รบกวนสอบถามเรื่อง การแทรงโค้ด php ลงไปได้ป่าวค่าบ แล้วพอจะแทรกลงไปตรงไหนคับ |
คือว่าผมต้องการดึงข้อมูลจากฐานข้อมูลมาแสดงในรูปแบบปฏิทิน อ่าคับ ไม่ทราบว่าจะต้องแทรก code เข้าไปตรงไหนคับ :(
Code (PHP)
class calendar {
public $language = "english";
public $appointment = '';
public $year_be = false;
public $page_url = '';
private $get_date = '';
private $get_month = '';
private $get_year = '';
function __construct() {
if ( isset($_GET['get_date']) ) {$this->get_date = trim(strip_tags($_GET['get_date']));} else {$this->get_date = date("d");}
if ( isset($_GET['get_month']) ) {$this->get_month = trim(strip_tags($_GET['get_month']));} else {$this->get_month = date("m");}
if ( isset($_GET['get_year']) ) {$this->get_year = trim(strip_tags($_GET['get_year']));} else {$this->get_year = date("Y");}
}// __construct
function __destruct() {
* array key exists recursive
* from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-key-exists.php by Benjamin*removethis*BeckATgmx.de
* @param mixed $needle
* @param array $haystack
* @return boolean
function array_key_exists_r($needle, $haystack) {
$result = array_key_exists($needle, $haystack);
if ($result) return $result;
foreach ($haystack as $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$result = $this->array_key_exists_r($needle, $v);
if ($result) return $result;
return $result;
}// array_key_exists_r
private function check_appointment($year = '', $month = '', $date = '') {
$date = str_pad($date, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if ( is_array($this->appointment) ) {
if ( $this->array_key_exists_r($year."-".$month."-".$date, $this->appointment) == true ) {
return " have_appointment";
}// check_appointment
* check_required_property
* @return string/true return string error if found required is empty or wrong value.
private function check_required_property() {
if ( $this->page_url == null ) {
return "Please set <strong>page_url</strong> property.";
if ( !is_numeric($this->get_date) || !is_numeric($this->get_month) || !is_numeric($this->get_year) ) {
return "Invalid get value.";
return true;// all pass
}// check_required_property
* display calendar
function display() {
// check required
if ( $this->check_required_property() !== true ) {return $this->check_required_property();}
// start render calendar table
$output = "<!--start calendar-->\n";
$output .= $this->display_start_table();
$output .= "<tr><td class=\"calendar_y_m\" colspan=\"7\">\n\n";
$output .= "<table class=\"calendar_year_month\">\n";
$output .= $this->display_year_month();
$output .= "</table>\n";
$output .= "\n</td></tr>\n";
// display week day and dates
$output .= $this->display_week_days();
$output .= $this->display_dates();
// end display week day and dates
$output .= $this->display_end_table();
$output .= "<!--end calendar-->\n";
return $output;
}// display
function display_appointment($year = '', $month = '', $date = '') {
$date = str_pad($date, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$output = "";
if ( is_array($this->appointment) ) {
if ( $this->array_key_exists_r($year."-".$month."-".$date, $this->appointment) == true ) {
$output .= "<span class=\"calendar_appointment\">";
foreach ( $this->appointment as $key => $item ) {
if ( isset($item['date'][$year."-".$month."-".$date]) ) {
$output .= $item['date'][$year."-".$month."-".$date] . "<br />";
$output .= "</span>";
return $output;
}// display_appointment
private function display_dates() {
$output = "<tr>\n";
$week_day = 0;
// find end date => day of month (if 28/2/2011 is monday or 1 fill until sat or 6)
$total_date = date("t", strtotime($this->get_year."-".$this->get_month));
$last_date_day = date("w", strtotime($this->get_year."-".$this->get_month."-".$total_date));// got 0-6 where 0=sun, 6=sat
if ( $last_date_day != '6' ) {
$total_date = (6-$last_date_day)+$total_date;
} else {
$total_date = $total_date;
// loop for dates
for ( $i=1; $i<=$total_date; $i++ ) {
// check if date is really a date (eg. 31-feb-2011 is impossible)
if ( checkdate($this->get_month, $i, $this->get_year) == false ) {
$output .= "<td class=\"calendar_date blank\"> </td>\n";
} else {
// match date to day. if not match set i to 1 (from the start eg. 1 of month is not sunday)
if ( date("w", strtotime($this->get_year."-".$this->get_month."-".$i)) != $week_day ) {
$i = 1;
// list date
if ( date("w", strtotime($this->get_year."-".$this->get_month."-".$i)) == $week_day ) {
$output .= "<td class=\"calendar_date" . $this->get_current_date($i) . $this->check_appointment($this->get_year, $this->get_month, $i) . " " . $this->get_current_click_date($i) . "\"";
$output .= " onclick=\"window.location='".$this->page_url."get_year=".$this->get_year."&get_month=".$this->get_month."&get_date=".$this->get_date . "&click_date=".$this->get_year."-".$this->get_month."-".str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)."';\"";
$output .= ">";
$output .= "<a href=\"" . $this->page_url . "get_year=".$this->get_year."&get_month=".$this->get_month."&get_date=".$this->get_date . "&click_date=".$this->get_year."-".$this->get_month."-".str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\">" . $i . "</a>";
$output .= $this->display_special_days($this->get_year, $this->get_month, $i);
$output .= $this->display_appointment($this->get_year, $this->get_month, $i);
$output .= "</td>\n";
} else {
$output .= "<td class=\"calendar_date blank\"> </td>\n";
// count week day (sun, mon, tue, ...)
if ( ($week_day+1) == 8 ) {
$week_day = 0;
$output .= "</tr>\n";
$output .= "<tr>\n";
$output .= "</tr>\n";
$output = str_replace("<tr>\n</tr>\n", "", $output);
return $output;
}// display_dates
private function display_get_next_month() {
if ( ($this->get_month+1) == '13' ) {
return $this->page_url."get_year=".($this->get_year+1)."&get_month=1"."&get_date=".$this->get_date;
} else {
return $this->page_url."get_year=".$this->get_year."&get_month=".str_pad(($this->get_month+1), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)."&get_date=".$this->get_date;
}// display_get_next_month
private function display_get_prev_month() {
if ( ($this->get_month-1) == '0' ) {
return $this->page_url."get_year=".($this->get_year-1)."&get_month=12"."&get_date=".$this->get_date;
} else {
return $this->page_url."get_year=".$this->get_year."&get_month=".str_pad(($this->get_month-1), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) ."&get_date=".$this->get_date;
}// display_get_prev_month
* display_month_name
* @return string
private function display_month_name() {
if ( checkdate($this->get_month, $this->get_date, $this->get_year) ) {
if ( $this->language == "thai" ) {
$th_month = array("มกราคม", "กุมภาพันธ์", "มีนาคม", "เมษายน", "พฤษภาคม", "มิถุนายน", "กรกฎาคม", "สิงหาคม", "กันยายน", "ตุลาคม", "พฤศจิกายน", "ธันวาคม");
return (isset($th_month[intval($this->get_month)-1]) ? $th_month[intval($this->get_month)-1] : "Could not match month.");
} else {
// english
return date("F", strtotime($this->get_year."-".$this->get_month."-".$this->get_date));
} else {
return "Invalid date value.";
}// display_month_name
private function display_end_table() {
return "</table>\n";
}// display_end_table
function display_special_days($year = '', $month = '', $date = '') {
$output = "";
if ( $this->language == "thai" ) {
if ( $month == "01" && $date == "01" ) {$output .= "วันขึ้นปีใหม่<br />" ;}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "02" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "02" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "03" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "04" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "05" ) {$output .= "วันหยุดงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "06" ) {$output .= "วันหยุดงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "07" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "08" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "09" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "10" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "11" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "12" ) {$output .= "วันหยุดงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "13" ) {$output .= "วันหยุดงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "14" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "15" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "16" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "17" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "18" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "19" ) {$output .= "วันหยุดงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "20" ) {$output .= "วันหยุดงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "21" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br/>";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "22" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "23" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "24" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />" ;}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "25" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "26" ) {$output .= "วันหยุดงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "27" ) {$output .= "วันหยุดงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "28" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "29" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "30" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "31" ) {$output .= "วันทำงาน<br />";}
} else {
if ( $month == "01" && $date == "01" ) {$output .= "New year's day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "01" && $date == "16" ) {$output .= "Teacher day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "02" && $date == "14" ) {$output .= "Valentine's day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "04" && $date == "06" ) {$output .= "Chakri memorial day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "04" && ($date >= "13" && $date <= "15") ) {$output .= "Songkran festival day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "05" && $date == "01" ) {$output .= "National labour day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "05" && $date == "05" ) {$output .= "Coronation day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "08" && $date == "12" ) {$output .= "H.M. The queen's birth day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "10" && $date == "23" ) {$output .= "Chulalongkorn memorial day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "12" && $date == "05" ) {$output .= "H.M. The king's birth day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "12" && $date == "10" ) {$output .= "Constitution day<br />";}
elseif ( $month == "12" && $date == "31" ) {$output .= "New year's eve<br />";}
// add span at begin and end point
if ( $output != null ) {
$output .= "</span>";
$output = "<br /><span class=\"special_day\">" . $output;
return $output;
}// display_special_days
private function display_start_table() {
return "<table class=\"okv_calendar\">\n";
}// display_start_table
private function display_week_days() {
$output = "<tr>\n";
for ( $i=1; $i<=7; $i++) {
$output .= "<td class=\"calendar_week_day\">" . $this->display_week_day_translate($i) . "</td>\n";
$output .= "</tr>\n";
return $output;
}// display_week_days
private function display_week_day_translate($day = '') {
if ( !is_numeric($day) ) {
return "Invalid day value.";
if ( $this->language == "thai" ) {
$th_day = array("อา", "จ", "อ", "พ", "พฤ", "ศ", "ส");
return (isset($th_day[intval($day-1)]) ? $th_day[intval($day-1)] : "?day?");
} else {
$en_day = array("S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S");
return (isset($en_day[intval($day-1)]) ? $en_day[intval($day-1)] : "?day?");
}// display_week_day_translated
private function display_year_month() {
$output = "<tr>\n";
$output .= "<td class=\"prev_year\"><a href=\"" . $this->page_url."get_year=".($this->get_year-1)."&get_month=".$this->get_month."&get_date=".$this->get_date . "\">«</a></td>\n";
$output .= "<td class=\"prev_month\"><a href=\"" . $this->display_get_prev_month() . "\">‹</td>\n";
$output .= "<td class=\"month_year\">" . $this->display_month_name()." ".$this->display_year_translated() . "</td>\n";
$output .= "<td class=\"next_month\"><a href=\"" . $this->display_get_next_month() . "\">›</a></td>\n";
$output .= "<td class=\"next_year\"><a href=\"" . $this->page_url."get_year=".($this->get_year+1)."&get_month=".$this->get_month."&get_date=".$this->get_date . "\">»</a></td>\n";
$output .= "</tr>\n";
return $output;
}// display_year_month
* display_year_translated
* @return int
private function display_year_translated() {
if ( checkdate($this->get_month, $this->get_date, $this->get_year) ) {
if ( $this->year_be == true ) {
return ($this->get_year+543);
} else {
return $this->get_year;
}// display_year_translated
private function get_current_date($date = '') {
if ( $this->get_year."-".$this->get_month."-".$date == date("Y-m-j") ) {
return " current_date";
}// get_current_date
private function get_current_click_date($date_check = '') {
if ( !is_numeric($date_check) ) {return '';}
$click_date = (isset($_GET['click_date']) ? trim(strip_tags($_GET['click_date'])) : "");
$c_year = date("Y", strtotime($click_date));
$c_month = date("m", strtotime($click_date));
$c_date = date("d", strtotime($click_date));
if ( $this->get_year == $c_year && $this->get_month == $c_month && $date_check == $c_date ) {
return "click_date";
Tag : PHP, MySQL
Date :
2013-01-14 10:20:19 |
By :
pongtave |
View :
768 |
Reply :
1 |
คิดว่าน่าจะแทรกใน function ของ display_dates() ครับ
Date :
2013-01-14 12:47:52 |
By :
mr.win |
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