มีโค้ด datepicker แต่ไม่รู้จะบันทึกลง mysql ยังไง ช่่วยแนะนำทีครับ หรือใครมีโค้ดที่มันเข้าใจง่ายกว่านี้บ้างไหมครับ งงมาก |
Code (PHP)
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
var gl_calendar_path = "./";
var gl_calendar_dsep = "/";
var gl_calendar_today = "<font color=\"#D6AB29\"><strong>วันนี้ :</strong></font>";
var gl_calendar_meses = Array("มกราคม","กุมภาพันธ์","มีนาคม","เมษายน","พฤษภาคม","มิถุนายน","กรกฎาคม","สิงหาคม","กันยายน","ตุลาคม","พฤศจิกายน","ธันวาคม");
var gl_calendar_dias = Array("อา.","จ.","อ.","พ.","พฤ.","ศ.","ส.");
var gl_calendar_year_offset = +543; //ทดปี พศ=+543, คศ=+0
document.write('<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"' + gl_calendar_path + 'calendar.css\">');
var isIE = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") ? true: false;
function gcalendar() {
this.name = "calendar"; // ชื่อ
this.dateformat = "dd/mm/yyyy"; // ฟอร์แมตของวันที่
this.day = 0;
this.month = 0;
this.year = 0;
this.value = "";
this.dayofweek = 0;
this.calendar_visibility = "hidden";
this.posLeft = -1;
this.posTop = -1;
this.main_shadow = false;
this.month_shadow = false;
this.daypos = 0;
this.daylength = 0;
this.monthpos = 0;
this.monthlength = 0;
this.yearpos = 0;
this.yearlength = 0;
this.prevday = 0;
this.prevmonth = 0;
this.prevyear = 0;
this.today_day = 0;
this.today_month = 0;
this.today_year = 0;
this.init_day = 0;
this.init_month = 0;
this.init_year = 0;
this.initalized = false;
this.calendar_visible = false;
this.parse_dateformat = new Function("for(i=0;i < this.dateformat.length;i++){if(this.dateformat.charAt(i) == 'd'){this.daypos = i;this.daylength = 1;if(this.dateformat.charAt(i + 1) == 'd'){this.daylength = 2;i++;continue;}}if(this.dateformat.charAt(i) == 'm'){this.monthpos = i;this.monthlength = 1;if(this.dateformat.charAt(i + 1) == 'm'){this.monthlength = 2;i++;continue;}}if(this.dateformat.charAt(i) == 'y'){this.yearpos = i;this.yearlength = 1;if(this.dateformat.charAt(i + 1) == 'y'){this.yearlength = 2;i++;if(this.dateformat.charAt(i + 1) == 'y'){this.yearlength = 3;i++;if(this.dateformat.charAt(i + 1) == 'y'){this.yearlength = 4;i++;continue;}}}}}");
this.setdate = set_date;
this.set_value = set_value;
this.date_move = date_move;
this.display = display;
this.expand = expand;
this.compress = new Function('this.monthselector_compress(); document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name + "_SHADOW").style.visibility = "hidden"; this.yearswitch_show_hide(true); this.calendar_visible = false; this.showWindowedObjects(true); this.onCompress();');
this.parse_date = parse_date;
//คืนค่า: 0= อาทิตย์, 1= จันทร์
this.get_dayofweek = new Function("day","month","year","var a = Math.floor((14 - month)/12); var y = year - a; var m = month + 12*a - 2; var d = (day + y + Math.floor(y/4) - Math.floor(y/100) + Math.floor(y/400) + Math.floor((31*m)/12)) % 7; return d;");
this.update_properties = new Function("document.getElementById(this.name).value = this.value; document.getElementById(this.name + '_Year').value = this.day; document.getElementById(this.name + '_Month').value = this.month; document.getElementById(this.name + '_Day').value = this.year; this.dayofweek = this.get_dayofweek(this.day,this.month,this.year); this.onPropertiesUpdated(); this.draw();");
this.graphic_setup = graphic_setup;
this.draw = draw;
this.textbox_key = textbox_key;
this.yearswitch_show_hide = new Function("forced","var arrow_up = document.getElementById(this.name + '_arrow_up'); var arrow_dn = document.getElementById(this.name + '_arrow_dn'); if (arrow_up.style.visibility != 'hidden' || forced == true) { arrow_up.style.visibility = 'hidden'; arrow_dn.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { arrow_up.style.visibility = 'visible'; arrow_dn.style.visibility = 'visible'; }");
this.getMyXY = new Function("var obj = document.getElementById(this.name); for(var sumTop = 0, sumLeft = 0; obj != document.body; sumTop += obj.offsetTop,sumLeft += obj.offsetLeft, obj = obj.offsetParent); this.posLeft = sumLeft; this.posTop = sumTop;");
this.monthselector_expand = monthselector_expand;
this.monthselector_compress = new Function ("document.getElementById('CALLYR_' + this.name + '_MESES').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('CALLYR_' + this.name + '_MESES_SHADOW').style.visibility = 'hidden';");
this.showWindowedObjects = showWindowedObjects;
this.onCreate = new Function("");
this.onExpand = new Function("");
this.onCompress = new Function("");
this.onPropertiesUpdated = new Function("");
this.onYearSwitchClick = new Function("");
this.onMonthSwitchClick = new Function("");
this.onValueChange = new Function("");
this.onDayClick = new Function("");
function display() {
document.write('<table style=\"border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #000000;\" border=\"0\" width=\"95px\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">');
document.write('<td align=\"right\" width=\"76%\"><input onKeyDown=\"' + this.name + '.textbox_key(event);\" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"10\" class=\"CALENDAR_TXTBOX\" onChange=\"' + this.name + '.parse_date();\" type=\"text\" name=\"' + this.name + '\" id=\"' + this.name + '\" value=\"' + this.value + '\">');
document.write('<input type="hidden" id="' + this.name + '_Year" name="' + this.name + '_Year" value="">');
document.write('<input type="hidden" id="' + this.name + '_Month" name="' + this.name + '_Month" value="">');
document.write('<input type="hidden" id="' + this.name + '_Day" name="' + this.name + '_Day" value="">');
document.write('<td align=\"left\" width=\"24%\">');
var img = "<img onMouseDown=\"" + this.name + ".expand();\" style=\"cursor: hand;\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" border=\"0\" src=\"" + gl_calendar_path + "calendar_images/calendar.png\" name=\"" + this.name + "_CMD\" id=\"" + this.name + "_CMD\">";
document.write('<div class=\"CALENDAR_DIV_CALLYR\" name=\"CALLYR_' + this.name + '\" id=\"CALLYR_' + this.name + '\"></div>');
document.write('<div class=\"CALENDAR_DIV_CALLYR_SHADOW\" name=\"CALLYR_' + this.name + '_SHADOW\" id=\"CALLYR_' + this.name + '_SHADOW\"></div>');
document.write('<div class=\"CALENDAR_DIV_MESES\" name=\"CALLYR_' + this.name + '_MESES\" id=\"CALLYR_' + this.name + '_MESES\"></div>');
document.write('<div class=\"CALENDAR_DIV_MESES_SHADOW\" name=\"CALLYR_' + this.name + '_MESES_SHADOW\" id=\"CALLYR_' + this.name + '_MESES_SHADOW\"></div>');
function graphic_setup() {
var ret = "";
ret += "<table align='center' border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
ret += "<tr>";
ret += "<td colspan='7'>";
ret += "<table align='center' border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
ret += "<tr>";
ret += "<td width='21' height='21' align='left' class='CALENDAR_BG_HEADER_MES_ANO'><a style='cursor: hand;' href=\"javascript: " + this.name + ".date_move('m',-1);\"><img width='21' height='21' border='0' src='" + gl_calendar_path + "calendar_images/calendar_prev_month.gif'></a></td>";
ret += "<td height='21' onclick=\"\" class='CALENDAR_BG_HEADER_MES_ANO' align='right' id='" + this.name + "_MONTH_LAYER' name='" + this.name + "_MONTH_LAYER'> </td>";
ret += "<td height='21' class='CALENDAR_BG_HEADER_MES_ANO' align='right' id='" + this.name + "_YEAR_LAYER' name='" + this.name + "_YEAR_LAYER'> </td>";
ret += "<td height='21' width='12' class='CALENDAR_BG_HEADER_MES_ANO' align='right'><img id=\"" + this.name + "_arrow_up\" name=\"" + this.name + "_arrow_up\" onClick=\"javascript: " + this.name + ".onYearSwitchClick();" + this.name + ".date_move('y',1);\" style='visibility: hidden; cursor: hand;' width='12' height='12' border='0' src='" + gl_calendar_path + "calendar_images/calendar_section_up.gif'><br><img id=\"" + this.name + "_arrow_dn\" name=\"" + this.name + "_arrow_dn\" onClick=\"javascript: " + this.name + ".onYearSwitchClick(); " + this.name + ".date_move('y',-1);\" style='visibility: hidden; cursor: hand;' width='12' height='12' border='0' src='" + gl_calendar_path + "calendar_images/calendar_section_dn.gif'></td>";
ret += "<td width='21' height='21' align='right' class='CALENDAR_BG_HEADER_MES_ANO'><a style='cursor: hand;' href=\"javascript: " + this.name + ".date_move('m',1);\"><img width='21' height='21' border='0' src='" + gl_calendar_path + "calendar_images/calendar_next_month.gif'></a></td>";
ret += "</tr></table></td></tr>";
ret += "<tr>";
for(i=0;i < gl_calendar_dias.length;i++) {
ret += "<td width='21' class='CALENDAR_BG_HEADER_DIAS_TEXT' align='center'>" + gl_calendar_dias[i] + "</td>";
ret += "</tr>";
ret += "<tr>";
ret += "<td colspan='7'>";
ret += "<div id=\"CALLYR_" + this.name + "_MAIN\"></div>";
ret += "</td>";
ret += "<tr>";
ret += "<tr>";
ret += "<td height='18' colspan='7' class='CALENDAR_BOTTOM_TODAY' align='center' valign='middle' id='" + this.name + "_today' name='" + this.name + "_today'></td>";
ret += "<tr>";
ret += "</table>";
document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name).innerHTML = ret;
var tmp = Array();
var tmp_date = new Date();
this.today_day = tmp_date.getDate();
this.today_month = (tmp_date.getMonth() + 1);
this.today_year = tmp_date.getFullYear();
tmp[this.daypos] = (tmp_date.getDate().toString().length == 1) ? "0" + tmp_date.getDate().toString() : tmp_date.getDate().toString();
tmp[this.monthpos] = ((tmp_date.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 1) ? "0" + (tmp_date.getMonth() + 1) : (tmp_date.getMonth() + 1);
tmp[this.yearpos] = tmp_date.getFullYear() + gl_calendar_year_offset;
var tmp_show = "";
var tmpdatesep = gl_calendar_dsep;
for(var x=0;x < tmp.length;x++) {
if (x == tmp.length - 1) { tmpdatesep = ""; }
if (tmp[x] != "" && tmp[x] != null) { tmp_show += tmp[x] + tmpdatesep; }
tmp_show = gl_calendar_today + " <a href='javascript: " + this.name + ".set_value(" + tmp_date.getDate().toString() + "," + (tmp_date.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "," + tmp_date.getFullYear() + "); " + this.name + ".compress();' class='CALENDAR_BOTTOM_LINK_TODAY'>" + tmp_show + "</a>";
document.getElementById(this.name + "_today").innerHTML = tmp_show;
function draw() {
if (this.calendar_visibility != "visible") { return; }
if (this.prevday == this.day && this.prevmonth == this.month && this.prevyear == this.year) { return; }
var ret = "";
var lyr_month = document.getElementById(this.name + "_MONTH_LAYER");
lyr_month.innerHTML = "<a href=\"javascript: " + this.name + ".monthselector_expand();\" class='CALENDAR_HEADER_LINK'>" + gl_calendar_meses[this.month - 1] + "</a>";
var lyr_year = document.getElementById(this.name + "_YEAR_LAYER");
var year_val=this.year+gl_calendar_year_offset;
lyr_year.innerHTML = "<a class='CALENDAR_HEADER_LINK' href=\"javascript: " + this.name + ".yearswitch_show_hide();\">" + year_val.toString() + "</a>";
ret += "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
var intmonth = this.month;
var intyear = this.year;
var strmonth = intmonth.toString();
var stryear = intyear.toString();
var tmp_day = 0;
var tmp_date = new Date(strmonth + '/1/' + stryear);
var tmp_last_day = new Date(strmonth + '/0/' + stryear).getDate();
var f = 0;
var tmp_class1 = "";
var tmp_class2 = "";
var tmp_link = "";
var init_day = this.get_dayofweek(1,intmonth,intyear);
if (init_day != 0) {
tmp_date = new Date(strmonth + '/0/' + stryear);
var tmp = 0;
for(i=1;i < init_day;i++) {
tmp = tmp_date.getDate() - 1;
tmp_date = new Date((tmp_date.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "/" + tmp.toString() + "/" + tmp_date.getFullYear().toString());
ret += "<tr>";
var tmp_next_year = 0;
var tmp_next_month = 0;
var tmp_prev_year = 0;
var tmp_prev_month = 0;
var tmp_show = "";
var tmp_month = 0;
var tmp_year = 0;
tmp_next_year = intyear;
tmp_prev_year = intyear;
tmp_prev_month = intmonth - 1;
tmp_next_month = intmonth + 1;
if (tmp_prev_month == 0) { tmp_prev_month = 12; tmp_prev_year--; }
if (tmp_next_month == 13) { tmp_next_month = 1; tmp_next_year++; }
tmp_next_year = tmp_next_year.toString();
tmp_prev_year = tmp_prev_year.toString();
tmp_next_month = tmp_next_month.toString();
tmp_prev_month = tmp_prev_month.toString();
for(x=0;x < 42;x++) {
if (f == 7) { f = 0; ret += "</tr><tr>"; } f = (f + 1) % 8;
tmp_day = tmp_date.getDate();
tmp_month = (tmp_date.getMonth() + 1);
tmp_year = tmp_date.getFullYear();
tmp_class1 = "CALENDAR_DIAS_LINK";
tmp_class2 = "CALENDAR_DIAS_LINK_TD";
tmp_link = "javascript: " + this.name + ".set_value(" + tmp_day.toString() + "," + strmonth + "," + stryear + "); " + this.name + ".compress(); " + this.name + ".onDayClick();";
if ((tmp_month < intmonth || tmp_year < intyear) && tmp_day > 1) {
tmp_class1 = "CALENDAR_DIAS_OTRO_MES";
tmp_link = "javascript: " + this.name + ".set_value(" + tmp_day.toString() + "," + tmp_prev_month + "," + tmp_prev_year + "); " + this.name + ".compress(); " + this.name + ".onDayClick();";
tmp_nocalcular = 1;
if ((tmp_month > intmonth || tmp_year > intyear) && tmp_day < tmp_last_day - 7) {
tmp_class1 = "CALENDAR_DIAS_OTRO_MES";
tmp_link = "javascript: " + this.name + ".set_value(" + tmp_day.toString() + "," + tmp_next_month + "," + tmp_next_year + "); " + this.name + ".compress(); " + this.name + ".onDayClick();";
if (tmp_day == this.today_day && tmp_month == this.today_month && tmp_year == this.today_year) { tmp_class2 = "CALENDAR_DIAS_LINK_TD_TODAY"; tmp_class1 = "CALENDAR_DIAS_LINK_TODAY"; }
if (tmp_day == this.day && tmp_month == this.month && tmp_year == this.year) { tmp_class2 = "CALENDAR_DIAS_LINK_TD_DIA_SELECCIONADO"; tmp_class1 = "CALENDAR_DIAS_LINK_DIA_SELECCIONADO"; }
if (this.get_dayofweek(tmp_day,tmp_month,tmp_year) == 0) { tmp_class1 += "_SUN"; tmp_class2 += "_SUN"; }
ret += "<td class='" + tmp_class2 + "' align='center'><a href=\"" + tmp_link + "\" class=" + tmp_class1 + ">" + tmp_day.toString() + "</a></td>";
tmp_date = new Date(tmp_month.toString() + "/" + (tmp_day + 1).toString() + "/" + tmp_year.toString());
ret += "</tr>";
ret += "<tr><td class='CALENDAR_DIAS_LINK_TD_SUN' height='11px'><td height='11px' colspan='6'></td></tr>";
ret += "</table>";
document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name + "_MAIN").innerHTML = ret;
this.prevday = this.day;
this.prevmonth = intmonth;
this.prevyear = intyear;
ret = "<table align='center' border='0' width='70px' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0'>";
for(var y=0;y < gl_calendar_meses.length;y++) {
ret += "<tr>";
ret += "<td align=\"center\"><a class=\"CALENDAR_DIV_LINK\" href=\"javascript: " + this.name + ".set_value(" + this.day + "," + (y + 1).toString() + "," + this.year + "); " + this.name + ".onMonthSwitchClick();" + this.name + ".monthselector_compress();\">" + gl_calendar_meses[y] + "</a></td>";
ret += "</tr>";
ret += "</table>";
var obj1 = document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name + "_MESES");
var obj2 = document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name + "_MESES_SHADOW");
obj1.innerHTML = ret;
function parse_date() {
this.value = document.getElementById(this.name).value;
var tmp_date2 = Date.parse(this.value);
if (isNaN(tmp_date2)) {
var tmp = Array();
tmp[this.daypos] = this.init_day.toString();
tmp[this.monthpos] = this.init_month.toString();
tmp[this.yearpos] = this.init_year.toString();
var sep = gl_calendar_dsep;
this.value = '';
for(var y=0;y < tmp.length;y++) {
if (y == (tmp.length - 1)) {sep = "";}
if (tmp[y] != '' && tmp[y] != null) {
this.value += tmp[y] + sep;
var tmp_day = this.value.substr(this.daypos,this.daylength);
var tmp_month = this.value.substr(this.monthpos,this.monthlength);
var tmp_year = this.value.substr(this.yearpos,this.yearlength);
if (!isNaN(Math.floor(tmp_day))) { this.day = Math.floor(tmp_day); }
if (!isNaN(Math.floor(tmp_month))) { this.month = Math.floor(tmp_month); }
if (!isNaN(Math.floor(tmp_year))) { this.year = Math.floor(tmp_year); }
function set_date(day,month,year,cancelevent) {
function set_value(day,month,year,cancelevent) {
this.day = Math.floor(day);
this.month = Math.floor(month);
year = Math.floor(year);
this.year = (year < 200) ? (year + 1900) : year;
if (this.initalized == false) {
this.initalized = true;
this.init_day = (!isNaN(day)) ? day : new Date().getDate();
this.init_month = (!isNaN(month)) ? month : new Date().getMonth() + 1;
this.init_year = (!isNaN(year)) ? year : new Date().getFullYear();
var tmp_array = Array();
var tmp_day = this.day.toString();
var tmp_month = this.month.toString();
var tmp_year= this.year+gl_calendar_year_offset;
tmp_array[this.daypos] = (tmp_day.length < 2) ? '0' + tmp_day : tmp_day;
tmp_array[this.monthpos] = (tmp_month.length < 2) ? '0' + tmp_month : tmp_month;
tmp_array[this.yearpos] = tmp_year.toString();
var ret = '';
for(i=0;i < tmp_array.length;i++) {
if (tmp_array[i] != '' && tmp_array[i] != null) {
ret += tmp_array[i] + gl_calendar_dsep;
ret += 'RP';
ret = ret.replace('/RP', '');
this.value = ret;
if(cancelevent != true) { this.onValueChange(); }
function date_move(part,cantidad) {
switch (part) {
case 'd': case 'D':
this.day += cantidad;
case 'm': case 'M':
if (cantidad < 0 && this.month == 1) {
this.month = 12;this.year--;
} else {
this.month += cantidad;
case 'y': case 'Y':
this.year += cantidad;
if (this.day < 0) {
var tmp = new Date(this.month.toString() + "/0/" + this.year.toString());
this.year = tmp.getFullYear();
this.month = (tmp.getMonth() + 1);
this.day = (tmp.getDate() + this.day);
var tmp = new Date(this.month.toString() + "/" + this.day.toString() + "/" + this.year.toString());
this.day = tmp.getDate();
this.month = (tmp.getMonth() + 1);
this.year = tmp.getFullYear();
function expand() {
var obj_Calendar = document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name);
var obj_CalendarSH = document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name + "_SHADOW");
if (obj_Calendar.style.visibility != "visible") {
if (this.posLeft == -1 && this.posTop == -1) { this.getMyXY(); }
var clX = this.posLeft;
var clY = this.posTop;
if (isIE) {
obj_Calendar.style.posLeft = clX;
obj_CalendarSH.style.posLeft = clX + 3;
obj_Calendar.style.posTop = clY + 20;
obj_CalendarSH.style.posTop = clY + 28;
} else {
obj_Calendar.style.left = clX - 1;
obj_CalendarSH.style.left = clX + 5;
obj_Calendar.style.top = clY + 19;
obj_CalendarSH.style.top = clY + 24;
obj_Calendar.style.visibility = "visible";
if (this.main_shadow == true) { obj_CalendarSH.style.visibility = "visible"; }
this.calendar_visible = true;
} else {
this.calendar_visibility = obj_Calendar.style.visibility;
function monthselector_expand() {
var obj1 = document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name + "_MESES");
var obj2 = document.getElementById("CALLYR_" + this.name + "_MESES_SHADOW");
if (this.posLeft == -1 && this.posTop == -1) { this.getMyXY(); }
var clX = this.posLeft;
var clY = this.posTop;
obj1.style.height = 170;
obj2.style.height = 170;
obj1.style.width = 70;
obj2.style.width = 70;
if (isIE) {
obj1.style.posLeft = clX + 30;
obj2.style.posLeft = clX + 44;
obj1.style.posTop = clY - 47;
obj2.style.posTop = clY - 35;
} else {
obj1.style.left = clX + 30;
obj2.style.left = clX + 44;
obj1.style.top = clY - 47;
obj2.style.top = clY - 33;
obj1.style.visibility = "visible";
if (this.month_shadow == true) { obj2.style.visibility = "visible";}
function showWindowedObjects(show) {
if (isIE) {
var windowedObjectTags = new Array("SELECT", "OBJECT","APPLET","EMBED","IFRAME");
var windowedObjects = new Array();
var j=0;
for (var i = 0; i < windowedObjectTags.length; i++) {
var tmpTags = document.all.tags(windowedObjectTags[i]);
if (tmpTags.length > 0) {
for (var k=0; k < tmpTags.length; k++) {
windowedObjects[j++] = tmpTags[k];
for (var i = 0; i < windowedObjects.length; i++) {
windowedObjects[i].visBackup = "";
if (!show)
windowedObjects[i].visBackup = (windowedObjects[i].style.visibility == null) ? "visible" : windowedObjects[i].style.visibility;
windowedObjects[i].style.visibility = (show) ? windowedObjects[i].visBackup : "hidden";
function textbox_key(evt) {
var a = evt.keyCode;
var tmp_expand = false;
switch (a) {
case 13:
case 27:
case 40:
if (this.calendar_visible == true) { this.date_move("d",7); } tmp_expand = true;
case 38:
if (this.calendar_visible == true) { this.date_move("d",-7); } tmp_expand = true;
case 39:
if (this.calendar_visible == true) { this.date_move("d",1); } tmp_expand = true;
case 37:
if (this.calendar_visible == true) { this.date_move("d",-1); } tmp_expand = true;
if (tmp_expand == true && this.calendar_visible != true) { this.expand(); }
Tag : PHP
Date :
2011-05-13 22:21:37 |
By :
sakabuto |
View :
1559 |
Reply :
9 |
Code (JavaScript)
<script type="text/javascript">
var cal2 = new gcalendar();
cal2.name = "cal2";
cal2.dateformat = "dd/mm/yy";
cal2.setdate( <?=date( "d" )?> , <?=date( "m" )?> , <?=( date( "Y" ) + 543 ) ?> , true ); //กำหนดวันที่วันนี้
การเรียกใช้งาน แล้วมันลง textbox ยังไงครับ แล้วจะเอาลงฐานข้อมูลทำไงดีครับ ต้องมาแปลงค่าอีกใช่ไหมครับ
Date :
2011-05-13 22:34:52 |
By :
sakabuto |
ลองที่ผมแนะนำหรือยังครับ ง่ายๆ นะ
Date :
2011-05-13 22:55:35 |
By :
prach_kp |
มันไม่โชว์ ในส่วนของ body นะครับ ก็ทำตามที่แนะนำแล้วนะครับ
Date :
2011-05-13 23:31:15 |
By :
sakabuto |
Code (JavaScript)
<!-- Start of JQuery -->
<link type="text/css" href="../css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js"></script>
<!-- End of JQuery -->
Code (JavaScript)
<!-- Start of JQuery -->
<link type="text/css" href="../jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js"></script>
<!-- End of JQuery -->
Date :
2011-05-13 23:34:48 |
By :
sakabuto |
ในส่วนของ body ผมก็งงว่ามันเรียกใช้ function ยังไง
Code (PHP)
<td><div align="right"><span class="style11">วันที่</span></div></td>
<div align="left">
<input type="text" name="Key_Date" id="date" />
Date :
2011-05-13 23:41:02 |
By :
sakabuto |
Date :
2011-05-13 23:41:07 |
By :
prach_kp |
<!-- ในส่วนของ head ต้องใส่ link ทั้ง 3 ไฟล์ เพื่อที่จะแสดงปฏิทิน-->
<!-- Start of JQuery -->
<link type="text/css" href="../css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js"></script>
<!-- End of JQuery -->
<!-- ในส่วนของ head ต้องใส่ javascript ที่จะแสดงปฏิทิน-->
<script type="text/javascript">
showOn: 'button', buttonImage: '../images/calendar-blue.gif',
dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'
$('#date').datepicker('option', 'monthNames',
['มกราคม', 'กุมภาพันธ์', 'มีนาคม', 'เมษายน', 'พฤษภาคม', 'มิถุนายน', 'กรกฎาคม', 'สิงหาคม', 'กันยายน', 'ตุลาคม', 'พฤศจิกายน', 'ธันวาคม']
$('#date').datepicker('option', 'dayNamesMin',
['อา', 'จ.', 'อ.', 'พ.', 'พฤ', 'ศ.', 'ส.']
<!-- ในส่วนของ body ที่จะแสดงปฏิทิน-->
<td><div align="right"><span class="style11">วันที่</span></div></td>
<div align="left">
<input type="text" name="Key_Date" id="date" />
Date :
2011-05-13 23:46:04 |
By :
sakabuto |
Code (PHP)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>:: test ajax date ::</title>
<!-- Start of JQuery -->
<!-- <link type="text/css" href="../css/ui-darkness/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" /> -->
<link type="text/css" href="css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js"></script>
<!-- End of JQuery -->
<script type="text/javascript">
showOn: 'button', buttonImage: 'images/calendar-blue.gif',
dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'
$('#date').datepicker('option', 'monthNames',
['มกราคม', 'กุมภาพันธ์', 'มีนาคม', 'เมษายน', 'พฤษภาคม', 'มิถุนายน', 'กรกฎาคม', 'สิงหาคม', 'กันยายน', 'ตุลาคม', 'พฤศจิกายน', 'ธันวาคม']
$('#date').datepicker('option', 'dayNamesMin',
['อา', 'จ.', 'อ.', 'พ.', 'พฤ', 'ศ.', 'ส.']
<style type="text/css">
.style11 {color: #003399; font-size: 12px; }
<body bgcolor="#F0F0F0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<div align="center">
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="view.php">
<td><div align="right"><span class="style11">วันที่</span></div></td>
<div align="left">
<input type="text" name="Key_Date" id="date" />
<input type="submit"> <input type="reset">
Date :
2011-05-14 00:13:20 |
By :
prach_kp |
Load balance : Server 05