Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message '<b>Source:</b> Microsoft Excel<br/><b>Description:</b> Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'C:\AppServ\www\readExcel\MyXls\MyExcelDB.xls'. There are several possible reasons: • The file name or path does not exist. • The file is being used by another program. • The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.' in C:\AppServ\www\readExcel\phpReadExcel.php:12 Stack trace: #0 C:\AppServ\www\readExcel\phpReadExcel.php(12): variant->Open('C:\AppServ\www\...') #1 {main} thrown in C:\AppServ\www\readExcel\phpReadExcel.php on line 12
There are several possible reasons: • The file name or path does not exist. • The file is being used by another program. • The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.'
・Windows 2008 Server x64
・Windows 2008 Server x86
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