อยากได้โค๊ดนับจำนวนครบ แล้วเปลี่ยนสถานะอัตโนมัติ ค่ะ
ไม่ได้ตรวจสอบโค้ดนะครับ เขียนตามแนวความคิดที่ว่า
Code (PHP)
$q=mysql_query("select * from tb_menu where parent='184' and sublevel='3' limit 5"); // ดึง 5 ตัว เงื่อนไข parent=184 and sublevel=3
while($r =mysql_fetch_array($q)){
$sq_ex[]=$r['id']; // เก็บค่าไอดี 5 ตัวไว้
mysql_query("update tb_menu set published='$i' , check_out_time=now() where id='$r[id]' "); // วนลูป update ค่า 5 ตัวที่ดึงเก็บค่าเรียง published 1-5
for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){ // วนลูปสร้างตัวแปร in
if($i>0) $in.=',';
mysql_query("update tb_menu set published='0' where parent='184' and sublevel='3' and id not in ($in) "); // id ที่ไม่ใช่ 5 ตัวระบุไว้ ให้ published = 0
Date :
2013-02-04 19:30:27
By :
หนูใส่แล้ว Error ค่ะ ^.^
Code (PHP)
<?php session_start();?>
<?php require_once('../../include/connect_cms.php'); ?>
<?php require_once('../../include/function_cms.php'); ?>
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<script language="JavaScript">
function ClickCheckAll(vol)
var i=1;
if(vol.checked == true)
function onDelete()
if(confirm('Do you want to delete ?')==true)
return true;
return false;
<!-- CheckAll Delete-->
<table id="broder-table" width="750" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#E9E9E6">
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<tr bgcolor="#003399">
<th height="36" colspan="14" bgcolor="" scope="col" align="center">
$id_menu = $_REQUEST['id']; //GET MENU
$sql_t = "select * from jos_menu where menutype = 'menuright' and id ='$id_menu' ";
$query_t = mysql_query($sql_t)or die(mysql_error());
$row_t = mysql_fetch_array($query_t);
<span class="style1"><p class="head1"><?php echo $row_t["name"]; ?></p></span></th>
<tr class="head1" bgcolor="#0066CC">
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<th align="center" class="head1" width="4%">No.</th>
<th align="center" class="head1" width="40%">Title</th>
<th align="center" class="head1" width="7%">Type</th>
<th align="center" class="head1" width="11%">Modified</th>
<th align="center" class="head1" width="19%">On Click, Open in</th>
<th align="center" class="head1" width="6%">Status</th>
<th align="center" class="head1" width="6%">Order</th>
<th align="center" colspan="4" bgcolor="#FFFF99">
<a href="a_insert_article.php?id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><font size="2" color="#FF0000">A</font></a>
<font color="#333333" >| </font>
<a href="a_insert_file.php?id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><font size="2" color="#FF0000">F</font></a>
<font color="#333333" >| </font>
<a href="a_insert_link.php?id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><font size="2" color="#FF0000">L</font></a>
$sql = "select * from jos_menu where menutype = 'menuright' and parent = '$id_menu' and sublevel = '3' and checked_out = '".$_SESSION["s_group"]."' order by ordering asc";
$result = mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());
$total = mysql_num_rows($result);
$pagesize = 50; // Per Page
$page = 1;
$total_page = ceil($total/$pagesize);
if (isset($_GET[page]))
$page = $_GET[page];
$start = ($page-1)*$pagesize;
$sql .= " limit $start,$pagesize";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
<!-- CheckAll Delete-->
$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
<!-- CheckAll Delete-->
<tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color?>">
<!--<th align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="chkDel[]" id="chkDel<?=$i;?>" value="<?=$row["id"];?>"></th>-->
<th align="center"><span class="style2"><?php echo $i+$start ?></span></th>
<th align="left"><span class="style2"><?php echo mb_substr($row["name"], 0, 35, 'utf-8'); ?></span></th>
<th align="center"><span class="style2"><?php echo linktype($row["rgt"]); ?></span></th>
<th align="center"><span class="style2"><?php echo modifiedshortdate($row["checked_out_time"]) ?></span></th>
<th align="center"><span class="style2"><?php echo linkwindow($row["browserNav"]) ?></span></th>
<th align="center">
<?php if ($_SESSION["s_level"] ==104){?>
<? if($row['published'] == 1){?>
<a href="a_published.php?id=<? echo $row['id']; ?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>&active=0"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/tick.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Enabled" /></a>
<? } else { ?>
<a href="a_published.php?id=<? echo $row['id']; ?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>&active=1"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/publish_x.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Disabled" /></a>
<? } ?>
<? } elseif ($_SESSION["s_level"]==107){?>
<? if($row['published'] == 1){?>
<? $row['id']; ?><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/tick.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Enabled" />
<? } else { ?>
<? $row['id']; ?><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/publish_x.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Disabled" />
<? } ?><? } ?>
<th align="center"><span class="style2"><?php echo $row["ordering"] ?></span></th>
<?php if ($row["rgt"] == '4'){?>
<th align="center" width="2%">
<a href="../p_menu/article_detailfrom.php?id=<?php echo $row["alias"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/detail_an.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Preview" /></a>
<? } elseif ($row["rgt"] == '5'){?>
<th align="center" width="2%">
<a href="../p_menu/file_detailfrom.php?id=<?php echo $row["id"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/detail_an.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Preview" /></a>
<? } elseif ($row["rgt"] == '6'){?>
<th align="center" width="2%">
<a href="../p_menu/link_detailfrom.php?id=<?php echo $row["id"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/detail_an.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Preview" /></a>
<? } ?>
<?php if ($row["rgt"] == '4'){?>
<th align="center" width="2%">
<a href="a_update_article.php?id=<?php echo $row["alias"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/notes_edit.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Edit" /></a>
<? } elseif ($row["rgt"] == '5'){?>
<th align="center" width="2%">
<a href="a_update_file.php?id=<?php echo $row["id"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/notes_edit.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Edit" /></a>
<? } elseif ($row["rgt"] == '6'){?>
<th align="center" width="2%">
<a href="a_update_link.php?id=<?php echo $row["id"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/notes_edit.png" alt="Update" width="15" border="0" title="Edit" /></a>
<? } ?>
<?php if ($row["rgt"] == '4'){?>
<th width="2%"><a href="#" onclick="javascript: if(confirm('Delete Menu Article <?php echo "\'".$row["name"]."\'" ?> ???')){window.location='article_delete.php?id=<?php echo $row["alias"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>';}"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/delete_f2.png" width="15" border="0" title="Delete" /></a>
<? } elseif ($row["rgt"] == '5'){?>
<th width="2%"><a href="#" onclick="javascript: if(confirm('Delete Menu Link <?php echo "\'".$row["name"]."\'" ?> ???')){window.location='file_delete.php?id=<?php echo $row["id"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>';}"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/delete_f2.png" width="15" border="0" title="Delete" /></a>
<? } elseif ($row["rgt"] == '6'){?>
<th width="2%"><a href="#" onclick="javascript: if(confirm('Delete Menu Link <?php echo "\'".$row["name"]."\'" ?> ???')){window.location='link_delete.php?id=<?php echo $row["id"]?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>&id_menu=<? echo $id_menu; ?>';}"><img src="../images/icons_backoffice/delete_f2.png" width="15" border="0" title="Delete" /></a>
<? } ?>
<!-- Entry Not Found -->
if($num <= 0){
<tr class="comment">
<td height="30" colspan="14" align="center" valign="middle">Entry Not Found</td>
<!-- Entry Not Found -->
<!-- CheckAll Delete-->
<!-- CheckAll Delete-->
<!-- CheckAll Delete-->
<tr class="delete_all">
<td class="head1" height="4">
<!--<div align="left"><input type="submit" name="btnDelete" value="Del"><input type="hidden" name="hdnCount" value="<?=$i;?>">
<!-- CheckAll Delete-->
<br />
<div align="left"><strong>
Page :
<?php for ($i=1; $i<=$total_page; $i++){
if ($i==$page)
echo " $i ";
//echo " <a href='?page=$i'>$i</a> ";
echo "[ <a href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?page=$i&txtsearch=$_GET[txtsearch]'>$i</a> ]";
if ($i!=$total_page)
echo " | ";
<br />
Total : <?php echo $total ?> items
</strong><br />
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<div id="boxweb3"></div>
<? require_once "../footer.php"; ?>
Date :
2013-02-05 10:16:29
By :
ไปใส่ตรงไหนครับ แล้ว error อะไรครับ
* ฐานข้อมูลคล้ายๆ ของ joomla เลย ไปแกะโค้ด joomla มาหรอครับ
Date :
2013-02-05 15:17:09
By :
ใช่คะ แกะโค้ดทำทั้งระบบเลย 555+
Date :
2013-02-05 17:10:22
By :
ลองดูน่ะครับ ยังไม่ได้ทดสอบโค้ดเลย
$maxrow = 100;
$sql="select id from tb_menu where parent='184' and sublevel='3' order by id desc limit 5,$maxrow";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($data = mysql_fetch_row($res)){
$outerid[] = $data[0];
$outeridString = implode("," , $outerid);
$sql = "update tb_menu set published='0' where id in ($outeridString)";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
// " ให้นับจากช่อง parent='184' พอนับครบ 5 อันและเป็นประเภท sublevel= '3' เท่านั้น แล้วให้เปลี่ยนสถานะที่เหลือ เช่น 6 ถึง n... ในช่อง published ให้เป็น= '0'"
//ส่วน เงื่อนไขต่อไปนี้ ผมไม่เข้าใจครับ "โดยอ้างอิงวันเวลาใหม่และเปลี่ยนสถานะให้เป็น published= '1' ก็จะแสดงผล 1 ถึง 5 ค่ะ"
Date :
2013-02-06 00:27:26
By :
Code (PHP)
$maxrow = 100;
$sql="select id from tb_menu where parent='184' and sublevel='3' order by id desc limit 5,$maxrow";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($data = mysql_fetch_row($res)){
$outerid[] = $data[0];
$outeridString = implode("," , $outerid);
$sql = "update tb_menu set published='0' where id in ($outeridString)";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
Date :
2013-02-07 15:28:12
By :
Load balance : Server 00