$strComment = "SELECT comment_id, comment, datetime_comment, username, nickname FROM comment, member WHERE comment.user_id = member.user_id AND post_id = $_GET[postID]";
$commentQuery = mysql_query($strComment) or die("ผิดพลาด[1]!... ::<br>$strArticle");
$strComment = "SELECT comment_id, comment, datetime_comment, username, nickname FROM comment, member WHERE comment.user_id = member.user_id AND post_id = $_GET[postID]";
$commentQuery = mysql_query($strComment) or die("ผิดพลาด[1]!... ::<br>$strArticle");
น่าจะเป็นแบบนี้มากกว่านะครับ Code (PHP)
$strComment = "SELECT comment.comment_id, comment.comment, comment.datetime_comment, member.username, member.nickname FROM comment LEFT JOIN member ON comment.user_id = member.user_id WHERE post_id = $_GET['postID']";
$commentQuery = mysql_query($strComment) or die("ผิดพลาด[1]!... ::<br>$strArticle");
Date :
2011-08-25 23:30:44
By :
No. 3
Code (PHP)
function confirmDelete(delUrl) {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete")) {
document.location = delUrl;
<a href="javascript:confirmDelete('delete.page?id=1')">Delete</a>