อยากเปลี่ยนรูปแบบ current time ค๊ะ คือตอนนี้รูปแบบ current time ของหนูเป็นแบบ Nov. 13, 2012 แล้วหนูอยากได้แบบ 2012-11-13 04:34:34
คือตอนนี้รูปแบบ current time ของหนูเป็นแบบ Nov. 13, 2012 แล้วหนูอยากได้แบบ 2012-11-13 04:34:34
แต่หนูไม่รู้จะแก้ไฟล์อย่างไรค๊ะ ช่วยด้วยนะค๊ะ
Code (PHP)
function show_date ($timestamp, $show_time = true)
(string) $display_output = null;
if ($timestamp)
$date_format = ($show_time) ? DATETIME_FORMAT : DATE_FORMAT;
$offset_time = $timestamp + (TIME_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
$display_output = date($date_format, $offset_time);
$display_output = GMSG_NA;
return $display_output;
function time_difference ($end_date, $start_date = CURRENT_TIME)
return ($end_date - $start_date);
function time_left($end_date, $start_date = CURRENT_TIME)
(string) $display_output = null;
(string) $minute = 60;
(string) $hour = 60 * $minute;
(string) $day = 24 * $hour;
$time_left = $end_date - $start_date;
$days_left = floor($time_left/$day);
$hours = $time_left - ($days_left * $day);
$hours_left = floor($hours/$hour);
$minutes = $hours - ($hours_left * $hour);
$minutes_left = floor($minutes/$minute);
if ($time_left > 0)
$display_output = (($days_left>0) ? $days_left . ' ' . (($days_left==1) ? GMSG_DAY : GMSG_DAYS) . ', ' : '') .
(($hours_left>0 || $days_left>0) ? $hours_left . GMSG_H : '') . ' ' . $minutes_left . GMSG_M;
$display_output = GMSG_CLOSED;
return $display_output;
function date_form_field($current_timestamp = 0, $box_number = 1, $form_name = null, $display_time = true)
global $setts;
(string) $display_output = null;
(array) $current_date = null;
$years_array = array('2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012');
$months_array = array('01' => GMSG_MTH_JANUARY, '02' => GMSG_MTH_FEBRUARY, '03' => GMSG_MTH_MARCH, '04' => GMSG_MTH_APRIL,
'05' => GMSG_MTH_MAY, '06' => GMSG_MTH_JUNE, '07' => GMSG_MTH_JULY, '08' => GMSG_MTH_AUGUST,
$days_array = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12',
'13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24',
'25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31');
$hours_array = array('00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12',
'13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23');
$minutes_array = array('00', '15', '30', '45');
if ($current_timestamp>0)
list ($current_date['year'], $current_date['month'], $current_date['day'],
$current_date['hour'], $current_date['minute'], $current_date['second']) = explode('|', date('Y|m|d|H|i|s', $current_timestamp));
$current_date['hour'] += $setts['time_offset'];
$form_name = ($form_name) ? $form_name : 'forms';
$display_output = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" ID=\"js" . $box_number . "\"> \n".
" var cal" . $box_number . " = new CalendarPopup(); \n".
" cal" . $box_number . ".setReturnFunction(\"setMultipleValues" . $box_number . "\"); \n".
" function setMultipleValues" . $box_number . "(y,m,d) { \n".
" document." . $form_name . ".date" . $box_number . "_year.value=y; \n".
" document." . $form_name . ".date" . $box_number . "_month.selectedIndex=m; \n".
" for (var i=0; i<document." . $form_name . ".date" . $box_number . "_day.options.length; i++) { \n".
" if (document." . $form_name . ".date" . $box_number . "_day.options[i].value==d) { \n".
" document." . $form_name . ".date" . $box_number . "_day.selectedIndex=i; \n".
" } \n".
" } \n".
" } \n".
" function getDateString(y_obj,m_obj,d_obj) { \n".
" var y = y_obj.options[y_obj.selectedIndex].value; \n".
" var m = m_obj.options[m_obj.selectedIndex].value; \n".
" var d = d_obj.options[d_obj.selectedIndex].value; \n".
" if (y==\"\" || m==\"\") { return null; } \n".
" if (d==\"\") { d=1; } \n".
" return str= y+'-'+m+'-'+d; \n".
" } \n".
"</SCRIPT> \n";
/* create the months drop down menu */
$display_output .= '<select name="date' . $box_number . '_month" id="date' . $box_number . '_month" class="contentfont"> '.
'<option> </option> ';
foreach ($months_array as $key => $value)
$display_output .= '<option value="' . $key . '" ' . (($key == $current_date['month']) ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option> ';
$display_output .= '</select> ';
$display_output .= '<select name="date' . $box_number . '_day" id="date' . $box_number . '_day" class="contentfont"> '.
'<option> </option> ';
foreach ($days_array as $value)
$display_output .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . (($value == $current_date['day']) ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option> ';
$display_output .= '</select> ';
$display_output .= '<select name="date' . $box_number . '_year" id="date' . $box_number . '_year" class="contentfont"> '.
'<option> </option> ';
foreach ($years_array as $value)
$display_output .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . (($value == $current_date['year']) ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option> ';
$display_output .= '</select> ';
$display_output .= '<a href="#" onclick="cal' . $box_number . '.showCalendar(\'anchor' . $box_number . '\',getDateString(document.' . $form_name . '.date' . $box_number . '_year,document.' . $form_name . '.date' . $box_number . '_month,document.' . $form_name . '.date' . $box_number . '_day)); return false;" '.
'title="cal' . $box_number . '.showCalendar(\'anchor' . $box_number . '\',getDateString(document.' . $form_name . '.date' . $box_number . '_year,document.' . $form_name . '.date' . $box_number . '_month,document.' . $form_name . '.date' . $box_number . '_date)); return false;" name="anchor' . $box_number . '" id="anchor' . $box_number . '">'.
'<img src="' . SITE_PATH . 'themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/img/system/calendar_b2u.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" /></a> ';
if ($display_time)
$display_output .= '<select name="date' . $box_number . '_hour" id="date' . $box_number . '_hour" class="contentfont"> '.
'<option> </option> ';
foreach ($hours_array as $value)
$display_output .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . (($value == $current_date['hour']) ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option> ';
$display_output .= '</select> : ';
$display_output .= '<select name="date' . $box_number . '_minute" id="date' . $box_number . '_minute" class="contentfont"> '.
'<option> </option> ';
foreach ($minutes_array as $value)
$display_output .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . (($value == $current_date['minute']) ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option> ';
$display_output .= '</select> ';
return $display_output;
function get_box_timestamp($values_array, $time_box_id) /* this function converts the date selected in a date/time field into a timestamp */
global $setts;
$timestamp = @mktime($values_array['date' . $time_box_id . '_hour'] - $setts['time_offset'],
$values_array['date' . $time_box_id . '_minute'], 0, $values_array['date' . $time_box_id . '_month'],
$values_array['date' . $time_box_id . '_day'], $values_array['date' . $time_box_id . '_year']);
return $timestamp;
Tag : PHP, MySQL
Date :
2012-11-13 22:17:12
By :
View :
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Code (PHP)
$strMonth= date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("Nov. 13, 2012"));
ถ้าไม่ได้ อาจจะต้องใช้พวก split ตัด string ในตำแหน่งที่ต้องการ แล้วเอามาเรียงค่าใหม่ครับ
Date :
2012-11-14 09:44:46
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