1 Wireframes and Card Sorting ::
ดูตามไฟล์ Instructions (pdf)
2 Build a simple site ::
It should consist of at least four pages (e.g. About you, your country, your
hobbies, your courses) linked from a home page. It should include an external
style sheet and some images.
Remember that practice is the best way of learning how to do this so complete
the tutorials at W3schools if you are struggling:
3 Form creation ::
Create a form ,if you prefer create a form for another purpose e.g. sign up form
for an ecommerce site.
This would be a good opportunity to practice creating one of each type of form
input i.e. text, radio buttons, checkboxes, drop downs etc.
4 Add Java Script validation ::
to the form that you created last week. This should include the validation of at
least 2 inputs e.g. checking to see whether the user has filled in their name
and email address.
5 Use PHP ::
Implement all the PHP examples on your drive. Modify each one slightly so the
output is slightly different
Write a simple report with screen shots of the pages and copies of the PHP code.
6 Use MYSQL ::
Work through the MySQL Tutorial. Add a reasonable amount of extra data (say 10
records per table) and
output the data using a join SELECT statement.Write a simple report with screen
shots of the pages
7 Connect PHP and MySQL ::
and use PHP to Edit tables
Implement reading and writing and editing to the Titles table created in the
MySQL tutorial.
Write a simple report with screen shots of the pages