email protected]
class Mail
     *    list of To addresses
     *    @var    array
    var $ato = array();
     *    @var    array
    var $acc = array();
     *    @var    array
    var $abcc = array();
     *    paths of attached files
     *    @var array
    var $aattach = array();
     *    list of message headers
     *    @var array
    var $xheaders = array();
     *    string version of message headers in the form
     *    "HeaderName: header content\r\n"
     *    @var string
    var $headers = '';
     *    message priorities referential
     *    @var array
    var $priorities = array( '1 (Highest)', '2 (High)', '3 (Normal)', '4 (Low)', '5 (Lowest)' );
     *    character set of message
     *    @var string
    var $charset;
    var $ctencoding;
    var $receipt = 0;

    var $useRawAddress = TRUE;

    var $host;
    var $port;
    var $sasl;
    var $username;
    var $password;
    var $transport;
    var $defer;
	var $smtpsecure;

 *    Mail constructor
function Mail()
    $this->autoCheck( TRUE );
    $this->boundary   = '--' . md5( uniqid('dPboundary') );
    // Grab the current mail handling options
    $this->transport  = dPgetConfig('mail_transport', 'php');
    $this->host       = dPgetConfig('mail_host', 'localhost');
    $this->port       = dPgetConfig('mail_port', '25');
	//$this->ssl		  = dPgetConfig('mail_ssl','ssl://');
    $this->sasl       = dPgetConfig('mail_auth', FALSE);
    $this->username   = dPgetConfig('mail_user');
    $this->password   = dPgetConfig('mail_pass');
    $this->defer      = dPgetConfig('mail_defer');
    $this->timeout    = dPgetConfig('mail_timeout', 0);
    $this->charset    = isset( $GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? strtolower($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) : 'us-ascii';
    $this->ctencoding = $this->charset != 'us-ascii' ? '8bit' : '7bit';
    $this->canEncode  = function_exists('imap_8bit') && 'us-ascii' != $this->charset;
    $this->hasMbStr   = function_exists('mb_substr');

 *    activate or desactivate the email addresses validator
 *    ex: autoCheck( TRUE ) turn the validator on
 *    by default autoCheck feature is on
 *    @param boolean    $bool set to TRUE to turn on the auto validation
 *    @access public
function autoCheck( $bool )
        $this->checkAddress = (bool) $bool;

 *    Define the subject line of the email
 *    @param string $subject any monoline string
 *    @param string $charset encoding to be used for Quoted-Printable encoding of the subject 
function Subject( $subject, $charset='' )
    global $AppUI;
    if( !empty($charset) ) {
        $this->charset = strtolower($charset);
    $subject = dPgetConfig('email_prefix').' '.$subject;
    $subject = strtr( $subject, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , '      ' );
    $subject = $this->_wordEncode($subject, strlen('Subject: '));

    $this->xheaders['Subject'] = $subject;

 *    set the sender of the mail
 *    @param string $from should be an email address
function From( $from )
    if ( !is_string($from) ) {
        return FALSE;
    $from = strtr( $from, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , '      ' );
    $this->xheaders['From'] = $this->_addressEncode($from, strlen('From: '));

 *    set the Reply-to header
 *    @param string $email should be an email address
function ReplyTo( $address )
    if (!is_string($address)) {
        return FALSE;
    $address = strtr( $address, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , '      ' );
    $this->xheaders['Reply-To'] = $this->_addressEncode($address, strlen('Reply-To: '));

 *    add a receipt to the mail ie.  a confirmation is returned to the "From" address (or "ReplyTo" if defined)
 *    when the receiver opens the message.
 *    @warning this functionality is *not* a standard, thus only some mail clients are compliants.
function Receipt()
    $this->receipt = 1;

 *    set the mail recipient
 *    The optional reset parameter is useful when looping through records to send individual mails.
 *    This prevents the 'to' array being continually stacked with additional addresses.
 *    @param string $to email address, accept both a single address or an array of addresses
 *    @param boolean $reset resets the current array
function To( $to, $reset=FALSE )
    if ( is_array($to) ) {
        $to = array_map( create_function('$s', 'return strtr( $s, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , "      " );'), $to );
        $this->ato = $to;
    } else {
        $to = strtr( $to, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , '      ' );
        if ($this->useRawAddress) {
           if( preg_match( "/^(.*)\<(.+)\>$/D", $to, $regs ) ) {
              $to = $regs[2];
        if ($reset) {
            unset( $this->ato );
            $this->ato = array();
        $this->ato[] = $to;

    if( $this->checkAddress == TRUE )
        $this->CheckAdresses( $this->ato );

 *    Cc()
 *    set the CC headers ( carbon copy )
 *    $cc : email address(es), accept both array and string
function Cc( $cc )
    if( is_array($cc) ) {
        $cc = array_map( create_function('$s', 'return strtr( $s, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , "      " );'), $cc );
        $this->acc = $cc;
    } else {
        $cc = strtr( $cc, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , '      ' );
        $this->acc = explode(',', $cc);

    if( $this->checkAddress == TRUE )
        $this->CheckAdresses( $this->acc );

 *    set the Bcc headers ( blank carbon copy ).
 *    $bcc : email address(es), accept both array and string
function Bcc( $bcc )
    if( is_array($bcc) ) {
        $bcc = array_map( create_function('$s', 'return strtr( $s, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , "      " );'), $bcc );
        $this->abcc = $bcc;
    } else {
        $bcc = strtr( $bcc, "\x0B\0\t\r\n\f" , '      ' );
        $this->abcc = explode(',', $bcc);

    if( $this->checkAddress == TRUE )
        $this->CheckAdresses( $this->abcc );

 *        set the body (message) of the mail
 *        define the charset if the message contains extended characters (accents)
 *        default to us-ascii
 *        $mail->Body( "m?l en fran?ais avec des accents", "iso-8859-1" );
function Body( $body, $charset='' )
    $this->body = $body;

    if( !empty($charset) ) {
        $this->charset = strtolower($charset);
        if( $this->charset != 'us-ascii' )
            $this->ctencoding = '8bit';

 *        set the Organization header
function Organization( $org )
    if( '' != trim($org) )
        $this->xheaders['Organization'] = $this->_wordEncode($org, strlen('Organization: '));

 *        set the mail priority
 *        $priority : integer taken between 1 (highest) and 5 ( lowest )
 *        ex: $mail->Priority(1) ; => Highest
function Priority( $priority )
    if( ! intval( $priority ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( ! isset( $this->priorities[$priority-1]) )
        return FALSE;

    $this->xheaders['X-Priority'] = $this->priorities[$priority-1];

    return TRUE;

 *    Attach a file to the mail
 *    @param string $filename : path of the file to attach
 *    @param string $filetype : MIME-type of the file. default to 'application/x-unknown-content-type'
 *    @param string $disposition : instruct the Mailclient to display the file if possible ("inline") 
 *                                   or always as a link ("attachment") possible values are "inline", "attachment"
function Attach( $filename, $filetype='', $disposition='inline' )
    // TODO : si filetype="", alors chercher dans un tablo de MT connus / extension du fichier
    if( empty($filetype) )
        $filetype = 'application/x-unknown-content-type';

    $this->aattach[] = $filename;
    $this->actype[] = $filetype;
    $this->adispo[] = $disposition;

 *    Build the email message
 *    @access protected
function BuildMail()
    global $AppUI;

    // build the headers
    if( count($this->ato) > 0 ) {
        $this->_addressesEncode($this->ato, 'To');
    if( count($this->acc) > 0 ) {
        $this->_addressesEncode($this->acc, 'CC');
    if( count($this->abcc) > 0 ) {
        $this->_addressesEncode($this->abcc, 'BCC');

    if( $this->receipt ) {
        if( isset($this->xheaders['Reply-To'] ) ) {
            $this->xheaders['Disposition-Notification-To'] = $this->xheaders['Reply-To'];
        } else {
            $this->xheaders['Disposition-Notification-To'] = $this->xheaders['From'];

    if( !empty($this->charset) ) {
        $this->xheaders['Mime-Version'] = '1.0';
        $this->xheaders['Content-Type'] = "text/plain; charset=$this->charset";
        $this->xheaders['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = $this->ctencoding;

    $this->xheaders['X-Mailer'] = 'dotProject v' . $AppUI->getVersion();
    $this->headers = '';
    foreach ($this->xheaders as $h=>$v) {
        $this->headers .= "$h: $v\r\n";

    // include attached files
    if( count( $this->aattach ) > 0 ) {
    } else {
        $sep = "\r\n";
        $arr = preg_split("/(\r?\n)|\r/", $this->body);
        $this->fullBody = implode($sep, $arr);

 *    format and send the mail
 *    @access public
function Send()

    if ($this->defer)
        return $this->QueueMail();
    else if ($this->transport == 'smtp')
        return $this->SMTPSend();
    else {
        $headers = preg_replace("/Subject: .*?\r\n(?! )/Ds", '', $this->headers);
        $headers = preg_replace("/To: .*?\r\n(?! )/Ds", '', $this->headers);
        return @mail( $this->xheaders['To'], $this->xheaders['Subject'], $this->fullBody, $headers );

 * Send email via an SMTP connection.
 * Work based loosly on that of Bugs Genie, which appears to be in turn based on something from 'Ninebirds'
 * @access public
function SMTPSend()
    global $AppUI;

    // Start the connection to the server
    $error_number = 0;
    $error_message = '';
    $headers =& $this->xheaders;

    $this->socket = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $error_number, $error_message, $this->timeout);
    if (! $this->socket) {
        dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1, "Error on connecting to host {$this->host} at port {$this->port}: $error_message ($error_number)");
        $AppUI->setMsg("Cannot connect to SMTP Host: $error_message ($error_number)");
        return FALSE;
    // Read the opening stuff;
    // Send the protocol start
    $this->socketSend('HELO ' . $this->getHostName());
    if ($this->sasl && $this->username) {
        $this->socketSend("AUTH LOGIN");
        $rcv = $this->socketSend(base64_encode($this->password));
        if (strpos($rcv, '235') !== 0) {
            dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1, 'Authentication failed on server: '.$rcv);
            $AppUI->setMsg('Failed to login to SMTP server: '.$rcv);
            return FALSE;
    // Determine the mail from address.
    if ( ! isset($headers['From'])) {
        $from = dPgetConfig('admin_user') . '@' . dPgetConfig('site_domain');
    } else {
        // Search for the parts of the email address
        if (preg_match('/.*<([^@]+@[a-z0-9\._-]+)>/i', $headers['From'], $matches))
            $from = $matches[1];
            $from = $headers['From'];
    $rcv = $this->socketSend("MAIL FROM: <$from>");
    if (substr($rcv,0,1) != '2') {
        $AppUI->setMsg("Failed to send email: $rcv", UI_MSG_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
    foreach ($this->ato as $to_address) {
        if (strpos($to_address, '<') !== FALSE) {
            preg_match('/^.*<([^@]+\@[a-z0-9\._-]+)>/i', $to_address, $matches);
            if (isset($matches[1]))
                $to_address = $matches[1];
        $rcv = $this->socketSend("RCPT TO: <$to_address>");
        if (substr($rcv,0,1) != '2') {
            $AppUI->setMsg("Failed to send email: $rcv", UI_MSG_ERROR);
            return FALSE;
    foreach ($headers as $hdr => $val) {
            $this->socketSend("$hdr: $val", FALSE);
    // Now build the To Headers as well.
    $this->socketSend('Date: ' . date('r'), FALSE);
    $this->socketSend('', FALSE);
    $this->socketSend($this->fullBody, FALSE);
    $result = $this->socketSend(".\r\nQUIT");
    if (strpos($result, '250') === 0)
        return TRUE;
    else {
        dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1, "Failed to send email from $from to $to_address: $result");
        $AppUI->setMsg("Failed to send email: $result");
        return FALSE;

function socketRead()
    $result = fgets($this->socket, 4096);
    dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 12, "server said: $result");
    return $result;

function socketSend($msg, $rcv = TRUE)
    dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 12, "sending: $msg");
    $sent = fputs($this->socket, $msg . "\r\n");
    if ($rcv)
        return $this->socketRead();
        return $sent;

function getHostName()
  // Grab the server address, return a hostname for it.
  if ($host = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']))
    return $host;
    return '[' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ']';

 * Queue mail to allow the queue manager to trigger
 * the email transfer.
 * @access private
function QueueMail()
    global $AppUI;

    require_once $AppUI->getSystemClass('event_queue');
    $ec = new EventQueue;
    $vars = get_object_vars($this);
    return $ec->add(array('Mail', 'SendQueuedMail'), $vars, 'libmail', TRUE);

 * Dequeue the email and transfer it.  Called from the queue manager.
 * @access private
function SendQueuedMail($mod, $type, $originator, $owner, &$args)
    if ($this->transport == 'smtp') {
        return $this->SMTPSend();
    } else {
        $headers = preg_replace("/Subject: .*?\r\n(?! )/Ds", '', $headers);
        $headers = preg_replace("/To: .*?\r\n(?! )/Ds", '', $headers);
        return @mail( $xheaders['To'], $xheaders['Subject'], $fullBody, $headers );

 *    Returns the whole e-mail , headers + message
 *    can be used for displaying the message in plain text or logging it
 *    @return string
function Get()
    $mail = $this->headers . "\r\n\r\n";
    $mail .= $this->fullBody;
    return $mail;

 *    check an email address validity
 *    @access public
 *    @param string $address : email address to check
 *    @return TRUE if email adress is ok
function ValidEmail($address) {
   if( preg_match( '/^(.*)\<(.+)\>$/D', $address, $regs ) ) {
      $address = $regs[2];
   return (bool) preg_match( '/^[^@ ]+@([-a-zA-Z0-9..]+)$/D', $address);

 *    check validity of email addresses
 *    @param    array $aad -
 *    @return if unvalid, output an error message and exit, this may -should- be customized

function CheckAdresses( $aad ) {
    foreach ( $aad as $ad  ) {
        if( ! $this->ValidEmail( $ad ) ) {
            echo "Class Mail, method Mail : invalid address $ad";
    return TRUE;
     * alias for the mispelled CheckAdresses
    function CheckAddresses($aad) {
        return $this->CheckAdresses($aad);

 *    check and encode attach file(s) . internal use only
 *    @access private
function _build_attachement() {
    $this->xheaders['Content-Type'] = "multipart/mixed;\r\n boundary=\"$this->boundary\"";

    $this->fullBody = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n--$this->boundary\r\n";
    $this->fullBody .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$this->charset\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: $this->ctencoding\r\n\r\n";

    $sep= "\r\n";
    $body = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $this->body);
    $this->fullBody .= implode($sep, $body) ."\r\n";

    $ata= array();

    // for each attached file, do...
    for( $i=0; $i < count( $this->aattach); $i++ ) {
        $filename = $this->aattach[$i];
        $basename = basename($filename);
        $ctype = $this->actype[$i];    // content-type
        $disposition = $this->adispo[$i];

        if( ! file_exists( $filename) ) {
            echo "Class Mail, method attach : file $filename can't be found"; exit;
        $subhdr= "--$this->boundary\r\nContent-type: $ctype;\r\n name=\"$basename\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\nContent-Disposition: $disposition;\r\n  filename=\"$basename\"\r\n";
        $ata[$k++] = $subhdr;
        // non encoded line length
        $linesz= filesize( $filename)+1;
        $fp= fopen( $filename, 'rb' );
        $ata[$k++] = chunk_split(base64_encode(fread( $fp, $linesz)));
    $this->fullBody .= implode($sep, $ata);

 * Encode an email address as RFC2047 wants
 * @author "Emiliano 'AlberT' Gabrielli" <[email protected]>
 * @access private
 * @param string $addr: the string to be encoded
 * @param int $offset: an optional offset to be counted for the first line
 * @return string the encoded string
function _addressEncode( $addr, $offset=0 )
    if (!$this->canEncode) return $addr;
    $matches = NULL;
    $mail = '';
    $txt = '';
    if ( !preg_match('/^(.*)( ?<[^@]+@[a-z0-9\._-]+>)$/Di', $addr, $matches) ) 
        return $addr;
    $txt  = $matches[1];
    $mail = $matches[2];
    $txt = $this->_wordEncode($txt, $offset);

    if ( $offset + $this->_strlen("$txt$mail") > 76 )
        return "$txt\r\n $mail";
        return "$txt$mail";

 * Encode a string making it an encoded word as RFC2047 wants
 * @author "Emiliano 'AlberT' Gabrielli" <[email protected]>
 * @access private
 * @param string $str: the string to be encoded
 * @param int $offset: an optional offset to be counted for the first line
 * @return string the encoded string, made of N encoded words as the original lenght impose
function _wordEncode($str, $offset=0)
    if (!$this->canEncode) return $str;
    $cs = $this->charset;
    $str = str_replace(array(' ', "=\r\n", '?') , array('_', '', '=3F'), trim(imap_8bit($str)));

    $enlen = strlen("=?$cs?Q??=");
    // -4 is to ensure we do not truncate a trailing encoded char
    $max_fst_line_len = 75 - $enlen - $offset -2;
    if ( $this->_strlen($str) <= $max_fst_line_len ) {
        return "=?$cs?Q?$str?=";
    if ( FALSE!==$this->_strpos($str, '=', $max_fst_line_len -3) ) { $max_fst_line_len -= 3; }
    $fst_line = $this->_substr($str, 0, $max_fst_line_len);

    $str = $this->_substr($str, $max_fst_line_len);
    $str = chunk_split($str, 75 - $enlen, "\r\n");
    // remove last unneeded CRLF
    $str = $this->_substr($str, 0, -2);
    $arows = explode("\r\n", $str);
    //reattach the first line
    array_unshift($arows, $fst_line);

    return '=?'.$cs.'?Q?'. implode("?=\r\n =?$cs?Q?", $arows). '?=';

function _addressesEncode(&$aaddr, $hdr)
    $n = count($aaddr);
    $this->xheaders[$hdr] = $this->_addressEncode($aaddr[0], strlen("$hdr: "));
    for ($i=1 /*skip first one*/; $i<$n; ++$i ) {
        $val = $this->_addressEncode($aaddr[$i], 1);
        $this->xheaders[$hdr] .= ",\r\n $val" ;

function _strpos($str, $start, $offset=0)
    if ( $this->hasMbStr )
        return mb_strpos($str, $start, $offset, $this->charset);
        return substr($str, $start, $offset);

function _substr($str, $start, $len=null)
    if (NULL===$len)
        $len = $this->_strlen($str);
    if ( $this->hasMbStr )
        return mb_substr($str, $start, $len, $this->charset);
        return substr($str, $start, $len);

function _strlen($str)
    if ( $this->hasMbStr )
        return mb_strlen($str, $this->charset);
        return strlen($str);

} // class Mail


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Date : 2010-06-18 20:52:07 By : noey View : 1170 Reply : 0




Re : รบกวนหน่อยนะคะ คือว่า เวลาส่งเมล์แล้วเมล์ไปอยู่ใน junk ไม่อยู่ใน inbox อ่ะค่ะ ต้องทำยังไงดี มือใหม่ วาน พี่ๆ ช่วยด้วยนะคะ ^^
ตัวหนา ตัวเอียง ตัวขีดเส้นใต้ ตัวมีขีดกลาง| ตัวเรืองแสง ตัวมีเงา ตัวอักษรวิ่ง| จัดย่อหน้าอิสระ จัดย่อหน้าชิดซ้าย จัดย่อหน้ากึ่งกลาง จัดย่อหน้าชิดขวา| เส้นขวาง| ขนาดตัวอักษร แบบตัวอักษร
ใส่แฟลช ใส่รูป ใส่ไฮเปอร์ลิ้งค์ ใส่อีเมล์ ใส่ลิ้งค์ FTP| ใส่แถวของตาราง ใส่คอลัมน์ตาราง| ตัวยก ตัวห้อย ตัวพิมพ์ดีด| ใส่โค้ด ใส่การอ้างถึงคำพูด| ใส่ลีสต์
smiley for :lol: smiley for :ken: smiley for :D smiley for :) smiley for ;) smiley for :eek: smiley for :geek: smiley for :roll: smiley for :erm: smiley for :cool: smiley for :blank: smiley for :idea: smiley for :ehh: smiley for :aargh: smiley for :evil:
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เพื่อความเรียบร้อยของข้อความ ควรจัดรูปแบบให้พอดีกับขนาดของหน้าจอ เพื่อง่ายต่อการอ่านและสบายตา และตรวจสอบภาษาไทยให้ถูกต้อง



เพื่อความปลอดภัยของเว็บบอร์ด ไม่อนุญาติให้แทรก แท็ก [img]....[/img] โดยการอัพโหลดไฟล์รูปจากที่อื่น เช่นเว็บไซต์ ฟรีอัพโหลดต่าง ๆ
อัพโหลดแทรกรูปภาพ ให้ใช้บริการอัพโหลดไฟล์ของไทยครีเอท และตัดรูปภาพให้พอดีกับสกรีน เพื่อความโหลดเร็วและไฟล์ไม่ถูกลบทิ้ง

  เพื่อความปลอดภัยและการตรวจสอบ กระทู้ที่แทรกไฟล์อัพโหลดไฟล์จากที่อื่น อาจจะถูกลบทิ้ง
<= ตัวเลขฮินดูอารบิก เช่น 123 (หรือล็อกอินเข้าระบบสมาชิกเพื่อไม่ต้องกรอก)

Exchange: นำเข้าสินค้าจากจีน, Taobao, เฟอร์นิเจอร์, ของพรีเมี่ยม, ร่ม, ปากกา, power bank, แฟลชไดร์ฟ, กระบอกน้ำ

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