this.each(function() {
var obj = $(this);
var s = $("li", obj).length;
var w = $("li", obj).width();
var h = $("li", obj).height();
var clickable = true;
var ts = s-1;
var t = 0;
$("ul", obj).css('width',s*w);
* Enhanced Easy Slider
* Built off of the Easy Slider - jQuery plugin
* written by Alen Grakalic
* enhancements by Joseph Pecoraro
* email: [email protected]
* The Easy Slider Copyrights:
* Copyright (c) 2009 Alen Grakalic (
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
* Built for jQuery library
* Quick Documentation of New Features
* * Non-Autogenerated Pagination - set the autogeneratePagination
* option to false in the easySlide options and be sure to provide
* id's in the prevId and nextId options. Those provided ids will
* unobtrusively get the easySlide actions applied to them.
* * Looping - just set the loop option to true in the easySlide
* options and you will be able to navigate forward/backward around
* the ends smoothly.
* * Autoplay - just set the autoplayDuration to a non-zero value
* in the easySlide options and the content will slide on its own.
* The value you provide will only be the value between animations,
* so you don't have to compensate for the speed of transitions,
* that is handled automatically. Autoplaying works fine with
* looping.
* If you have pagination buttons, when the user clicks a button
* the autoplay will suspend for a little while. The restartDuration
* value specifies the amount of time since the last user
* interruption to wait before restarting the autoplay.
* * Hovering - just set hover to true and pagination will trigger
* when hovering instead of clicking. The slides will continue to
* transition as long as you hover over the pagination element.
* Hovering works fine with looping.
* If you want a pause between slides you can set the hoverPause
* value to an integer greater than 0. That specifies the time
* to wait between transitions.
* * Linear or Swing easing - jQuery offers two different styles
* of animations. Just set the easing option to 'linear' or
* 'swing' (default)and it will use that easing style.
* * Pauseable - Pause autoplay by hovering over an image. Likewise
* you can extend this to pause when hovering the buttons as well.
* * Fade Orientation - Not Vertical or Horizontal Slideing, but Fading!
* Just provide orientation: 'fade' for fading to happen.
* * Callbacks - You are allowed to provide your own functions for
* events triggered by the slider. You can provide a function
* for 'beforeTransition' and 'afterTransition'. Their signature
* is as follows:
* function callback( slideNumber, jQuery_li, jQuery_ul )
* ^ ^ ^
* | | |
* int of the slide number ----- | |
* jQuery wrapper for the now showing <li> -- |
* jQuery wrapper for the entire <ul> of all slides ---
* For example, to get the explicit DOM <li> Node you could do
* function after(num, $li, $ul) {
* dom_li = $li[0];
* console.log(dom_li);
* }
(function($) {
$.fn.easySlider = function(options){
// default configuration properties
var defaults = {
prevId: 'prevBtn', // id of the element to apply prev rules to
nextId: 'nextBtn', // id of the element to apply next rules to
prevText: 'Previous', // text for autogenerated prev link
nextText: 'Next', // text for autogenerated next link
autogeneratePagination: false, // will automatically generate pagination links
orientation: '', // 'vertical', 'fade', or anything else will assume horizontal
speed: 800, // duration of a transition
autoplayDuration: 0, // auto-play if non-zero, this is the time between transitions
restartDuration: 2500, // time to restart autoplay after a user interupts and autoplay
loop: false, // loop around the content
hoverPause: 0, // when hovering, the time between transitions
hover: false, // on hover instead of onclick
easing: null, // jQuery animation settings 'linear' or 'swing' (default)
pauseable: false, // pause autoplay when hovering the image
pauseButtons: false, // hovering over the cuttons will pause as well
beforeTransition: null, // callback before transitioning
afterTransition: null // callback after transitioning
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
// Setup Measurements and Options
var obj = $(this),
totalSlides = $("li", obj).length,
slideWidth = obj.width(),
slideHeight = obj.height(),
lastSlide = totalSlides-1,
current = 0;
// Important Elements
var $ul = $("ul", obj),
$next = $("#"+options.nextId),
$prev = $("#"+options.prevId);
// Loop - Duplicate the First Slide onto the end
if (loop) {
$ul.append( $("li:first", obj).clone() );
totalSlides += 1;
lastSlide += 1;
// Horizontal - Make them float left and set the width of the ul (for all slides)
if (horizontal) {
$("li", obj).css('float','left');
$ul.css('width', totalSlides * slideWidth);
// Fade - Hide all but the first slide so they can fadeIn from nothing
if (fade) {
// Reusable Closure to pause the autoplay timer
var pauseFunc = function() {
// Reusable Closure to restart the autoplay timers using the restartDuration
var restartFunc = function() {
restart = setTimeout(function() {
interval = setInterval(auto, autoplayDuration);
}, restartDuration);
// Pauseable (should be autoplay only, but would have no effect otherwise)
// On Hover: cancel the autoplay timers
// On Leave: restart the autoplay timers
if ( pauseable && autoplay ) {
$(obj).hover(pauseFunc, restartFunc);
if ( buttonsPause ) {
$next.hover(pauseFunc, restartFunc);
$prev.hover(pauseFunc, restartFunc);
// Add Actions to Next and Prev Buttons
// If Not Hover Mode made it click(), if it is Hover Mode, make it hover()
// When in autoplay mode make next/prev reset the autoplay timers
if ( !hover ) {
if (autoplay) {
if ( !buttonsPause ) {
if (autoplay) {
if ( !buttonsPause ) {
} else {
var hoverNext = false,
hoverPrev = false,
isAnimating = false;
// Enclosed Slide Animation
// This handles all of the sliding/faiding animation
// @param dir the direction "next" or "prev"
// @param cb the callback function
function animate(dir, cb) {
// Before Transition, Guarantee
if ( beforeTransition ) {
beforeTransition( current, $ul.find('li:eq('+current+')'), $ul );
// After Transition, Guarantee
// Setup the next have
// NOTE: That current will be the new value when this is called
// due to it being a closure!
var newcb = function() {
if ( cb != null ) {
( hoverPause == 0 ) ? cb() : setTimeout(cb, hoverPause);
if ( afterTransition ) {
afterTransition( current, $ul.find('li:eq('+current+')'), $ul );
// cur, nex, and update "current"
// cur is the old current slide, the slide we are currently on
// nex is the new current slide, the slide we are transitioning too
// current is a global value that gets updated right here
var cur = current;
if ( loop ) {
if ( dir == 'next' ) {
current = (current==lastSlide) ? 1 : current+1;
} else {
current = (current==0) ? lastSlide-1 : current-1;
} else {
if (dir == "next") {
current = (current>=lastSlide) ? lastSlide : current+1;
} else {
current = (current<=0) ? 0 : current-1;
var nex = current;
// Special Case for looping
// If at the end and going forward, instantaneous jump to the first slide
// If at the start and going backward, instantaneous jump to the last slide
// NOTE: The instantaneous jump is an animate() so jQuery handles it in tune
// with the rest of the animations, and is -1 (not 0) time so its instant.
if ( loop ) {
if ( (dir == "next") && (cur == lastSlide) ) {
(vertical) ?
$ul.animate({marginTop:0}, -1) :
$ul.animate({marginLeft:0}, -1);
} else if ( (dir == "prev") && (cur == 0) ) {
(vertical) ?
$ul.animate({marginTop:(totalSlides-1)*slideHeight*-1}, -1) :
$ul.animate({marginLeft:(totalSlides-1)*slideWidth*-1}, -1);
// Dispatch jQuery Animation for the transition
// Slide horizontally, vertically, or fade
if ( horizontal ) {
$ul.animate( { marginLeft: (nex*slideWidth*-1) }, speed, easing, newcb );
} else if ( vertical ) {
$ul.animate( { marginTop: (nex*slideHeight*-1) }, speed, easing, newcb );
} else {
var curli = 'li:eq(' + cur + ')';
var nexli = 'li:eq(' + nex + ')';
$ul.find(curli).fadeOut("slow", function() {
$ul.find(nexli).fadeIn("slow", newcb);
// Correctly show the Next/Prev links
// When looping they always show, so we can ignore that
// If at the end, hide the next link
// If at the start, hide the previous link
// Any other case we can show both links
if ( !loop ) {
if ( nex <= 0 ) {
} else if ( nex >= lastSlide ) {
} else {
// Autoplay
// Note that autoplayDuration already has the transitionDuration
// added to it (to prevent doing the addition over and over).
// However that means that the first invokation would take
// autoplayDuration+transitionDuration. We remove that extra
// wait by first doing a single setTimeout with the correct
// time, followed by the correct setInterval.
if ( autoplay ) {
var auto = function() {
if ( !loop && current>=lastSlide ) {
restart = setTimeout(function() {
interval = setInterval(auto, autoplayDuration);
}, autoplayDuration-speed);
// Initially Hide both buttons
// Finally, Display the Next Link if more then one slide
if (totalSlides>1) {
if(loop) { $prev.fadeIn(); }