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HOME > PHP > PHP Forum > มีปัญหานิดนึงค่ะคือตอนเลือก ชื่อสินค้า แล้วให้แสดง unit ใน textfield มันสามารถแสดงได้แล้ว แต่ แสดงไม่ตรงกับ id ของชื่อสินค้าตัวนั้น


มีปัญหานิดนึงค่ะคือตอนเลือก ชื่อสินค้า แล้วให้แสดง unit ใน textfield มันสามารถแสดงได้แล้ว แต่ แสดงไม่ตรงกับ id ของชื่อสินค้าตัวนั้น


Topic : 086903

โพสกระทู้ ( 117 )
บทความ ( 0 )


มีปัญหานิดนึงค่ะคือตอนเลือก ชื่อสินค้า แล้วให้แสดง unit ใน textfield มันสามารถแสดงได้แล้ว แต่ แสดงไม่ตรงกับ id_product ของชื่อสินค้าตัวนั้น คือมันจะแสดง unit ของ id_product สินค้าตัวล่าสุด
Code (PHP)
<? include('config.php'); ?>
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script language = "JavaScript">

		//**** List(Start) ***//
		function ListProvince(SelectValue)
			frmMain.ddlProvince.length = 0
			//*** Insert null Default Value ***//
			var myOption = new Option('','')  
			frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption
			$intRows = 0;
			$strSQL6 = "SELECT * FROM product ";
			$objQuery6 = mysql_query($strSQL6) or die ("Error Query [".$strSQL6."]");
			$intRows = 0;
			while($objResult6 = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery6))
				x = <?=$intRows;?>;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = <?=$objResult6["id_category"];?>;
				strValue = "<?=$objResult6["id_product"];?>";
				strItem = "<?=$objResult6["pname"];?>";
				strunit = "<?=$objResult6["unit"];?>";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
		//**** List(End) ***//
<table width="860" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="860" align="center" valign="top"><table width="856" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <td width="856" height="145" align="left" valign="top"><table width="856" height="145" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td width="852" height="143" align="center" valign="top"><table width="852" border="0" align="center">
                  <tr align="left">
                    <td width="842"><span class="style7">เพิ่มรายการสั่งซื้อ</span></td>
                    <td align="center">
                  <tr align="left">
                    <td><form id="formname" form name="frmMain" method="post" action="perorder_saveadd.php" >
                            <table width="808" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1">
                                <td width="109" align="right" valign="top"><span class="style89">ประเภทสินค้า :</span></td>
                                <td width="674" align="left" valign="middle">
								<select id="select5" name="ddlGeo" onChange = "ListProvince(this.value)">
                                    <option value="" selected></option>
									$strSQL4 = "SELECT * FROM category ";
									$objQuery4 = mysql_query($strSQL4) or die ("Error Query [".$strSQL4."]");
									while($objResult4 = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery4))
                                    <option value="<?=$objResult4["id_category"];?>">
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="style89">ชื่อสินค้า : <span class="style87"><span class="style86"><span class="style88"><span class="style90"> </span></span></span></span><span class="style87"><span class="style86"><span class="style88"><span class="style90"> </span></span></span></span></span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle">
                                  <select id="select4" name="ddlProvince" onChange="frmMain.txtVol.value=this.value" >
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="style74">ความกว้าง :</span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle"><span class="style75"><span class="style9"><span class="style44"><span class="style73">
                                  <input name="wide" type="text" id="wide" size="8" />
                                  <span class="style76">
                                  <input name="textfield" type="text" id="textfield" value="" size="8" readonly="readonly" style="background:#FCF8C8"/>
                                </span> <span class="style76"> </span></span></span></span></span></td>
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="style109">ความยาว : </span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle"><span class="style109"><span class="style9"> <span class="style44"><span class="style73">
                                  <input name="long" type="text" id="long" size="8" />
                                  <span class="style75"><span class="style76">
                                  <input name="textfield2" type="text" id="textfield2" value="" size="8" readonly="readonly" style="background:#FCF8C8"/>
                                </span></span> </span></span></span></span></td>

Tag : PHP, MySQL

Move To Hilight (Stock) 
Send To Friend.Bookmark.
Date : 2012-11-19 10:46:01 By : sumonrat View : 997 Reply : 5


No. 1

โพสกระทู้ ( 3,156 )
บทความ ( 0 )

สมาชิกที่ใส่เสื้อไทยครีเอท Hall of Fame 2012


"หน่วย" อยู่ตรงไหนล่ะครับ ใช่ตัวนี้หรือเปล่าที่เก็บ "หน่วย"
<input name="textfield2" type="text" id="textfield2" value="" size="8" readonly="readonly" style="background:#FCF8C8"/>

แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2012-11-19 15:43:07 By : sakuraei


No. 2

โพสกระทู้ ( 117 )
บทความ ( 0 )


ตอบความคิดเห็นที่ : 1 เขียนโดย : sakuraei เมื่อวันที่ 2012-11-19 15:43:07
รายละเอียดของการตอบ ::
strunit = "<?=$objResult6["unit"];?>"; ตัวนี้เก็บหน่วย

<input name="textfield2" type="text" id="textfield2" value="" size="8" readonly="readonly" style="background:#FCF8C8"/> ส่วนตัวนี้โชว์หน่วยค่ัะ

แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2012-11-19 16:05:03 By : sumonrat


No. 3

โพสกระทู้ ( 3,156 )
บทความ ( 0 )

สมาชิกที่ใส่เสื้อไทยครีเอท Hall of Fame 2012


มีสินค้าในฐานข้อมูลกี่รายการครับ เยอะมั๊ย (ในตาราง product)
ที่ถามเพราะอยากให้ คลิกเมาส์ขวาแล้วเลือก view source มาให้ดูหน่อยอ่ะครับ
ต้องการดูโค้ดที่เป็น html ที่ได้จากการสร้างของ php น่ะครับ ลองเอามาวางให้ดู
แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2012-11-19 16:36:21 By : sakuraei


No. 4

โพสกระทู้ ( 117 )
บทความ ( 0 )


ตอบความคิดเห็นที่ : 3 เขียนโดย : sakuraei เมื่อวันที่ 2012-11-19 16:36:21
รายละเอียดของการตอบ ::
Code (PHP)
<link href="menu_assets/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
A:link { color:  ; text-decoration:none}
A:visited {color: ; text-decoration: none}
A:hover {color: }
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script language = "JavaScript">

		//**** List Province (Start) ***//
		function ListProvince(SelectValue)
			frmMain.ddlProvince.length = 0
			//*** Insert null Default Value ***//
			var myOption = new Option('','')  
			frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption
				x = 1;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 1;
				strValue = "1";
				strItem = "ป้ายพลาสติก+สติกเกอร์";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 2;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 1;
				strValue = "2";
				strItem = "ป้ายพลาสติก+อักษรพลาสติก";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 3;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 1;
				strValue = "3";
				strItem = "ป้ายพลาสติก+อักษรพลาสติก+โครงสร้างเหล็ก1นิ้ว(พื้นพลาสติก)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 4;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 1;
				strValue = "4";
				strItem = "ป้ายพลาสติก+อักษรพลาสติก+โครงสร้างเหล็ก1นิ้ว(ตัวอักษรพลาสติก)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 5;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 1;
				strValue = "5";
				strItem = "ป้ายพลาสติก+อักษรพลาสติก+โครงสร้างเหล็ก1นิ้ว(โครงเหล็กท่อเหลี่ยม1นิ้ว)";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 6;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 2;
				strValue = "6";
				strItem = "ป้ายไฟพลาสติก+สติกเกอร์ตู้ไฟ(ฝาครอบสังกะสีพ่นสี)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 7;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 2;
				strValue = "7";
				strItem = "ป้ายไฟพลาสติก+สติกเกอร์ตู้ไฟ(ฝาครอบสแตนเลสธรรมดา)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 8;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 2;
				strValue = "8";
				strItem = "ป้ายไฟพลาสติก+สติกเกอร์ตู้ไฟ(ฝาครอบสแตนเลสเงา)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 9;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 3;
				strValue = "9";
				strItem = "ป้ายไฟไวนิล+สติกเกอร์ตู้ไฟ(ฝาครอบสังกะสีพ่นสี)";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 10;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 3;
				strValue = "10";
				strItem = "ป้ายไฟไวนิล+สติกเกอร์ตู้ไฟ(ฝาครอบสแตนเลสเงา)";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 11;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 3;
				strValue = "11";
				strItem = "ป้ายไฟไวนิล+สติกเกอร์ตู้ไฟ(ฝาครอบสแตนเลสธรรมดา)";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 12;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 4;
				strValue = "12";
				strItem = "ป้ายสังกะสีปูพื้นด้วยสติกเกอร์+ตัวอักษรสติกเกอร์";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 13;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 4;
				strValue = "13";
				strItem = "ป้ายสังกะสีพื้นพ่นสี+ตัวอักษรสติกเกอร์";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 14;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 4;
				strValue = "14";
				strItem = "โครงเหล็กท่อเหลี่ยม1นิ้ว";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 15;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 5;
				strValue = "15";
				strItem = "สังกะสี+พ่นสี สูงไม่เกิน12นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 16;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 5;
				strValue = "16";
				strItem = "สังกะสี+พ่นสี สูงไม่เกิน24นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 17;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 5;
				strValue = "17";
				strItem = "สังกะสี+พ่นสี 36นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 18;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 6;
				strValue = "18";
				strItem = "สแตนเลส สูงไม่เกิน12นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 19;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 6;
				strValue = "19";
				strItem = "สแตนเลส สูงไม่เกิน24นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 20;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 6;
				strValue = "20";
				strItem = "สแตนเลส 36นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 21;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 7;
				strValue = "21";
				strItem = "สแตนเลส สูงไม่เกิน12นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 22;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 7;
				strValue = "22";
				strItem = "สแตนเลส สูงไม่เกิน24นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 23;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 7;
				strValue = "23";
				strItem = "สแตนเลส 36นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 24;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 8;
				strValue = "24";
				strItem = "พลาสติก สูงไม่เกิน12นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 25;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 8;
				strValue = "25";
				strItem = "พลาสติก สูงไม่เกิน24นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 26;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 8;
				strValue = "26";
				strItem = "พลาสติก 36นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 27;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 9;
				strValue = "27";
				strItem = "ทองแดงรมดำ สูงไม่เกิน12นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 28;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 9;
				strValue = "28";
				strItem = "ทองแดงรมดำ สูงไม่เกิน24นิ้ว";
				strunit = "นิ้ว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 29;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 10;
				strValue = "29";
				strItem = "ป้ายลอนซีอลูมิเนียม+โครงสร้างเหล็ก1นิ้ว";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 30;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 10;
				strValue = "30";
				strItem = "ป้ายพื้นคอมโพสิทอลูมิเนียม+โครงเหล็ก1นิ้ว";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 31;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 11;
				strValue = "31";
				strItem = "ป้ายพลาสติก+สติกเกอร์+โครงเหล็ก1นิ้ว(แบบตัวไอ)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 32;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 11;
				strValue = "32";
				strItem = "ป้ายพลาสติก+สติกเกอร์+โครงเหล็ก1นิ้ว(แบบสามเหลี่ยม)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 33;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 11;
				strValue = "33";
				strItem = "ป้ายไวนิล+พื้นสังกะสี+โครงเหล็ก1นิ้ว(แบบตัวไอ)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 34;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 11;
				strValue = "34";
				strItem = "ป้ายไวนิล+พื้นสังกะสี+โครงเหล็ก1นิ้ว(แบบสามเหลี่ยม)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 35;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 11;
				strValue = "35";
				strItem = "ป้ายไวนิล+โครงเหล็ก1นิ้ว(แบบตัวไอ)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 36;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 11;
				strValue = "36";
				strItem = "ป้ายไวนิล+โครงเหล็ก1นิ้ว(แบบสามเหลี่ยม)";
				strunit = "ตารางฟุต";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 37;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 12;
				strValue = "37";
				strItem = "ป้ายโครงไม้นิ้วครึ่งสามรองพื้นไม้อัด";
				strunit = "แผ่น";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 38;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 12;
				strValue = "38";
				strItem = "ป้ายโครงไม่สนรองพื้นไม้อัด";
				strunit = "แผ่น";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 39;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 13;
				strValue = "39";
				strItem = "ป้ายโครงเหล็กรองพื้นสังกะสี เบอร์30 เหล็กท่อเหลี่ยม1นิ้ว";
				strunit = "แผ่น";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 40;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 13;
				strValue = "40";
				strItem = "ป้ายโครงเหล็กไม่มีสังกะสี เหล็ก1นิ้ว";
				strunit = "โครง";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 41;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 14;
				strValue = "41";
				strItem = "ป้ายธงญี่ปุ่นไวนิล ขนาด .60 x 1.80 ม.(หล่อคอนกรีต)";
				strunit = "แผ่น";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 42;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 14;
				strValue = "42";
				strItem = "ป้ายธงญี่ปุ่นไวนิล ขนาด .60 x 1.20 ม.(แผ่นเหล็ก 5 มม.)";
				strunit = "แผ่น";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 43;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 14;
				strValue = "43";
				strItem = "ป้ายธงญี่ปุ่นไวนิล ขนาด .60 x 1.20 ม.";
				strunit = "แผ่น";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 44;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "44";
				strItem = "งานละเอียดคุณภาพสูง Indoor 1440 dpi (Hp5500)";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 45;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "45";
				strItem = "งานละเอียดคุณภาพ Indoor 1440 dpi (roland)";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 46;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "46";
				strItem = "งานละเอียดคุณภาพ Outdoor 1440 dpi (Gz3206) 1-20 ตร.ม.";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 47;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "47";
				strItem = "งานละเอียดคุณภาพ Outdoor 1440 dpi (Gz3206) 20-40 ตร.ม.";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 48;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "48";
				strItem = "งานละเอียดคุณภาพ Outdoor 1440 dpi (Gz3206) 40-60 ตร.ม.";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 49;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "49";
				strItem = "งานละเอียดคุณภาพ Outdoor 1440 dpi (Gz3206) 60 ตร.ม.ขึ้นไป";
				strunit = "ตารางเมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 50;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "50";
				strItem = "ตอกตาไก่";
				strunit = "ตัว";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 51;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "51";
				strItem = "ซีนขอบ";
				strunit = "เมตร";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 52;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 16;
				strValue = "52";
				strItem = "นามบัตร4สี 1 หน้า";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 53;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 16;
				strValue = "53";
				strItem = "นามบัตร 2 หน้า";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 54;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 16;
				strValue = "54";
				strItem = "นามบัตร ขาว-ดำ 1 หน้า";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 55;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 15;
				strValue = "55";
				strItem = "นามบัตร ขาว-ดำ 2 หน้า";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 56;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 17;
				strValue = "56";
				strItem = "บัตรเล็ก4สี 1 หน้า";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 57;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 17;
				strValue = "57";
				strItem = "บัตรเล็ก4สี 2 หน้า";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 58;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 18;
				strValue = "58";
				strItem = "A4 1 หน้า (อาร์ตมันบาง)";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 59;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 18;
				strValue = "59";
				strItem = "A4 2 หน้า (อาร์ตมันบาง)";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 60;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 18;
				strValue = "60";
				strItem = "A3 1 หน้า (อาร์ตมันบาง)";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 61;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 18;
				strValue = "61";
				strItem = "A3 2 หน้า (อาร์ตมันบาง)";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 62;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 19;
				strValue = "62";
				strItem = "การ์ดงานแต่ง พร้อมซอง";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 63;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 19;
				strValue = "63";
				strItem = "การ์ดงานบวช พร้อมซอง";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 64;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 20;
				strValue = "64";
				strItem = "A4";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 65;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 20;
				strValue = "65";
				strItem = "A3";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
				x = 66;
				mySubList = new Array();
				strGroup = 20;
				strValue = "66";
				strItem = "A5";
				strunit = "ใบ";
				mySubList[x,0] = strItem;
				mySubList[x,1] = strGroup;
				mySubList[x,2] = strValue;
				if (mySubList[x,1] == SelectValue){
					var myOption = new Option(mySubList[x,0], mySubList[x,2] )  
					frmMain.ddlProvince.options[frmMain.ddlProvince.length]= myOption	
					frmMain.textfield.value = strunit	
					frmMain.textfield2.value = strunit								
		//**** List Province (End) ***//



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<table width="900" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td align="center"><img src="pic/1.jpg" width="900" height="300"></td>
    <td align="center"><div id='cssmenu'>
   <li ><a href='personnel_index.php'><span>หน้าหลัก</span></a></li>
   <li><a href='personnel_contact.php'><span>ข้อความติดต่อ</span></a></li>
   <li><a href='personnel_news.php'><span>ข่าวประกาศ</span></a></li>
   <li ><a href='#'><span>สินค้า</span></a>
         <li><a href='pertypeproduct.php'><span>ประเภทสินค้า</span></a></li>
         <li><a href='perproduct_view.php'><span>ชนิดสินค้า</span></a></li>
   <li class='active'><a href='per_order.php'><span>รายการสั่งซื้อสินค้า</span></a></li>
   <li ><a href='perstock.php'><span>คลังสินค้า</span></a></li>
    <td align="center"><table width="900" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td align="left"><span class="style16"><span class="style65">ยินดีต้อนรับ</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
kaewruang&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="style65">เข้าสู่ระบบ<strong><span class="style34">
        <td align="right"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <td><a href="logout.php"><img src="pic/actions-close-icon.png" width="24" height="24" border="0"></a></td>
              <td align="left"><span class="style16"><span class="style65"><a href="logout.php" class="style91">ออกจากระบบ</a></span></span></td>
    <td align="center"><table width="900" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <td align="left"><table width="900" height="500" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#FCF8C8" bgcolor="#FCF8C8">
                <td width="900" align="center" valign="top"><table width="852" border="0" align="center">
                  <tr align="left">
                    <td colspan="2"><span class="style7">เพิ่มรายการสั่งซื้อ</span></td>
                  <tr align="left">
                    <td colspan="2"><span class="style35"><span class="style33">
                                              <span class="style42"><span class="style41">
                                        </span></span>                    <span class="style41">
                    <td colspan="2" align="center">
                  <tr align="left">
                    <td colspan="2"><form id="formname" form name="frmMain" method="post" action="perorder_saveadd.php" >
                            <table width="808" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1">
                                <td width="109" align="right" valign="top"><span class="style89">ประเภทสินค้า :</span></td>
                                <td width="674" align="left" valign="middle"><select id="select5" name="ddlGeo" onChange = "ListProvince(this.value)">
                                    <option value="" selected></option>
                                                                        <option value="1">
                                    พลาสติก                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="2">
                                    ป้ายไฟพลาสติก                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="3">
                                    ป้ายไฟไวนิล                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="4">
                                    สังกะสี                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="5">
                                    อักษรโลหะสังกะสี                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="6">
                                    อักษรโลหะสแตนเลสธรรมดา                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="7">
                                    อักษรโลหะสแตนเลสเงา                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="8">
                                    อักษรพลาสติก                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="9">
                                    อักษรทองแดงรมดำ                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="10">
                                    อลูมิเนียม                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="11">
                                    ป้ายตั้งพลาสติกและไวนิล+โครงสร้างเหล็ก                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="12">
                                    ป้ายโครงสร้างไม้(ไม่รวมไวนิล)                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="13">
                                    ป้ายโครงสร้างเหล็ก(ไม่รวมไวนิล)                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="14">
                                    ป้ายไวนิลธงญี่ปุ่น                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="15">
                                    ไวนิล                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="16">
                                    นามบัตร4สีอาร์ตมัน210แกรม                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="17">
                                    บัตรเล็ก4สี                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="18">
                                    โปสเตอร์A4                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="19">
                                    การ์ด(4x6นิ้ว)                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="20">
                                    เคลือบบัตร                                    </option>
                                                                        <option value="21">
                                    ตัดสติกเกอร์                                    </option>
                                  <span class="style75"><span class="style9"><span class="style44"><span class="style73"><span class="style76">
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="style89">ชื่อสินค้า : <span class="style87"><span class="style86"><span class="style88"><span class="style90"> </span></span></span></span><span class="style87"><span class="style86"><span class="style88"><span class="style90"> </span></span></span></span></span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle">
                                  <select id="select4" name="ddlProvince" onChange="frmMain.txtVol.value=this.value" >
                                <span class="style75"><span class="style9"><span class="style44"><span class="style73"><span class="style76">*
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="style89">รหัสสินค้า :</span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle"><span class="style75"><span class="style9"><span class="style44"><span class="style73"><span class="style76">
                                  <input name="txtVol" type="text" id="txtVol" value="" size="2" readonly="readonly" style="background:#FCF8C8"/>
                                td align="right" valign="top"><span class="style74">ความกว้าง :</span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle"><span class="style75"><span class="style9"><span class="style44"><span class="style73">
                                  <input name="wide" type="text" id="wide" size="8" />
                                  <span class="style116"><span class="style115">
                                  </span></span>                                <span class="style76">
                                  <input name="textfield" type="text" id="textfield" value="" size="8" readonly="readonly" style="background:#FCF8C8"/>
                                <span class="style114"><span class="style113">
                                </span></span> </span> <span class="style76"> </span></span></span></span></span></td>
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="style109">ความยาว : </span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle"><span class="style109"><span class="style9"> <span class="style44"><span class="style73">
                                  <input name="long" type="text" id="long" size="8" />
                                  <span class="style75"><span class="style76">
                                  <input name="textfield2" type="text" id="textfield2" value="" size="8" readonly="readonly" style="background:#FCF8C8"/>
                                </span></span> </span></span></span></span></td>
                                <td align="right" valign="middle"><span class="style109">จำนวน : </span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle"><span class="style109">
                                  <input name="quantity" type="text" id="quantity" size="8" />
                                  <span class="style44">*</span>ชิ้น </span></td>
                              <tr class="style109">
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="style103">ข้อความ :</span></td>
                                <td align="left" valign="middle"><span class="style104"><span class="style94"><span class="style105">
                                  <textarea name="text" cols="40" rows="2" id="text"></textarea>
                              <tr class="style109">
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                        <td width="73"><span class="style72">ค่าติดตั้ง</span></td>
                        <td width="71"><span class="style49"><span class="style72">ราคารวม</span></span></td>
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                        <td align="right" class="style49"><span class="style110"><span class="style72">0.00</span></span></td>
                        <td align="right" class="style49"><span class="style110"><span class="style72">0.00</span></span></td>
                        <td align="right" class="style49"><span class="style72">0.00</span></td>
                        <td align="center" class="style49"><span class="style9"><span class="style72">บาท</span></span></td>
                        <td align="center" class="style49"><span class="style9"></span> </td>
                    <td width="832" align="right"><span class="style12">
                    <a href="peradd_idorder.php"> <img src="pic/8.jpg" width="58" height="26" border="0"></a></span></td>
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    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    <td align="center"><img src="pic/4.jpg" width="900" height="50"></td>

แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2012-11-19 16:39:27 By : sumonrat


No. 5

โพสกระทู้ ( 3,156 )
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สมาชิกที่ใส่เสื้อไทยครีเอท Hall of Fame 2012


แสดงความคิดเห็นโดยอ้างถึง ความคิดเห็นนี้
Date : 2012-11-19 17:44:08 By : sakuraei




Re : มีปัญหานิดนึงค่ะคือตอนเลือก ชื่อสินค้า แล้วให้แสดง unit ใน textfield มันสามารถแสดงได้แล้ว แต่ แสดงไม่ตรงกับ id ของชื่อสินค้าตัวนั้น
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